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SP Planet
Investor: Tetraktist
Location: Skopje, Gorce Petrov
Start of construction: 2007
End of construction: 2008
Function: Shopping center
Surface: 2.200 m²
Investment: U/C
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Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
NLB Tutunska Bank
Investor: Pera Construciton
Location: Skopje, Center
Start of construction: 2007
End of construction: 2009
Function: Bank
Surface: 1.000 m²
Investment: U/C
ERA City Investor: GD Granit AD Skopje Location: Skopje, Saem Start of construction: 2008 End of construction: 2012 Function: Business center Surface: 33.600 m2 Investment: 150 mil € Website: http://www.eracity.com.mk
Projekt: Bau beinhaltet 4 Hochhäuser, Einkaufszentrum, Sport Objekte und weiteres Kosten: 500 Mio. Euro Höhe: 126 m., 42 Stockwerke Fläche, gesamt: 35.000m²
Das offizielle Model von Komplex
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Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Turkey's Limak Holding has offered the best price in an auction for a land plot designated for the construction in Skopje of an underground road link as well as commercial and hotel facilities, Macedonia's transport ministry said on Tuesday.
Limak Holding has offered to pay 201.15 million denars ($4.3 million/3.3 million euro) in the auction for the 31,929 square meter plot in Skopje’s downtown, the ministry said in a statement on its website.
Skopje's mayor Koce Trajanovski will sign the agreement with Limak's executives today. The underground road will start right behind the old railway station.
The company will also build commercial properties above ground. The undeground road will be owned and operated by the city of Skopje.
Limak is one of the largest Turkish companies involved in building and owning the largest hotel chains in Turkey and Cyprus. It also operates Prishtina and Istanbul's international airports