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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

einer sollte mal denn spast nickthegay vom theard bannen.
unerträglich mit seinen eselen, die er bei jeder gelegenheit postet( hast du schlechte erfahrung mit eseln in deinem dorf gemacht oder warum dieser neid ? ).

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Neue Bilder vom Türkischen Panzer Altay mit mock-up Turrent.
2 Testphase "Motor"





einer sollte mal denn spast nickthegay vom theard bannen.
unerträglich mit seinen eselen, die er bei jeder gelegenheit postet( hast du schlechte erfahrung mit eseln in deinem dorf gemacht oder warum dieser neid ? ).

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Wenn man nur Ziegen/Schafkäse exportiert und keine eigene Waffenindustrie hat, ist der Neid natürlich groß:bibi:

Der Prototyp von unseren Kampfpanzer sieht nicht schlecht aus.
diese form von beiträgen ist die höchste form der lobsagung die ein kontrahent im stande ist von sich zu geben.....wenn er einen bescheidenen horizont hat.:lol:

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Wenn man nur Ziegen/Schafkäse exportiert und keine eigene Waffenindustrie hat, ist der Neid natürlich groß:bibi:

Der Prototyp von unseren Kampfpanzer sieht nicht schlecht aus.

ich würde es nicht unbedingt als prototyp bezeichnen, vielmehr als demonstrator oder mock-up. der turm wird in der final-version sicher anders aussehen. auch das equipment das sich auf selbigen befindet.
Wenn man nur Ziegen/Schafkäse exportiert und keine eigene Waffenindustrie hat, ist der Neid natürlich groß:bibi:

Tu ihm kein unrecht, du hast Olivenöl vergessen....::lol: Nur ein weiterer Esel mit Neidkomplexen

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ich würde es nicht unbedingt als prototyp bezeichnen, vielmehr als demonstrator oder mock-up. der turm wird in der final-version sicher anders aussehen. auch das equipment das sich auf selbigen befindet.

Ist er aber und zwar der erste von insgesamt vier Prototypen, gedacht für

P1: Mobility test
P2: Fire test
P3: Mobility test + Fire test
P4: Final Prototype

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Das türkische Rüstungsunternehmen Otokar wird eine Produktionslinie bauen in Kasachstan hast bestimmt mit bekommen

Leider wird die Anzahl unter Verschluss gehalten. Aber wenn schon eine neue Produktionslinie aus dem Boden gestampft wird....
Es geht langfristig nicht nur um Kasachstan sondern um den ganzen Zentralasiatischen Markt...und das wichtigste die Produktpalette von Otokar ist ziemlich groß... Sehr schön das sie dort Fuß fassen konnten...


Turkish Otokar To Launch Production in Kazakhstan

ANKARA — Turkey’s leading armored vehicles manufacturer, Otokar, will launch a production line in Kazakhstan, the company said in a statement. A memorandum of understanding for the venture was signed Oct. 12 in Istanbul during the Turkish-Kazakh Investment and Commerce Forum, the statement said. The deal was witnessed by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

This is a follow-up deal to a contract Otokar won in May to sell scores of vehicles to the Kazakh Army. Under the deal, Otokar will launch a joint venture with Kazakhstan Engineering to produce Otokar’s four-wheel-drive Cobra armored vehicles.
Otokar, based in Istanbul, is a privately owned Turkish company listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and has sold more than 25,000 armored vehicles to nearly 30 countries. This is the first time a Turkish defense company will produce abroad.


