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Skopje Alexander the Great Airport wird WizzAirs 17. Basis

[h=1]Skopje Airports Awaits the Millionth Passenger Today[/h]
October 28, 2014, Tuesday @ 12:00 in Independent Insider » FEATURES | Views: 7
Skopje airport Alexander the Great. Photo: Vlatko Perkovski

Alexander the Great airport in Skopje is waiting for the millionth passenger to arrive today.
The Deputy PM in charge of economic affairs, Vladimir Pesevski and the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mile Janakieski are to attend the modest celebration, organized to mark the welcome.
Alexander the Great airport was modernized in September 2011, with an investment of around EUR 100 million by the Turkish concessioner TAV.

Tags: Alexander the Great airport, millionth passenger, celebration, TAV
- See more at: Skopje Airports Awaits the Millionth Passenger Today - Independent.mk
[h=3]SWISS AIR to Launch Skopje-Geneva Flight for EUR 40[/h]

As of Saturday, travelers will be able to fly from Skopje to Geneva from the Alexander the Great airport, with one-way ticket costing EUR 40.

TAV Macedonia director, Zoran Krstevski, said Switzerland's airline SWISS will operate the flight, adding it would benefit Macedonian emigrants and contribute to tourism development.

"Following Basel and Zurich, this is the third destination in Switzerland," Krstevski said.

Swiss representative, Bernhard Wodl voiced satisfaction the airliner has managed to include Skopje in their expanding network of destinations.

"Skopje is increasingly becoming a travel destination, along with Ohrid. In this way, we are expecting to bring Macedonia closer to Switzerland," Wold stressed.

The Swiss airline will operate the flight from the Skopje-based airport every Tuesday.
[h=3]Number of Passengers at Macedonian Airports Increases[/h]

At least 268,400 passengers traveled through Skopje Alexander the Great airport and Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle airport in the first quarter of 2015 suggesting that a 29.1% increase has been registered compared to the same period last year when the airports were used by 207,963 passengers, the Ministry of Transport and Communication said Saturday.

Between January and March, 264,165 passengers were reported at the Skopje airport, which is an increase of 29.3% in relation to the same period in 2014 when 204,285 passengers were registered. About 4,235 passengers travelled through the Ohrid airport in the first three months of this year. There is also an increase of 15.1% compared to the same period in 2014 when 3,678 passengers were registered.

According to the number of passengers, the most visited destinations in January, February and March were Istanbul, Zurich, Basel, Vienna, Malmo, London and Munich.

Direct flights will be introduced as of this June to five new destinations in Europe, including Barcelona, Oslo, Nurnberg, Hamburg and Friedrichshafen.

The registered continuous rise in the number of passengers and the number of companies operating with new destinations comes as a result of the government-run project for financial support to promote and develop air transportation. Thus, the positive policies focused on developing air transport will continue to be implemented in the years to come in an effort to promote our country as an attractive tourist and business destination,” the Ministry of Transport and Communications said in a press release.

[h=3]From tomorrow new direct flight Ohrid-Basel[/h]

At the Ohrid airport “St. Paul the Apostle” tomorrow will be promoted the official launch of the direct flight to Basel. The airline “Wizzair” will operate with this new destination twice a week.

Yesterday however, the low cost airline “Wizzair” from Skopje airport “Alexander the Great” introduced 5 new direct airlines to European cities Barcelona, ​​Oslo, Nuremberg, Hamburg and Friedrichshafen, also twice a week.

The six new airlines, “Wizzair” will operate with subsidies from the Macedonian government, under the agreement with the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

– With the introduction of new lines, we create opportunity through affordable tickets to visit the most desirable and most attractive cities in Europe. We create conditions for the citizens of Macedonia through cheap tickets easily to travel to European capitals, aimed at economic development, education, culture, health and tourism, said at the promotion of flights, Minister of Transport and Communications Minister Vlado Misajlovski.

The event for promoting the new flight Ohrid -Basel will take place tomorrow at 18:40 am on the Ohrid airport, and welcoming for first passengers will be done by Zoran Krstevski, Director General of “TAV Macedonia” and Nikola Bakracheski, mayor of Ohrid.

[h=3]Wizz Air startet Friedrichshafen-Skopje[/h]

Zweimal wöchentlich vom Bodensee nach Mazedonien.

Wizz Air ist zum Erstflug von Friedrichshafen nach Skopje gestartet: Die Fluglinie wird künftig zweimal pro Woche - am Montag und Freitag - zwischen dem Bodensee und der mazedonischen Hauptstadt fliegen. Zum Einsatz kommt der Airbus A320 mit 180 Sitzplätzen.

Die größte Low Cost Airline Osteuropas fliegt derzeit 110 Destinationen an und betreibt 20 Basen. Die Flotte besteht ausschließlich aus Airbus A320 - momentan sind es 55 Stück des Musters.

