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"Serbiens zweites Auge" MONTENEGRO

Lady of the Rocks - Gospa od Škrpjela

Our Lady of the Rocks (Serbian:Gospa od Škrpjela, Госпа од шкрпјела) is one of the two islets off the coast of Perast in Bay of Kotor, Montenegro (the other being Sveti Đorđe Island). It is an artificial island created by bulwark of rocks and by sinking old and seized ships loaded with rocks.

The custom of throwing rocks into the sea is alive even nowadays. Every year on the sunset of July 22, an event called fašinada, when local residents take their boats and throw rocks into the sea, widening the surface of the island, takes place.

The Church of Our Lady of the Rocks (Serbian:Gospa od Škrpjela, Госпа од шкрпјела) in the Bay of Kotor is the church built upon the island. The first known church was built on it in 1452 and it was Serbian Orthodox.

Miločer - Милочер, the queen's Beach

Miločer (Милочер) beach is located near the former summer residence of the serbian royal family Karađorđević, built in 1934. The beach is 280 m long, surrounded by woods covering the area of 18 ha, with rare exotic tree species like the Lebanon Cedar, tropical mimosas, loquats, cacti, agavas and others. Miločer beach belongs to high category of sandy beaches.


Serbian Orthodox Churche, Sv.Petra and Pavla
