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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Der vergleich der Technologien kann sich sehen lassen zwischen denn A-129 Italien und denn T-129 Türkei.

A-129 Italien Cockpit


T-129 Türkei Cockpit




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Tai Tf-2023 Tulpar Stealth 5 th Generation Fighter Aircraft. [Turkish Made]


Tf-2023 Tulpar

Built Number : 80

Mission: Anti air

+ Anti Air
+ Stealth
+ Delta Wing
+ Twin Engine
+ Single Seater
+ Conferimantal Fuel Tanks
+ Internal bays
+ Strong Avionics
+ Aselsan Avci Jchms
+ High Maneuvrebility
+ Strong Radar
+ Electronic Warfare Capabilty
+ Turkish Made

Air to Air :

+ 30 mm Cannon
+ Roketsan Shorth To Medium Range Laser Guided Anti-Air Missile
+ Roketsan Medium To Long Range Radar Guided Anti-Air Bvr Missile
+ Tubitak Sage Active Radar Guided Extendet Long Beyond Visual Range Air-To-Air Missile [Mbda Meteor Type]
+ Am-9 Sidewinder And Am-120 Amraam

Air to Ground :

+ Tubitak Sage Kgk Bomb
+ Tubitak Sage Lgb Bomb
+ Tubitak Sage Som Cruise Missile
+ Roketsan Atmaca Anti Ship Cruise Missile


Quelle: Hayalimdeki Gelece

Diesen 5.Generation
stealth Fighter Designe sollten die Türkische Luftstreitkräfte nachgehen.

Einfach Awesome

Das Know How haben sie auf jeden Fall durch die ganzen Kooperationen und Lizenzen mit anderen Herstellern von Kampfflugzeugen. Welche Erweiterungen/Blocks haben wir nochmal für die F-16 selbst entwickelt?

Ich glaube, wenn wir etwas richtig gutes produzieren können dann 100% Kampfjets
Der türkischen Bergwächter


SAT Commandos

Police Special Force

Ohne unsere Armee würde sich die Welt auf uns stürzen wie hungrige Löwen auf ein Reh.
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Turkey holding rival talks on aircraft with Koreans, Swedes


Besides an ongoing plan to develop a fighter jet program with the US or Europe, Turkey is seeking to broaden its fleet with a second option. South Korea’s KAI and Sweden’s Saab are the two possible partners, according to a Turkish procurement official. Turkey is supposed to take part in the design of the possible project

Turkey recently had held separate talks with aeronautical officials from South Korea and Sweden for possible cooperation in the design, development and production of a new fighter aircraft in the next decade, a senior procurement official said at the weekend.
“The companies are South Korea’s Korea Aerospace Industries [KAI] and Sweden’s Saab,” the official said.
KAI is the manufacturer of several military and civilian aircraft and satellites and is planning to produce the fighter aircraft KF-X. Saab is the maker of the multi-role fighter JAS 39 Gripen.
Turkey, whose present fighter fleet is made up of U.S.-made aircraft, also plans to buy the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II planes, a next-generation, multinational program also led by the United States.
But Turkish officials privately say they want another future jet fighter to be developed with a country or countries other than the United States, in an effort to reduce the country’s dependence on Washington.
Most of Turkey’s present fleet of F-16 fighters, being modernized by U.S. firm Lockheed Martin, and the planned future F-35s are open to U.S. influence. Only its older F-4 aircraft, modernized by Israel, and its oldest F-16s, being modernized by Turkey itself, technologically are free from this influence, the officials said. But these older aircraft are expected to be decommissioned around 2020.
“Turkey wants part of its fighter aircraft fleet to remain outside the technological and other influence of the United States. It believes this scheme would better fit its national interests,” said one Turkish defense analyst.
So as part of efforts to select a new fighter for the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Aerospace Industries, or TAI, has been tasked with determining the specifications of the new fighter. It has until the end of next year to finish the process.
Turkey in the past has assembled and jointly manufactured some military aircraft, but this is the first time the country’s developing defense industry fully will be involved in the design of a complex weapons system, such as a jet fighter.
The country last year held an initial round of talks with South Korea’s KAI on the matter. But the South Koreans then offered only a 20 percent share of the project to Turkey, with another 20 percent going to Indonesia, opting for 60 percent of the program for themselves. Turkey wants an equal share in the development of a new plane and was quick to reject the offer.
“Now the South Koreans are coming much closer to the idea of equal ownership, and this is positive,” said the Turkish procurement official. “But there are still many more things to be discussed with them.”

In the meantime, Turkey continues to be interested in rival programs, and the recent talks with Saab officials reflect this situation, the procurement official said. “Sweden also is a potential partner for us.”
In addition to KAI and Saab, a consortium of European companies, also continues efforts to include Turkey in its program for the Eurofighter Typhoon project. This consortium is Eurofighter, whose members include Italian, German, British and Spanish firms.
Italy’s deputy defense minister said in May that the pan-European Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft was the only viable alternative to U.S. planes in this category, urging Turkey to join the ambitious European-led defense program.
“The Eurofighter is the only alternative to U.S. aircraft, and provides a great relief to world countries,” Guido Crosetto said in Istanbul on the sidelines of the International Defense Industry Fair 2011.

Turkey holding rival talks on aircraft with Koreans, Swedes | TR Defence
hat jemand fotos von den neuen Soldaten die am 30 August gezeigt werden soll die Ausrüstung soll mit Nano Technologie sein.
Milli uçak projesi hayata geçiyor

Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı (SSM) ile Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş. (TUSAŞ) arasında "Jet Eğitim Uçağı ve Muharip Uçak Kavramsal Tasarım Projesi" sözleşmesi imzalandı.

TUSAŞ’tan yapılan açıklamaya göre, TUSAŞ Balgat Tesislerinde gerçekleştirilen imza törenine Milli Savunma Bakanı (MSB) İsmet Yılmaz, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Mehmet Erten, Milli Savunma Bakan Yardımcısı Hasan Kemal Yardımcı, Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarı Murad Bayar ile birlikte Genelkurmay, MSB, SSM, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı ve savunma sektöründen askeri ve sivil yetkililer katıldı.

Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesinin 15 Aralık 2010 tarihindeki toplantısında; Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının 2020’li yıllardan sonraki jet eğitim uçağı ve muharip uçak ihtiyacının milli geliştirme projesi olarak karşılanması amacıyla ilk aşamada kavramsal tasarım yapılması için TUSAŞ ile sözleşme görüşmelerine başlanmasına karar verilmişti. Bu karar doğrultusunda yürütülen çalışmalar sonucunda, söz konusu kavramsal tasarım projesine ait sözleşme ve ilgili dokümanlar hazırlandı ve taraflarca müzakere edilerek üzerinde uzlaşma sağlandı.

Süresi 2 yıl olan sözleşme kapsamında, Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının 2020’li yıllardan sonraki jet eğitim uçağı ve muharip uçak ihtiyacına yönelik olarak; harekat ihtiyaçları belirlenmesi, gereksinim analizi çalışmaları, hava aracı ve sistem/alt-sitemlerinin kavram tanımlaması, milli imkan ve kabiliyetler ile yapılabilirliğin araştırılması, uluslararası işbirliği modelleri çalışmaları gerçekleştirilecek.

Sözleşmenin sonunda, gerçekleştirilen teknik ve idari çalışmaların çıktıları Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi tarafından değerlendirilerek projenin bir sonraki aşaması için nihai karar oluşturulacak.

Milli uak projesi hayata geiyor - GAZETEVATAN.COM