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Unter seiner Regierungszeit wurden Pensionen, Sozialhilfen, etc angehoben, Pensionäre haben Vergünstigungen o. haben jetzt die Möglichkeit umsonst öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu nützen o. umsonst auf Kur zu gehen, Studenten können jetzt öffentliche Verkehrsmittel kostenfrei benützen, Mindestlohn wurde endlich gesetzlich geregelt etc etc etccccccccccc
Pensions in recent years, on average were increased by 62% and the lowest pensions are increased by 76%. Next increase is scheduled for October according to the promise. In addition to this, the pensioners were provided with numerous benefits including that 25,000 pensioners went free bath, and this year another 5,000 will go. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on the mass rally on Sunday said that the social welfare in the recent period was increased by 47% and permanent financial aid to 46%. -Next increase is in June, but today I want to announce that it will not be about 5 percents as we promised but double i.e. 10 percents. Over 9000 children from socially vulnerable families went to the free vacation, Gruevski said.
The Prime Minister said that it is provided a computer for each child in primary and secondary schools, and starting from this and the next two years will be executed complete replacing with new ones, i.e. tablets with keyboards. In addition, Gruevski said that it was introduced minimum wage and it is several times increased as already announced new increase for next year.