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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

According to an executive at Turkish Aerospace Industries, the new Egyptian government is interested in buying Turkey-made unmanned planes. Some Middle East countries prefer Turkey rather than Israel or the US, defense experts say. Turkey will also sell six multi-role tactical platform naval vessels to the North African country


Turkish Aerospace Industries executives believe demand for Anka aircraft will be high once the vehicle’s airworthiness and qualification testing period is over. Hürriyet photo
Egypt is interested in buying made-in-Turkey unmanned aerial vehicles called Anka from a Turkish defense company, the Hürriyet Daily News has learned.
Egyptian and Turkish authorities talked about a possible future agreement to sell made-in-Turkey unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, to Egypt during the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Egypt last week.
Regional demand
“Many countries in the Middle East, ranging from North African countries to Saudi Arabia, are interested in the Anka Male [medium altitude, long endurance] unmanned aerial vehicle system that we produce,” the Vice President of Turkish Aerospace Industries, or TAI’s, Integrated Aircraft Systems Özcan Ertem told the Hürriyet Daily News in an interview on Monday.
Ertem said a large number of countries – especially in the Middle East – have been closely following the developments in the production of UAVs in Turkey. “I believe once the airworthiness and qualification testing period is over, there will be a high potential market for us to export our Ankas,” he said. “But we can only sell to countries that our government considers appropriate.”
The production process of the first series of UAVs is over now, and Anka has already started its flight test campaign, according to Ertem. The testing period with electro-optic sensors is expected to be concluded in the spring.
High capacity
Compared to the U.S.-made Predator and the Israel-made Heron, the Anka is a larger UAV and has the capacity to carry heavier loads, Ertem said. “The Anka has the capacity to carry up to 500 kilograms of sensors and fuel. Besides, different than our competitors, we have chosen a special engine system that runs on jet fuel, because it is available at every air base.”
There are three countries in the world that produce similar UAVs: Israel, the U.S. and Turkey. There are almost 15 countries interested in buying Turkey’s version of the UAV, and because of political reasons, some countries in the Middle East prefer Turkey rather than Israel or the U.S., defense experts say.
Turkey will also sell six multi-role tactical platform, or MRTP-20, naval vessels to Egypt, the Daily News has learned.
A contract on the procurement and manufacturing of six Onuk MRTP-20 fast-intervention crafts has been signed between Egypt’s Ministry of Defense and Yonca-Onuk JV – a Turkish company that specializes in commercial and naval craft manufacturing, according to the latter’s director for strategic planning, Armağan Ortaç.
Three boats will be constructed in Istanbul and the others in Egypt’s Alexandria shipyard with technology transfer. Moreover, Yonca-Onuk JV will provide all the material kits to be used during the construction in Alexandria.
The project will be completed 31.5 after the contract comes into effect. Harbor acceptance and sea acceptance tests have been completed for the first boat, which will be shipped to Egypt by the end of the month.

Kurzfassung : Die Egyptische Regierung möchte sobald die unbemannten ( Drohnen ) Flugzeuge wie zum beispiel der Anka fertig mit denn Test Phasen sind. einen Kaufvertrag mit der Türkischen Rüstungindustie Handeln. Die Eygyper sind noch an 6 multi-role taktische Plattform Marineschiffe intressiert.

Die Egyper wissen halt was gut & vertrauenswürdig ist.

Turkish defense firms target Africa


BMC, the maker of Kirpi armored vehilces, is among the Turkish firms that visited Ghana. DHA photo

Turkey’s rapidly developing defense industry is now, for the first time in its history, seeking to make major exports to several sub-Saharan countries, most notably Ghana, a senior procurement official said over the weekend.
A senior delegation from the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry, Turkey’s procurement agency, visited Ghana earlier this month. The Turkish defense industry officials also held talks with their counterparts from Nigeria, Cameroon and Kenya.
Promising market
“Talks with those African nations were very positive. We expect they will lead to very positive concrete results shortly,” the procurement official said. “Sub-Saharan Africa will occupy a major place on our priority list for export purposes. Such efforts will potentially be worth billions of dollars over the upcoming decades.”
Key sectors for exports to sub-Saharan Africa include armored vehicles and military electronics, arguably Turkey’s most developed defense areas.
Representatives of Aselsan, Turkey’s top state-owned electronics manufacturer, and top private Turkish vehicle makers Oyolar, FNSS and BMC took part in the visit to Ghana.
Among sub-Saharan countries, South Africa, a developed arms manufacturer, already has some cooperation with Turkish companies. The South African company Denel sought Turkey’s attack helicopter contract worth billions of dollars, but at the last stage lost to Italy’s AgustaWestland three years ago. Denel is cooperating with Turkey’s FNSS, which earlier this year won a $600 million contract to sell Pars 8X8 armored vehicles to Malaysia. Denel will produce turrets for the vehicles.
Turkey is also eying increased defense sales to North African countries, but is waiting for the situation to calm down in places hit by the “Arab Spring” wave of protests and unrest. In Tunisia and Egypt, the regimes of former dictators ended peacefully. In Libya, despite the ousting of former strongman Moammar Gadhafi, a civil war is still continuing.
Potential in North Africa
“There is a great potential of work to be done in the defense industry field with North African nations. We are waiting for some signs of greater stability in those countries,” the procurement official said.
Once a top buyer of defense equipment from its Western partners, Turkey in the past few years has become increasingly active in weapons exports, with its defense exports expected to exceed $1 billion this year.
Die Vereinigten Arabische Emirate ist an dem Türkischen T-129 Hubschrauber Interessiert.

