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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Der neue grad in der Entwicklungsphase stehende Panzer der Türkischen Streitkräft soll einen Türkischen von Hausentwickelten Motor erhalten.


MİLLİ Savunma Bakanlığı Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı Türk menşeili ilk tank motorunu yapmak için harekete geçti.


Başbakan Erdoğan’ın, mayıs ayında görücüye çıkan Türk muharebe tankı Altay’la ilgili olarak “Bunun motorunu neden biz yapmıyoruz” demesinden sonra yerli motor için ilk adımın atıldığı öğrenildi. Uzun süredir üzerinde çalışılan ve tank başta olmak üzere askeri kara ve deniz araçlarının motorlarının tasarlanıp geliştirilmesi ve üretiminde ihale sürecine girildi. İhalenin önümüzdeki ay sonu gerçekleşmesi bekleniyor. Türk malı tank motorunu üretebilmek için Milli Savunma Bakanlığı’ndan özel bir ekip görevlendirildi. Ekip, İTÜ Rektörü Prof. Dr. Muhammed Şahin ve OTAM (Otomotiv Teknolojileri Araştırma Geliştirme Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ) Genel Koordinatörü Prof. Dr. Ali Göktan üniversitede incelemelerde bulundu.

Çalışmanın detaylarıyla ilgili bilgi veren İTÜ’ye bağlı OTAM Genel Koordinatörü Prof. Dr. Ali Göktan, “Tank motoru, diğerlerinden büyük ve hedefleri olan bir motordur. Bu motoru üretmenin özel yöntemleri var. Laboratuvarlarımızda motorun geliştirilmesi üzerine çalıştık. İlk motor prototiplerinin üretilmesiyle İTÜ ilgileniyor. Savunma Sanayii’ne yönelik araç ve motor geliştirmek için Türk mühendisler olarak üniversitemizde 30 yıldır hayal kurarız. Motor bir aracın beynidir. Yerli bir tank (Altay) geliştirilirken, motorunun da yerli olması gerekir” dedi. İTÜ Rektörü Prof. Dr. Muhammed Şahin ise konuyla ilgili şöyle konuştu: “Üniversitemiz son 3 yıldır ülke ekonomisine katma değer sağlayan her biri marka olan çok önemli projelere imza atmaktadır. Tank motoru bu projelerden bir tanesi. Milli tank motoru projesinde en güçlü aday olan TÜMOSAN, senelerdir sürdürdüğü başarılı işbirliğinin verdiği güvenle, İTÜ-OTAM ile birlikte projeyi hayata geçirmek üzere hazırlanmaktadır. Konu ile ilgili uluslararası tanınmış, deneyimli Ar-Ge kuruluşlarının da katkı sağlayacağı projenin, milli tank motorumuzun başarıyla geliştirilmesini sağlarken, milli motor ailesine ilk adım olma niteliğiyle sanayimiz için çok önemli bir gelişme olacağına inanıyoruz.”

Quelle :
Türk tank? Altay??n özellikleri devlet s?rr?!-HABERTÜRK
Yola devam durmak yok

deal perfekt: Türkei baut ersten eigenen kampfjet

die türkei will eigene kampfjets bauen. Um das großprojekt zu bewerkstelligen, sollen im ausland arbeitende türkische ingenieure in die heimat zurückkehren

das unterstaatssekretariat für die rüstungsindustrie (ssm) und das für verteidigung zusändige unternehmen der türkischen luft- und raumfahrtindustrie (tai) haben am dienstag eine vereinbarung zu einem gemeinsamen nationalen kampfjet-projekt unterzeichnet. Die jets sollen auf die herausforderungen und bedürfnisse der türkischen luftwaffe genau zugeschnitten sein.
Muharrem dörtkaşlı, generaldirektor von tai, sagte der nachrichtenagentur anadolu: “wir haben ehrgeizige ziele. Mit dieser transaktion werden wir das erste nationale kampfjet-entwicklungsprojekt der türkei beginnen. Allerdings benötigen wir umfangreich ausgebildete arbeitskräfte und deshalb werden im ausland arbeitende türkische ingenieure gebeten, welche die erforderliche erfahrung in dieser art von projekten haben, in die türkei zurückzukehren, um ihrem land zu dienen.”
tusas motor industries (tei) wird dabei helfen, die design-und entwicklungsprozesse des kampfjets zu leiten und schwerpunktmäßig die produktion der flugzeugmotoren übernehmen. Bis 2015 soll dies abgeschlossen sein. An der einweihungszeremonie bei der tai in balgat, ankara, nahmen neben anderen der verteidigungsminister ismet yilmaz, mehmet erten, kommandant der streitkräfte murad bayar, ssm-unterstaatssekretär teil.
Die türkei will mit den eigenen kampfjets ihe abhängigkeit von der amerikanischen rüstungsindustrie verringern.

Deal perfekt: Türkei baut ersten eigenen Kampfjet | Deutsch Türkische Nachrichten
Sie werden ein richtig nettes Teil auf dem Mark bringen wenn es so weit ist. wenn ich ein ingenieure wäre der spezifische denn weg des Luftwaffen geeignet wär und erfahrung im Luftwaffen bereich hätte würde ich mich sofort zu dienst stellen.

