Die Trennung von Kirche und Staat wird weiter ausgehöhlt. RTS verpflichtet sich zu mehr kirchlichen/religiösen Inhalten bei seinen Sendungen, z.B. Sendungen über die traditionellen Religionsgemeinschaften des Landes, Übertragungen von Gottesdiensten, usw.
State-owned station signs contract with church
6 July 2007 | 11:30 | Source: B92, Beta
BELGRADE -- Radio Television Serbia has signed a cooperation contract with traditional churches and religious communities. The contract calls for producing more shows that deal with the work of the church and religious communities in Serbia which the state deems as being “traditional.”
Along with the current shows, the contract calls for the direct broadcasts of 12 church services, and marking the most important church holidays.
In addition, there will also be broadcasts of “theory and dialogue shows regarding religion, tradition and contemporary society.”
RTS is financed in part by Serbian taxpayers.
Quelle: B92
Saradnja RTS-a i crkava
5. jul 2007. | 15:24 -> 16:19 | Izvor: B92, Beta
Beograd -- Radio-televizija Srbije je s tzv. tradicionalnim crkvama i verskim zajednicama potpisala sporazum o programskoj saradnji. Sporazum predviđa zajednički rad na proizvodnji više emisija koje će pratiti rad svih crkava i verskih zajednica u Srbiji koje država tretira kao tradicionalne. Pored dosadašnjih emisija, ugovorom je predviđeno prenošenje 12 različitih bogosluženja, obeležavanje značajnih verskih praznika i prenošenje "dijaloških i teorijskih emisija o religiji, tradiciji i savremenom društvu".
RTS se finansira, između ostalog, i od pretplate građana Srbije.
Quelle: B92
State-owned station signs contract with church
6 July 2007 | 11:30 | Source: B92, Beta
BELGRADE -- Radio Television Serbia has signed a cooperation contract with traditional churches and religious communities. The contract calls for producing more shows that deal with the work of the church and religious communities in Serbia which the state deems as being “traditional.”
Along with the current shows, the contract calls for the direct broadcasts of 12 church services, and marking the most important church holidays.
In addition, there will also be broadcasts of “theory and dialogue shows regarding religion, tradition and contemporary society.”
RTS is financed in part by Serbian taxpayers.
Quelle: B92
Saradnja RTS-a i crkava
5. jul 2007. | 15:24 -> 16:19 | Izvor: B92, Beta
Beograd -- Radio-televizija Srbije je s tzv. tradicionalnim crkvama i verskim zajednicama potpisala sporazum o programskoj saradnji. Sporazum predviđa zajednički rad na proizvodnji više emisija koje će pratiti rad svih crkava i verskih zajednica u Srbiji koje država tretira kao tradicionalne. Pored dosadašnjih emisija, ugovorom je predviđeno prenošenje 12 različitih bogosluženja, obeležavanje značajnih verskih praznika i prenošenje "dijaloških i teorijskih emisija o religiji, tradiciji i savremenom društvu".
RTS se finansira, između ostalog, i od pretplate građana Srbije.
Quelle: B92