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Mentioning other major defense projects, he said, "Indigenous Kasırga, Bora and Som missiles are now in the mass production phase and our work continues on new models."
The president also said that Turkey would get the upper hand by producing indigenous, long-range missiles of which test-firings have been completed.
"We will not stop until Turkey can develop and produce all the strategic needs of the defense industry," Erdoğan stressed.
Turkey pursues 650 defense industry projects worth $60 billion, he said. "Three of them are directly technology, development and research centers and their projects. Serial production, prototype development and subsystem design are among our priorities. We are implementing all kinds of regulations, measures and incentives necessary to complete these studies quickly and successfully," the president noted.
İkinci 100 günlük icraat programı kapsamında 415 adet ilave SOM mühimmatını envantere kazandırmak için sözleşme imzalayacağız.
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