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#Syria #UN food convoys for besieged #Aleppo rotting in the sun bc no access by #Assad-regime till now

Was wäre die Nusra und Co ohne Israel... :sniff: wie romantisch

Israeli Lawmaker Accuses Israel of Aiding Syrian Rebel Group Formerly Known as Nusra Front

MK Akram Hasson says the group formerly known as Nusra Front is bombing the Syrian Druze village of Khadr with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s support and protection.
read more: Israeli Lawmaker Accuses Israel of Aiding Syrian Rebel Group Formerly Known as Nusra Front - Israel News - Haaretz

A lawmaker in the ruling coalition on Sunday accused Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman of supporting an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Syria during a recent “merciless” assault against Druze on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

Druze MK Akram Hasson of Kulanu said Liberman provided the Fateh al-Sham Front (formerly al-Nusra Front) with protection, logistical support and possibly with “advanced technology” during its attacks on the regime-controlled town of Hader.

“Al-Nusra Front is attacking the Druze town of Hader under the cover and protection of Defense Minister Liberman. We shall not rest until… Liberman ceases his support for al-Nusra against the Druze,”

Druze MK accuses Liberman of backing al-Qaeda offshoot in Syria | The Times of Israel

From 01:10 Interview with Jaish al-Islam member in Quneitra
  • There is no ceasefire. We are fighting right now against regime
  • If you want, you could hear right now sounds of the battle – or we send you video
Question: You have a message for Israel?

  • They should support revolution here. May they help us in everything, brother. Weapons, products, help, brother
  • You have to attack them and help us against this government of Kufars
Next interview with Akram Hasson, MK who blame IDF for support for Jabhat an-Nusra

  • Hasson: we are very worried, that something that happened in the past will not happen in Druze villages, when extremists came and slaughtered people
Next Hasson speaks with somebody on he other side of the border

  • Our situation is very, very bad
  • We are being attacked by extremists muslims groups
  • The shelled us with artillery and rockets
  • They attacked us with all kinds of weapons
  • Where are our Druze brothers from Golan?
  • Where your help?

????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????, ?????? ????????: ??????? ??????
Übersetzung des Interwievs : https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivi...aeli_channel_10_interview_with_jaish_alislam/

Noch immer keine UN-Hilfe für Aleppo. dank dem Assad-Arsch.


Die Waffenruhe in Syrien ist am Montag ausgelaufen. Um Mitternacht verstrich die Frist für das von der Armee ausgerufene „Regime der Ruhe“, ohne dass eine Verlängerung bekannt wurde. Rebellenkommandeur Sakaria Malahifdschi sagte der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, die Waffenruhe sei „praktisch gescheitert und am Ende“.
Er habe auch keine Hoffnung, dass die für Aleppo bestimmten Hilfsgüter die belagerte Stadt noch erreichen könnten....

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

#Syria'n goverment asks #Russia to help mass deportation of Sunni arabs from #Homs bc. their experience under Stalin

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