None Stop always the same way

Bin mal gespannt auf das Konzept des Kampfjetz

Einige Türkische Bürger haben sich schon paar Konzept ausgedacht die ich euch nicht vorenthalten will.



Schickes Ding
Turkey, Germany seek submarine sale of $1 bln

A joint group of Turkish and German companies are competing with a South Korean attempt to sell two HDW-class 209-type diesel submarines to Indonesia


This photo shows a HDW-class U 209/1400 submarine of the Turkish Navy as it is passing through Istanbul’s Bosphorus. Turkey aims to make two U 209s for Indonesia.

A team of Turkish and German companies, as well as Turkey’s procurement office, are jointly looking to sell two HDW-class 209-type diesel submarines to Indonesia in a $1 billion deal, a senior Turkish procurement official said Friday.
“Our package is excellent. We are hopeful and waiting for Indonesia’s decision,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The only competitor for the German-Turkish partnership is South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine, which emerged as the favorite after French and Russian bidders for the Indonesian Navy’s tender fell off.
Daewoo was expected to bid together with Germany’s Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft, or HDW, but later decided to join the competition on its own.
Facing the threat of being left out of the deal, HDW, a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, then approached the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, or SSM, Turkey’s defense procurement agency, to seek the Indonesian contract jointly; at the same time, President Abdullah Gül was paying an official visit to Indonesia in April during which the two countries signed a comprehensive defense industry cooperation agreement. Both Muslim nations, Turkey and Indonesia share close political and cultural ties and are developing their industrial relations.
HDW is also co-manufacturing six modern U 214-type diesel submarines with Turkey for the country’s Navy. Turkey earlier built 14 U 209-type submarines with the German company that Indonesia now wants to buy.
In June HDW sent a letter to SSM, confirming that “SSM is entitled to market and sell HDW class U 209 1,400-tonne submarines to be built in Turkey for the Project of Procurement of Diesel Electric Submarines by the Indonesian Navy.”
A decision on the bid is expected either late this year or in early 2012.
A 2-billion-euro submarine deal between SSM and HDW for the joint manufacture of six U 214 platforms for the Turkish Navy formally took effect July 1.

Sweetening the deal

In an effort to win the bid over their Korean rivals, SSM is reported to be offering sweeteners. In a letter sent to Indonesian Adm. Soeparno, who uses one name like many Indonesians, SSM chief Murad Bayar said, “Our offer includes one or two 209-class submarine leases to the Indonesian Navy as a ‘gap-filler’ solution until your submarines have been built.”
Bayar also pledged a maximum work share for Indonesian defense companies, including the Indonesian national shipyard PT-PAL, in emphasizing HDW’s full support for the Turkish bid.
“A very attractive and advantageous financial package will be included as well,” Bayar said.
“Our Navy and defense companies shall provide full support to your Navy and defense companies for operational and maintenance training, as well as military exercises in the shallow waters of your country,” he said.
“As a well-known worldwide brand and proven technology, 209-Class submarines will increase your country’s industrial capabilities and will bring us a chance to share our knowledge to provide regional peace and stability,” Bayar said.
In a letter to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in late July, Gül confirmed and reiterated Turkey’s sweeteners and stated his desire for increased defense industry cooperation.
If the Turkish bid is chosen, the two Class-209 submarines will be built at Turkey’s Gölcük naval shipyard in the northwestern province of Kocaeli by the Turkish company STM under license from HDW.

South Korea optimistic

Despite Turkey’s hard push for the deal, many in the South Korean press are convinced that their country will win the bid. The Korea Times quoted a South Korean industry source as saying that “Indonesia will likely pick Korea as the preferred bidder for its submarine acquisition program, worth $1.08 billion.”
One South Korean official said he was aware of his country’s rivalry in the project with Turkey, but did not comment further.
Despite competing against each other this time, Turkey and South Korea are very close allies, particularly in terms of the defense industry. Turkey is building howitzers under a South Korean license and the two countries are jointly producing basic aircraft trainers for the Turkish Air Force. South Korea’s Korea Aerospace Industries is among the strongest candidates in a bid being offered by Turkey to design, develop and manufacture a fighter aircraft by 2020.

Quelle:Turkey, Germany seek submarine sale of $1 bln - Hurriyet Daily News
Sie werden ein richtig nettes Teil auf dem Mark bringen wenn es so weit ist. wenn ich ein ingenieure wäre der spezifische denn weg des Luftwaffen geeignet wär und erfahrung im Luftwaffen bereich hätte würde ich mich sofort zu dienst stellen.

None Stop always the same way

Bin mal gespannt auf das Konzept des Kampfjetz

Einige Türkische Bürger haben sich schon paar Konzept ausgedacht die ich euch nicht vorenthalten will.



Schickes Ding

Es wird aufjedenfall ein Kampfflugzeug mit westlicher Technik,als Partner sind die Schweden mit ihren Saab Gripen und die Koreaner mit ihren neuen Jet im Gesprach.
Unser Patrouillenboot Nummer 4 ist fertig es hat den Namen P1203 Kumkale weitere 12 Patrouillenboote werden gebaut.

Turkey holding rival talks on aircraft with Koreans, Swedes

Picture from signiture ceremony day for commencing the conceptual design phase of Turkish advanced trainer and Turkish stealth aircraft held in 1 days ago...

