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"Serbiens zweites Auge" MONTENEGRO


Serbian Kirche-Hram der grösste in Montenegro

Podgorica - Подгорица

Is the largest City in Montenegro with a Population of 136'000.

The name means "under the Gorica" in Serbian language. Gorica (meaning "little mountain") is the name of the hill that overlooks the city centre.

About 3 kilometres northwest of Podgorica are the ruins of Doclea, a town known in Greek, pre-Roman and Roman times. The Roman Emperor Diocletian came from this region. In later centuries, Romans "corrected" the name to Dioclea, guessing wrongly that an "i" had been lost in vulgar speech. "Duklja" is the later (Slavic/Serbian) version of that word.

When founded (before the 11th century), the town was called Birziminium. In the Middle Ages, it was known as Ribnica. The name Podgorica was used from 1326. From 1946 to 1992 it was called Titograd.