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Auch in der Marine läuft in diese "Richtung" so einiges (herhalde Türkmenistan olmasi gerekiyor):


"Anlaşma gereği adını açıklayamayacağım bir ülkeyle 8 YTKB inşası için anlaşma yaptık. Fakat gemileri sipariş veren ülkenin tersanesinde yapıyoruz. Malzeme, işçilik ve mühendisliğini biz yapıyoruz. Bu boyutlarda Türkiye’nin yurtdışına ihraç ettiği ilk askeri gemiler bunlar ve orada yapıyoruz. 30-40 yıl önce başka ülkelerin burada yaptığı gemileri, biz aynı yöntemle bugün başka bir ülkede yapıyoruz. 2010’da başlayan projenin ilk iki gemisini teslim ettik. Yılsonuna kadar diğer iki gemiyi de teslim edeceğiz. Diğer gemileri ise 2013’ün sonu veya en geç 2014’ün ilk çeyreğinde teslim etmeyi planlıyoruz. Aynı ülkeyle 10 tane 42 knot süratli alüminyum sahil güvenlik teknelerinin inşası için anlaşma yaptık. Bu gemilerin hepsi bu yılsonuna kadar teslim edilmiş olacak. Yine aynı ülkenin tersanesinde 320 yolcu kapasiteli deniz otobüsü inşa ediyoruz. Bu gemilerin inşasında 305 kişi çalışıyor ve hemen hemen hepsi Türk."

Tu ihm kein unrecht, du hast Olivenöl vergessen....::lol: Nur ein weiterer Esel mit Neidkomplexen

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Ist er aber und zwar der erste von insgesamt vier Prototypen, gedacht für

P1: Mobility test
P2: Fire test
P3: Mobility test + Fire test
P4: Final Prototype

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Leider wird die Anzahl unter Verschluss gehalten. Aber wenn schon eine neue Produktionslinie aus dem Boden gestampft wird....
Es geht langfristig nicht nur um Kasachstan sondern um den ganzen Zentralasiatischen Markt...und das wichtigste die Produktpalette von Otokar ist ziemlich groß... Sehr schön das sie dort Fuß fassen konnten...


Turkish Otokar To Launch Production in Kazakhstan

ANKARA — Turkey’s leading armored vehicles manufacturer, Otokar, will launch a production line in Kazakhstan, the company said in a statement. A memorandum of understanding for the venture was signed Oct. 12 in Istanbul during the Turkish-Kazakh Investment and Commerce Forum, the statement said. The deal was witnessed by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

This is a follow-up deal to a contract Otokar won in May to sell scores of vehicles to the Kazakh Army. Under the deal, Otokar will launch a joint venture with Kazakhstan Engineering to produce Otokar’s four-wheel-drive Cobra armored vehicles.
Otokar, based in Istanbul, is a privately owned Turkish company listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and has sold more than 25,000 armored vehicles to nearly 30 countries. This is the first time a Turkish defense company will produce abroad.

Turkish Otokar To Launch Production in Kazakhstan | Defense News | defensenews.com

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Auch in der Marine läuft in diese "Richtung" so einiges (herhalde Türkmenistan olmasi gerekiyor):


"Anlaşma gereği adını açıklayamayacağım bir ülkeyle 8 YTKB inşası için anlaşma yaptık. Fakat gemileri sipariş veren ülkenin tersanesinde yapıyoruz. Malzeme, işçilik ve mühendisliğini biz yapıyoruz. Bu boyutlarda Türkiye’nin yurtdışına ihraç ettiği ilk askeri gemiler bunlar ve orada yapıyoruz. 30-40 yıl önce başka ülkelerin burada yaptığı gemileri, biz aynı yöntemle bugün başka bir ülkede yapıyoruz. 2010’da başlayan projenin ilk iki gemisini teslim ettik. Yılsonuna kadar diğer iki gemiyi de teslim edeceğiz. Diğer gemileri ise 2013’ün sonu veya en geç 2014’ün ilk çeyreğinde teslim etmeyi planlıyoruz. Aynı ülkeyle 10 tane 42 knot süratli alüminyum sahil güvenlik teknelerinin inşası için anlaşma yaptık. Bu gemilerin hepsi bu yılsonuna kadar teslim edilmiş olacak. Yine aynı ülkenin tersanesinde 320 yolcu kapasiteli deniz otobüsü inşa ediyoruz. Bu gemilerin inşasında 305 kişi çalışıyor ve hemen hemen hepsi Türk."

