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Skopje Alexander the Great Airport wird WizzAirs 17. Basis

[h=3]Germania - Ab 69 Euro von Berlin nach Skopje[/h]

Interessante Flugverbindung für Geschäftsreisende nach Mazedonien im Raum Berlin und Brandenburg: In Kooperation mit dem Reiseveranstalter Air Prishtina fliegt Germania seit Ende Dezember zweimal wöchentlich nonstop vom Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld in die mazedonische Hauptstadt Skopje.
Die Verbindung steht immer montags und freitags im Flugplan. Montags startet ST1992 um 17.55 Uhr in Berlin und erreicht Skopje um 20.15 Uhr. Der Rückflug hebt um 21.00 Uhr in der mazedonischen Hauptstadt ab und landet um 23.25 Uhr in Schönefeld. Freitags ist bereits um 15.25 Uhr Abflug in SXF (Ankunft Skopje: 17.45 Uhr). In der Gegenrichtung heben die Germania-Jets um 18.30 Uhr in Skopje ab (Ankunft Berlin: 20.55 Uhr).

Die Flüge sind one-way bereits ab 69 Euro buchbar. Tickets sind im Internet sowie im Reisebüro erhältlich. Alle Preise sind inklusive Steuern und Gebühren und enthalten bereits die gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Luftverkehrsabgabe.

Air Prishtina ist der führende Anbieter von preiswerten und qualitativ hochwertigen Flugreisen in den Kosovo und nach Mazedonien. Das Unternehmen für ethnische Flugreisen ist seit drei Jahrzehnten am Markt und schlägt für Bürger mit familiärem Hintergrund im Kosovo und in Mazedonien eine Brücke in die Heimat.

In den vergangenen Jahren konnte das Unternehmen Air Prishtina seinen Marktanteil deutlich ausbauen. Gegründet wurde Air Prishtina im Jahr 1981 als „Reisebüro Prishtina (RBP)“ durch Bexhet Sallahu. Sein Konzept basierte darauf, den in Europa lebenden Kosovaren preiswerte, sichere und zuverlässige Flugmöglichkeiten zu ihren Angehörigen im Kosovo und Umgebung zu vermitteln.

Bereits im Gründungsjahr organisierte er den ersten Zivilflug nach Prishtina und wandelte den dortigen Militärflughafen in einen Zivilflughafen um. Dass heute der Flughafen von Prishtina zu den meist frequentieren auf dem Balkan gehört, ist ein großer Verdienst seines unermüdlichen Engagements.

Leyla Ibrahimi-Salahi, VR-Präsidentin und CEO der Air Prishtina AG: „Preisgünstige Tickets, Zuverlässigkeit und hohe Qualitätsstandards sowie freundliche und kompetente Kabinen-Crews sind die Grundlage unseres Erfolgs und ein Garant dafür, dass wir unsere führende Position im Markt sichern und weiter ausbauen können. Wir freuen uns daher sehr, dass wir mit Germania einen renommierten Partner an unserer Seite haben, der genau für diese Eigenschaften steht wie kaum eine andere Airline in Deutschland.“

Oliver Pawel, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) von Germania: „Air Prishtina ist seit vielen Jahrzehnten einer der Innovationsführer, wenn es um ethnischen Flugverkehr aus Deutschland auf den Balkan geht. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir diese Erfolgsgeschichte nun gemeinsam fortsetzen und den Mitbürgern aus Mazedonien nun eine direkte Verbindung von Berlin nach Skopje anbieten können.“
[h=3]Macedonia's Alexander The Great Airport has been named best small airport in Europe - second year in a row[/h]

For a second year in a row Skopje's Alexander The Great Airport has been named the best airport in Europe handling under two million passengers according to Airports Council International (ACI). As the industry’s most comprehensive customer service benchmarking tool, the ACI survey captures passengers’ immediate assessment from check in through departure at the gate at more than 285 airports. These awards represent passengers’ views on 34 key service indicators and are an objective and accurate indicator of the top worldwide performing airports. The awards are presented in four categories that include: best airport by region, best airport by size, best small airport and best improvement.

Skopje Alexander the Great Airport is the only in the former Yugoslavia to win or be shortlisted for an award this year. In the past, within the former Yugoslavia, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik and Pristina have received ACI awards in the same category. Meanwhile, Moscow Sheremetyevo was named Europe’s best airport, ahead of Zurich, Porto, Keflavik and Malta. Gothenburg was the continent’s biggest improvement on last year. “As airports face the increasingly competitive and demanding aviation market, it is crucial to keep a focus on meeting and exceeding passenger expectations. Airport managers need factual intelligence to guide their efforts and optimize their investments. The ACI Survey is a tool that provides data that enables airports to identify what their passengers value most and what the airport community needs to do to achieve excellence in customer service”, Angela Gittens, Director General at ACI World said.