Yerli savaş helikopteri Atak'a bir talip daha çıktı. Güney Kore'nin 36 adetlik helikopter ihalesine davet edilen Atak T-129'a Suudi Arabistan'dan da teklif geldi. TUSAŞ, satış için Suudi Arabistan'la görüşmeye başladı


Savunma sanayisinde artan yerlilik oranı, yurtdışından siparişleri de artırdı. Özellikle bütçesinin büyük kısmını silahlanmaya ayıran Ortadoğu ülkelerinde yapılan ihalelerde Türk firmaları aranılan şirketler oldu. Son dönemde Türkiye'nin bölgede artan siyasi gücüyle birlikte ihracatın önemli kalemi haline gelen savunmada kara ve deniz araçlarından sonra şimdi de hava araçları rağbet görüyor. Türkiye'nin ilk yerli savaş helikopteri Atak T-129'a bölgeden yoğun ilgi geliyor. Sabah'ın haberine göre, Güney Kore'de ilk kez resmi olarak davet alan T-129'u şimdi de Suudi Arabistan radarına aldı. Filosunda 124 adet helikopter bulunduran Suudi Arabistan Kraliyet Hava Kuvvetleri, T-129 için devreye girdi. Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayi (TUSAŞ) ile AgustaWestland tarafından birlikte üretilen taarruz helikopteri için Suudi ve Türk yetkililer temasa geçti. Gelecek yılın ortasında seri üretimi gerçekleştirilmesi planlanan Atak helikopterinin test uçuşu geçtiğimiz ay yapılmıştı.

Atak helikopteri ilk resmi teklifini Güney Kore'den aldı. Nisan 2012'de yapılacak 36 adetlik taarruz helikopteri ihalesinde yarışacak olan Atak'ın rakipleri ise ABD, İngiltere ve İtalya olacak. Atak'a ilgi gösteren Suudi Arabistan dünyada bütçesine oranla en fazla harcama yapan ülkelerin başında geliyor. 2009'da 41.2 milyar dolarlık savunma harcaması yapan Suudi Arabistan geçen yıl bu rakamı 42.9 milyar dolara çıkardı. Atak ile Ürdün, Malezya ve Pakistan da ilgileniyor.

Türkiye yılda 100 milyar dolara yakın harcama yapan ve gelirinin önemli bölümünü savunmaya ayıran Ortadoğu'yu yakından takip etmek için Suudi Arabistan'da ofis açmıştı. Son olarak bu yıl Nurol Holding'in yüzde 50 ortak olduğu FNSS Savunma Sanayi şirketi Malezya Ordusu'na 600 milyon dolarlık 257 adet ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ile de 400 adetlik zırhlı araç için anlaşma imzalamıştı.

Quelle : Yerli sava? helikopterine bir talip daha! - En Son Makro Ekonomi Haberleri - HTEkonomi
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der Neue in der Endwicklungsphase stehende Panzer Altay soll einen von der Türkei entwickelten Nano Gewebe bestückt werden und somit für jedliche Kameras unsichbar erscheinen.

Beipiel Video vom der Firmal BAE die es versuchen einen Panzer mit dem Camouflage technologie unsichbar zu machen.

BAE's Adaptive Camouflage - YouTube


Turkish Scientists develop nanotech-based "invisibility cloak"

Turkish scientists have developed a nanotech-based material that can render things invisible at specific electromagnetic frequencies.
Friday, 31 July 2009 15:53 A team of Turkish scientists have developed what is popularly known as "an invisibility cloak" or a nanotech-based material that can render things invisible at specific electromagnetic frequencies, the team head told the Anadolu Agency.
The team with the Nanotechnology Research Center in Ankara has become the fourth institution in the world to develop such "metamaterial," exotic composite materials that display properties beyond those available in naturally occurring materials.
"In order to make an object invisible you need to prevent the object from radiating electromagnetic waves or prevent those waves from propagating randomly. Turkey has become the fourth country to develop such a technology after the United States and two other European countries," said Prof. Ekmel Ozbay, head of the NANOTAM at the Bilkent University.
Ozbay said the new nanotech material would soon have numerous military and industrial applications.
"You can hide a tank and even a war plane by covering it with the invisibility cloak," said Ozbay, who is the only Turkish scientist to receive the prestigious Descartes science prize.

Text Quelle : ECO NANO / Turkish scientists develop nanotech-based "invisibility cloak"


Quelle : http://www.network54.com
Predatorler İncirlik'e geliyor

ABD'nin Irak'taki insansız hava araçları olan predatorler İncirlik'e geliyor. ABD ve Türkiye prensipte anlaştı.


Başbakan Erdoğan ile Barack Obama arasındaki görüşmenin en somut sonucu ortaya çıktı.

ABD'nin Irak'taki insansız hava araçları olan predatorler Irak'tan çekildikten sonra Türkiye'ye getirilecek.

Türkiye ve ABD bu konuda prensipte anlaştı.Predatorler İncirlik'e yerleştirilecek.

Türkiye bu predatorlerle birlikte PKK'ya karşı daha fazla istihbarat sağlanacak.

Erdoğan-Obama görüşmesinde Türkiye'nin bir talep listesi vardı. Türkiye, ABD'den silahsız predatorler istedi. ABD yönetimi bunu şu anda değerlendiriyor.

Türkiye ayrıca ABD'den kobra tipi helikopterler de istedi.

Kurzfassung : Der Amerikanische unbemannte Flugzeug -Predator Drone- wird in die Türkische / Amerikanischenischen stützpunkt in Incirlik eingefolgen um gemeinsam den Terroristmus in der Türkei zubekämpfen.

Quelle : Predatorler