Su bizim Altay ne zaman seri üretime gecer sizce?

Ve su koreli firma neden bize bütün teknolojik haklarini devretti, ne verdikte teknoloji transferi gerceklesti, yani kazanclari neydi?
Ist er aber und zwar der erste von insgesamt vier Prototypen, gedacht für

P1: Mobility test
P2: Fire test
P3: Mobility test + Fire test
P4: Final Prototype

das würde vorraussetzen das es sich schon um die final-version handelt. ich habe aber gelesen, das zumindestesn der turm eine andere sein sein, einschließlich der unterbringung von elekrtonischem (kamera etc) gerät. du schreibst ja selbst, das ab der vierten version, wir den prototyp zu sehen bekommen.

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Su bizim Altay ne zaman seri üretime gecer sizce?

duyduma göre 2015-17.

Ve su koreli firma neden bize bütün teknolojik haklarini devretti, ne verdikte teknoloji transferi gerceklesti, yani kazanclari neydi?

bütün degil, sadece şasi. kazanclari? para!
das würde vorraussetzen das es sich schon um die final-version handelt.

Nein. Hast mich missverstanden/ich mich falsch ausgedrückt. Dieses "P" von P1,P2...sollte allgemein für Prototyp stehen wobei dieses "Final Prototype"=P4 als der letzte Prototyp und Vorserienfahrzeug gedacht ist und der Altay mit sehr großer Wahrscheinlichkeit in dieser Form vom Band laufen wird. Der Turm des ersten ist nur ein Mock-Up mit dem ungefähren Gewicht welches das "Fertige" haben sollte.

ich habe aber gelesen, das zumindestesn der turm eine andere sein sein, einschließlich der unterbringung von elekrtonischem (kamera etc) gerät.


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Su bizim Altay ne zaman seri üretime gecer sizce?

Ve su koreli firma neden bize bütün teknolojik haklarini devretti, ne verdikte teknoloji transferi gerceklesti, yani kazanclari neydi?

2017 ye dogru. Pek alisik olmaksizin bu savunma projesi zamanindan biraz önde ilerliyor. Normalde hep gecikmeler olur bunda ise tam aksine belki erkende bitebilir.
Kazanclari ise Cebrailinde dedigi gibi ilk olarak tabiki Para. Bazilari birazcik bizim kore savasindan beri kalma iyi iliskilerimizlede baglanti kuruyor ama...... Bunu illa baska ülkelerinde bize karsi yaptigi anlamina gelmez ve gelmiyor yalniz bu adamlar para karsiliginda bizimle bazi projelerde bilgi birikimlerini paylasiyorlar ve nice onlar icin son derece önemli olan projelerdede ortaklik teklif ediyorlar ama biz yanasmiyoruz. Buda onlarin bize karsi olan memnuniyetin ve güvenin bir göstergesi.
Burada yalniz ortalikda bir bilgi kirliligi dolasiyor. Otokar, ana yüklenici olarak, Hundai Rotem'den teknik destek aliyor. Yani T-155 Firtinada oldugu gibi ellerindeki tüm birikimlerini bize devretmiyorlar. Tabiki etselerde isimize yaramiyor cünkü TSK'nin beklentisi bambaska. Bizim mesela T-155 onlarin K-9 un neredeyse bir kopyasi. Yalniz bunun 100 % haklari bize ait. Parayi basip satin alindi. Istedigimiz yerde istedigimiz kadar üretip veya satabiliyoruz.
Altayda ise agirlikli olarak bizimkilerin üstesinden gelemedikleri bazi teknik sorunlarda destek aliniyor. "Koreli abi sunu falan yaptim birde sen göz at" gibisine birsey bu.
Altayin zirhi Roketsan tarafindan gelistiriliyor burada ise Korelilerden destek aliniyor, Aselsan ise tüm elektronik ve optik cihazlardan ve atis kontrol
sistemlerinden falan sorumlu olarak yalniz gelistiriyor, motor ise almanlardan. Bilgi birikimi olarak Altayda bulunacak 120mm topun haklarini tamamen koreliler bize devrettiler ve bunlar MKE de üretilecek. Gerisi Otakardan.
Onlarinda yillardir Xk-2 diye bir tank projeleri yürürlükde ve halen teknik sorunlardan dolayi seri üretime gecemediler. Bizim Altayin ile onlarin Xk-2 Maradona birlestigi nokta "sadece" ucundaki topu ve motoru, cünkü bunu onlarda almanlardan aliyorlar. Ve sonucda Motor haric Altayin tüm haklari ve bilgi birikimleri Savunma Sanayi Müstesarligina (SSM) ait.