Skopje Airport opened its brand new terminal in September 2011. It is managed by the Turkish TAV group. In 2013 Macedonia’s busiest airport saw impressive passenger growth of 18.8%. While the airport did see its numbers slump this January, it expects to return to strong growth later this year with Wizz Air to base a second aircraft in the city in spring and launch several new routes. Furthermore, Alitalia will launch flights from Rome.
[h=3]PalAir Macedonian Airways[/h]Labels: Geschichte

Palair Macedonian Airways
IATA-Code: 3D
Rufzeichen: PALAIR
Gründung: 1991
Betrieb eingestellt: 1997
Sitz: Skopje, Mazedonien, Makedonien
Heimatflughafen: Flughafen Alexander der Große Skopje
Flottenstärke: 3
Ziele: Innereuropäisch
Palair Macedonian Airways (mazedonisch: Авиокомпанија oder Палер Македонија), auch Palair oder Palair Macedonian war eine makedonische Fluggesellschaft mit Sitz auf dem Flughafen Skopje und nahm Liniendienste am 3. Juni 1991 auf. Zum Einsatz kamen Flugzeuge der Serie Fokker 100, Fokker 27 und Tupolew 154M, die in voller Bemalung komplett Rot lackiert waren. 1995 wurde das Linienfluggeschäft aufgegeben, Charterflüge gab es bis 1997.

[h=3]Skopje – Rome in just two hours - new direct flight introduced[/h]

Airline Company “Alitalia” from May 2 introduces direct flight from Skopje to Rome

Fashion, wine, pizza, architecture, all this can be found in Italy and the heart of this country has never been closer to us. Rome will be available to us in less than two hours, with the new direct line Skopje- Rome, by the airline “Alitalia”.

There will be daily flights, conducted by Embraer E -175 aircrafts. This month will have a reduced schedule of 30 flights Rome – Skopje – Rome, and there will be a full schedule of daily flights in June.

“Alitalia” appointed VAS Tour Operator LLC, as general agent for Macedonia, which offers information and booking flights.

More details will be announced at tomorrow’s press conference, where the General Manager of TAV Macedonia Zoran Krstevski, Italian Ambassador to Macedonia Ernesto Massimino Bellelli and regional manager of “Alitalia” Marc Cavalirela, will address.
[h=3]“Wizz Air” reaches 14 European destinations from Macedonia[/h]

Low-cost airline Wizz Air released the winter flight schedule 2014 for Macedonia. The network of the Hungarian company, which uses the services of the airport “Alexander the Great” led by “TAV Macedonia”, will include a total of 14 destinations in eight different countries.

The company in the winter period will commutes to Paris twice a week, and three times per week to Eindhoven, Munich and London and four times per week to Malmo.

- “Wizz Air” gladly presents its winter flight schedule for Macedonia. Numerous exciting destinations like Paris, London and Malmo, already available at low cost from Skopje. We hope that our 14 interesting winter flights will bring many smiles in Macedonia. Tickets for winter travel schedule for 2014 can already be purchased on our website, says “Wizz Air” official Daniel de Carvalho.
[h=3]Cheap flights have reinvigorated air transport in Macedonia[/h]

Airlines in the country are noticing real boom. Low cost companies have turned the air transport into new bright spot of the Macedonian transport sector. The number of passengers is growing, the offer is enriched with new destinations, increased number of flights, new airlines, analyze Lider.mk.

All the facts indicate that 2014 will be record year in which through the two airports will be transported over million passengers.

According to the Agency for Civil Airtransport, in the first five months of this year, the number of passengers was increased by 18.6 percents compared with the same period last year, while at goods shipping was registered an increase of 22.4%.

From both airports “Alexander the Great” and “St.. Paul the Apostle “in Ohrid, were transported 433.349 passengers. 96.8% used the services of the airport in Skopje, while 3.2% in Ohrid. If we keep this momentum, and if we consider that in January were canceled many flights due to fog, then it is quite obvious that we will overcome million of passengers.

This year grows the number of passengers using low-cost flights and services offered by low cost companies. “Wizz Air” is again the leading airline.

When analyzing the data, then we can conclude that the low cost carriers and state subsidies are the cause of the positive developments in aviation. If we take as relevant data from all 2013, out of the total number of passengers, 440,127 flew with aircrafts of the low cost companies, which is increase of fantastic 240% compared to 2012.

Services used by regular airlines were used by the 481 809 passengers, although per company, there is no one that can be compared with “Wizz Air” in relation to the number of passengers. Leader is the regular company “Turkish Airlines” with 127,855 passengers in 2013.

Overall, “Wizz Air” has share of over 36%, followed by “Turkish Airlines” with 13% and 10% Austrian.

Three years ago, the low cost companies were not sufficiently familiar to domestic passengers, but by subsidizing this was changed, together with the previous crash of visa regime for Macedonian citizens, as well as placing the airports under the umbrella of “TAV” were created set of favorable conditions for the development of domestic air traffic.