Friedrichhafen (FDH) - Skopje (SKP): Mo & Fr 16:05 - 18:05 Uhr
Skopje (SKP) - Friedrichshafen (FDH): Mo & Fr 13:30 - 15:35 Uhr

[h=3]Skopje Airport Introduces Five More Destinations[/h]

As of June 30, low-budget company WizzAir is to introduce direct flights from Skopje's airport Alexander the Great to Barcelona, Oslo, Nurnberg, Hamburg and Friedrichshafen, twice a week.

From St. Paul the Apostle airport in Ohrid, the WizzAir will operate a direct flight to Basel, also twice a week, as of Wednesday.

The new six direct flights will be handled by the low-budget airliner, but with subventions provided by the Macedonian Government, in line with an agreement signed with the Ministry of Transport and Connections.

In the past period, direct flights were established from Macedonia to Malmo, Basel -Mulhouse, Milan - Bergamo, Eindhoven, Dortmund, Memmingen, Munich, Stockholm, Goteborg, London-Luton, Venice, Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, Cologne and Rome.

vielleicht werde ich mal einen abstecher ins reich der makedonen fuer ein wochenende starten...

[h=5]Zivile Luftfahrt[/h]
[h=3]Wizz Air startet Verbindung Nürnberg – Skopje[/h]
Am 01. Juli 2015 um 15:55 Uhr startete der erste Flug der neuen Direktverbindung von Nürnberg nach Skopje, der Partnerstadt Nürnbergs. Die Mazedonische Hauptstadt ist das dritte Ziel, das Wizz Air nonstop ab dem Albrecht Dürer Airport anfliegt.

An Bord der ersten Maschine waren 174 Passagiere, unter ihnen Christian Vogel, Bürgermeister der Stadt Nürnberg, Dr. Norbert Schürgers, Leiter des Amts für Internationale Beziehungen, Honorarkonsul der Republik Mazedonien Dr. Gerhard Paul Krüger, sowie Vertreter des Stadtrats Max Höffkes (CSU), Nasser Ahmed (SPD), und Elke Leo (Grüne). In Skopje wird die Delegation von Oberbürgermeister Koce Trajanovski, der Botschafterin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Dr. Christine Althauser und dem Minister für Transport, Vlado Misajlovski, empfangen.

Skopje, seit 1982 Nürnbergs Partnerstadt, hat 530.000 Einwohner und ist 1.165 Kilometer Luftlinie vom Albrecht Dürer Airport entfernt. Wizz Air fliegt die Verbindung zwei Mal pro Woche, jeden Mittwoch und jeden Sonntag geht es in knapp zwei Stunden nonstop nach Skopje.

Wizz Air startet Verbindung Nürnberg ? Skopje | Aerosieger.de - Das Fliegermagazin
[h=3]Nürnberger können jetzt ab 9,90 Euro nach Skopje fliegen[/h]

Nürnberg und seine Partnerstadt Skopje sind sich näher denn je: Am Mittwoch um 15.55 Uhr hob am Albrecht-Dürer-Airport die erste "Wizz Air"-Maschine in Richtung der mazedonischen Hauptstadt ab. Zweimal wöchentlich kommen Passagiere der ungarischen Billigfluggesellschaft ab sofort in den Genuss dieser neuen Direktverbindung.
[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container, align: center"]
[TD="class: tr-caption"]Feierlich ist in Nürnberg am Mittwoch der erste Flieger gen Skopje gestartet.[/TD]
An Bord der rosa Maschine waren 174 Passagiere, unter ihnen Christian Vogel, Bürgermeister der Stadt Nürnberg, Dr. Norbert Schürgers, Leiter des Amts für Internationale Beziehungen, der Honorarkonsul der Republik Mazedonien Dr. Gerhard Paul Krüger sowie Vertreter des Stadtrats Max Höffkes (CSU), Nasser Ahmed (SPD), und Elke Leo (Grüne).

"Wizz Air" fliegt die Verbindung zwei Mal pro Woche, jeden Mittwoch und jeden Sonntag geht es in knapp zwei Stunden die 1165 Kilometer nonstop nach Skopje. Die mazedonische Hauptstadt ist das dritte Ziel, das "Wizz Air" ab dem Albrecht Dürer Airport anfliegt. "Die Metropolregion Nürnberg ist ein wichtiger Markt, das Interesse an attraktiven Destinationen nach Ost-Europa ist groß. Die bisherigen Verbindungen nach Bukarest und Cluj-Napoca in Rumänien sind sehr gut gebucht", sagte Unternehmenssprecher Daniel de Carvalho.

Links zum Thema Weitere Meldungen aus Nürnberg
"Wir freuen uns, dass Wizz Air mit der Route nach Skopje eine dritte Direktverbindung von Nürnberg nach Ost-Europa anbietet und damit ihr Engagement am Albrecht Dürer Airport ausbaut“, erklärte Flughafen-Geschäftsführer Michael Hupe. Die Preise für Flugtickets nach Skopje starten nach Angaben des Airports bei 9,90 Euro pro Strecke inklusive Steuern und Gebühren und sind online hier erhältlich. Wizz Air fliegt mit einer jungen Flotte aus Airbus A320 mit 180 Sitzen.