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Skopje Alexander the Great Airport wird WizzAirs 17. Basis

Wizz Air is considering launching flights between Skopje (Macedonia) and Budapest Hungary

Wizz Air is considering launching flights between Skopje (Macedonia) and Budapest Hungary in the coming period which would cater for transit passengers but also tourists. The Macedonia- Hungary joint committee on economic cooperation held its first session on Tuesday in Budapest, focusing on Macedonia's investment benefits and projects of mutual interest. The meeting was attended by Wizz Air officials who expressed interest in launching flights between the two capital cities. "We discussed the opening of direct Wizz Air flights between Skopje and Budapest, as well as charter flights to cater for Hungary’s largest tour operator", Valon Sarancini, Macedonia’s Economy Minister said.
Malév Hungarian Airlines served Skopje until it went bust in early February last year. It was one of the busiest carriers operating flights to the airport, carrying a significant number of transit passengers continuing onwards to Western Europe. Since then, Wizz Air has set up a base in Skopje, opening direct flights to several destinations in the West. However, Macedonian travellers still heavily use other carriers and transfer through other cities. Austrian Airlines is still the carrier of choice for Macedonians. EX-YU airlines also rely on transfer passengers from Skopje. Of the approximately 80.000 passengers which used Jat Airways from the Macedonian capital in 2012, the majority transferred onto other flights in Belgrade. Similar results were recorded by Croatia Airlines and Adria Airways. Flights to Budapest would allow Macedonian travellers to connect onto Wizz Air’s network of over 30 destinations from the Hungarian capital.
Wizz Air plans to handle at least 120.000 passengers to and from Skopje by November 2013. In its second year of operations the number of passengers is projected to rise to 135.000 and a further increase of 20.000 passengers is expected to be seen by November 2015. As Wizz Air’s flights from Skopje are proving to be successful, a new expansion has been widely tipped for 2013. Malmo in Sweden continues to be Wizz’s most successful route from the Macedonian capital.
In May, Wizz Air to introduce direct flight Skopje-Stockholm

[TD="colspan: 2"]Thursday, 07 March 2013

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Starting from this May, citizens of Macedonia will be offered direct Skopje-Stockholm flight each Monday and Friday.

The low cost Wizz Air says the flight will be inaugurated on May 3, few days earlier than planned. The lowest ticket price is to be at about EUR 26, being already available for booking.
Daniel de Carvalho, Wizz Air Corporate Communications Manager, is pleased that the airline's low ticket prices are attracting more citizens of Macedonia and foreign visitors.

"Our new destination to Stockholm is a the second route from Skopje to Scandinavian market and the ninth international one that connects Macedonia with popular European destinations. We believe the low ticket prices will soon turn this route into a bestseller for outgoing and incoming tourists," de Carvalho said.
The Hungarian airline inaugurated its first flights from Skopje last October with services to Dortmund and Eindhoven.
Türkischer Ministerpräsident zu Besuch im Airport Alexander the Great

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Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

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Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

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Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.


    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
[h=3]"Alexander the Great" wins ACI's airport quality award[/h]

Skopje-based "Alexander the Great" airport has won the 2012 award for best airport in Europe in the category up to two million passengers annually. "Alexander the Great" is recognised out of 275 airports in the Best Airport by Size category by the Airports Council International (ACI).

The award is presented based on interviews with passengers about the quality of airport services.

Murat Ornekol - Operations Director of TAV Airports Holding, the concessioner of the two Macedonian airports - told a press conference on Wednesday that the company "is honored by this prestigious accolade for the Skopje airport." "It was rebuilt and started providing services in a very short time owning to our knowledge and experience."
Ornekol added that TAV's objective for 2013 was to increase the number of passengers using the Skopje airport up to one million.
Figures show that 906.871 passengers travelled through "Alexander the Great" in 2012. Between 2009 and 2012, the number of passengers handled by the Skopje airport increased by 17.5%. At the moment, there are direct flights to 20 destinations, thus "Skopje is being connected with most of Europe and via Istanbul to any other place worldwide."

Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski said that the accolade for airport service quality "comes as a result of the project for the reconstruction and modernisation of the Macedonian airports by being taken over by TAV company."

"After completing the new airport, new standards in airport services in Macedonia have been introduced, which is now being recognised with this award," Janakieski stated adding that measures were being taken in cooperation with the concessioner to attract new airlines and to increase the number of flights in a bid to bolster the number of passengers up to one million.
Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska said that "Alexander the Great" after being constructed and modernized nowadays represented a facility "that each and everyone of us can be proud of."
"Professionally, all MoI staff have made utmost efforts to provide efficient services and simple procedures to the passengers," she added.
The ACI award is considered one of the most prestigious accolades in the industry.

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[h=1]ТАБЕЛИ: Кои рекорди ги урна Александар Велики лани?[/h]13/03/2013 | Компании | 0 Коментари

Десет авиони во еден час е рекордот на аеродромот Александар Велики за минатата година. Се случил на 20 јануари, а во тоа време полетале или слетале вкупно 1024 патници. Најдобар ден бил 23 декември кога аеродромот опслужил 46 авиони, а најголем број на патници поминале низ Александар Велики на 04 август лани.

Во 2012 година продолжи трендот на зголемување на бројот на патници кои патуваат преку скопскиот аеродром. Очекувањата се дела годинава ќе биде надмината бројката од милион патници.

Најголем број од патниците летале со нискобуџетната Виз ер, а Цирих е дестинацијата од која или кон која најчесто се лета од Скопје.

Во менаџментот на ТАВ, концесионерот на скопскиот аеродром Александар Велики, се задоволни од бројките за 2012 година. А задоволни се и патниците кои ги пополнувале формуларите на Меѓународниот аеродромски совет. Според нивните одговори, Александар Велики е прогласен за најдобар аеродром во Европа во категорија до два милиони патници. Наградата се додекува за вкупните услуги кои ги нуди ова авиопристаниште.

Ich will ein Flug buchen für jemanden von meiner Familie am 30.April.

Basel-Skopje gibts ein Hacken bei diesem Preis von 89€?
Wizz Air introduces direct flights Skopje - Stockholm

[TD="colspan: 2"]Friday, 03 May 2013[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]The low cost Wizz Air has inaugurated Friday a new direct Skopje-Stockholm flight.

Starting from today, citizens of Macedonia may fly from Skopje to the Swedish capital each Monday and Friday.

The new flight is part of the Government's project for supporting the development of the air traffic in Macedonia, the Ministry of Transport and Communications said today in a press release.

Since last October, when Wizz Air won the Government's international tender, aimed to attract European LCCs (low-cost carriers) by offering subsidies to cover a wide range of new routes from the Macedonian capital, the Hungarian airline has inaugurated six direct flights from Skopje to Milan (Italy), Dortmund and Munich (Germany), Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Malmo (Sweden) and Basel Mulhouse (France).
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