Biraz uzun ve reklam amacli yazilmis gibi ama, ilgisi olan icin

Istanbul’s techno-park to make $10 bln annually


Teknopark Istanbul, a defense and related-industry research and development hub, will generate nearly $10 billion for Turkeys economy annually after its completion in eight to 10 years, the projects business development chief has said.

I think the annual contribution of Istanbul Teknopark to Turkeys economy will be around $10 billion when the project is completed, Özgur Özçelik, the programs business development director, told the Hürriyet Daily News over the weekend.

Teknopark Istanbul will operate a 750,000-square meter indoor space at Sabiha Gokçen Airport, east of Istanbul, accommodating more than 30,000 personnel and targeting $10 billion in defense and non-defense business annually, to become one of Europes largest technology parks, similar to Silicon Valley.

Its major shareholders are the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), with a 45 percent stake, and the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (TO), with a 40 percent stake. Construction work began late last year, when Science, Industry and Technology Minister Nihat Ergün and SSM chief Murad Bayar laid its foundation.

Talks with global giants

The site will bring together companies and many universities in Istanbul, targeting strategic fields like aviation, maritime, electronics, information technology, nanotechnology, energy and automotive, biotechnologies, automation systems and robot technologies, said Turgut enol, the CEO of the technology center. Some of the worlds technology giants are already in talks with Teknopark Istanbul to build their own offices there, he said.

The centers first six blocks, with an indoor space of 61,000 square meters will be opened by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan in December or January, said the centers officials. This will formally launch the technoparks opening, which will expand into 950,000 square meters of indoor space.
Similar technoparks in Europe, for example the Hamburg Technopark in Germany, generate around $10 billion for the industry a year.
The site will offer its residents tax advantages and logistical benefits, as they will be located within a major airport and have quick access to a trans-European motorway, enol said. Here, we will be hosting both Turkish and foreign techno ventures.

$4 bln investment

In recent years, Turkish companies have won subcontracts from multinational programs, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, attack helicopters and naval vessels, as well as contracts for vehicles, electronics and software for Turkeys military. Foreign contractors surely will benefit from Teknopark Istanbul, as international production programs involving Turkey are on a visible rise, he said.
The partners SSM and TO have earmarked a budget of $4 billion for the project, including the construction. South Korean Samsung and Korean Aerospace Industries, German Atlas, U.S. General Electric, French and Turkish Thales and Turkish Roketsan, STM and Milsoft are among the companies that are negotiating with Istanbul Teknopark over the allocation of lands and offices.

An international five-star hotel will also be included within Istanbul Teknoparks boundaries.

This will be among the biggest techno parks in the world. Being located inside an international airport and closeness to major land and sea transport routes also means they will greatly contribute to its success, said Özçelik, the business development chief enol, a former SSM department head, chaired defense companies Ayesas and Meteksan Savunma. Before that, he was a business development chief at military electronics company Havelsan, one of Turkeys top three defense companies.

The government in recent years has encouraged the indigenous design, development and production of the weapons it requires. It also has encouraged joint development and coproduction with foreign companies. Until the mid-2000s, Ankara often bought weapons off the shelf.

TeknoPark Istanbul - YouTube

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Teknopark Istanbul

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