“Since 2010, the number of passengers is increased by 44 percents. In the last three years we have noted average growth of 10 percents, which is very high, especially given that the highest average growth in Europe is five percents”- explains Deputy – Director of “TAV Macedonia”Alper Ersoy Tungaj.

The full analysis can be read at Lider.mk.
[h=3]Growth of passenger numbers on Macedonian airports is three times higher than European average![/h]

“Alexander the Great” and “Ss. Apostle Paul,” the two airports managed by” TAV Macedonia” in the first half of 2014 continued with steady growth in the number of passengers. From January to June, the domestic airports were used by 559,779 passengers, which is increase of 18.5 percents compared with the same period last year, when their number was 472,536.

-While in Europe, the rise in the number of passengers is between five and six percents, Macedonian airports in the first six months of the year had increase, which was three times greater. “Wizz Air” opened its base at the Skopje airport and began to fly with two planes to new destinations such as Paris, Frankfurt, Brussels, and Cologne. In addition, “Alitalia” again opened the direct line from Rome to Skopje. Since the beginning of the year to date, top five destinations are Istanbul, Zurich, Vienna, London and Malmo, highlights Zoran Krstevski, general manager of “TAV Macedonia”.

Although summer has started recently, the country is proven as truly popular choice among travelers. In June last year 107,178 passengers used the services of Macedonian airports, while in June 2014 this statistical category reached 126,430, which is improvement of 18 percents.

-As result of direct flights to many destinations from Skopje airport, has increased the numbers of passenger, not only in Macedonia, but also from other countries. In order to maintain growth in the number of passengers since we have started with management of the Macedonian airports, “TAV Macedonia” and “TAV Airports”, continue with promotional and marketing activities, says Krstevski.

The part with the number of flights or aircraft movements also showed improvement, not only in the previous month, but also in the first half of the 2014. In June 2013 there were 1,176 take-offs and landings, and in June this year 1342, which is increase of 14 percents. In the first six months of 2013, however, there were 5.740 movements, and from January to June this year, that number is 6.331, which is improvement of 10 percentage points.

These latest data indicate not only the statistical increase in the number of passengers at both airports managed by “TAV Macedonia”, but also serve as confirmation of the confidence they have in the services the company offers. With the use of the airports, they provide personal confirmation of the award “Best Airport in Europe”.

Skopje airport “Alexander the Great” won this award in the category of airports under two million passengers, which is assigned by the International Council of Airports, the global platform of the airport operators. Given that the company has won the award twice in row and taking into consideration the growth in passenger numbers in the first half of 2014, “TAV Macedonia” will continue to work hard to keep the leading position and constantly improve the level of services.

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[h=3]Macedonia in search of a renowned airline to be its National Flag bearer[/h]Labels: Transport

Macedonia is looking for and flag bearer in the European sky. A national airline which will promote the state, will develop national aviation industry, will bring benefits of a new fleet, new jobs, destinations. The Government starts the procedure, will explore the interest of world renowned companies to establish a branch in the country. According to experts’ opinions, the existing modern airports and the million of passengers make the perfect time to find a company to fly under the Macedonian flag and to return the qualified personnel to the country, MRT reports.

We will have a chance to see planes with the Macedonian flag and ensigns in the sky again, our qualified personnel, pilots, flight attendants, to return to the country, and open new jobs, besides the aviation personnel, will be created,” said pilot Kiril Kaevski for MRT.

A consulting company will analyse the market to see whether famous airlines are interested to operate through the strategic partnership with Macedonia.
Along with the Government we will put on paper all the conditions the government can offer, such as additional subsidies, to reserve the best lines for that particular airline and other benefits the Government could offer. After creating such package, after the complete analysis, a few roadshows will take place to present the package for establishment of a base in Macedonia to many world renowned airlines, both European and global ones,” stated Transport and Connections Minister Mile Janakieski.
In order for Skopje to become a regional center for airline passengers, the state must have a national airline. This is also the opinion of Sani Şener, the head of TAV.

It requires investments, to additionally influence to increase passengers number. Turkish Airlines currently play that role by flying 14 times a week from Skopje to Istanbul and the low-budget company Wizz Air which operates with direct flight from Skopje to many European destinations,” says Sani Şener, co-founder and chief executive officer of TAV Airports.
In the past two decades, three companies have been operating under the Macedonian flag, while “Paler”, “Avioimpex” and “MAT” have attempted to establish a national airline carrier on several occasions. Up until now, the Government has been dissociating itself from this idea, focusing its strategy on attracting low-budget companies and offering flight subsidies.
Jedes Jahr haben wir in etwa ein Wachstum von zehn Prozent», erklärte Alp Er Tunga Ersoy, Vizechef von TAV Macedonia, dem türkischen Betreiber der Flughäfen in Skopje und Ohrid. «Und das obwohl das Wachstum auf dem europäischen Markt bei nur fünf Prozent liegt.» Insbesondere Billigflieger landen immer häufiger in Mazedonien. Grund dafür dürften wohl auch massive Subventionen des Staates sein.
