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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

sogar unlackiert sieht der verdammt ansehlich aus.


Einiges über denn momentanen stand des Türkischen Atmaca ( anti-ship missile ) und weiteres.

Hopefully We will hear very good news about Atmaca anti-ship missile soon....

Click here to view the original image of 712x316px.

Thanks to Turan from SavunmaTurk net.

Then I'll give you the news.
I was with the engineer who work on Atmaca project in the radar section of Aselsan. What he said is They completed a radar that is as big as a normal plate(about 30cm) that can move all directions for the Atmaca project. He also confirmed that they completed engineering part of the Atmaca project in Aselsan. He heralded that test performance of the radar exceeded all the targets set before commence of the project.

COMING SOON..........


What I heard for Atmaca is will be 3 variant. First atmaca which is called Atmaca1 70KM already completed but wont be in serial production. Variant 2 called Atmaca2 is also completed 140KM waiting for serial production orders. Variant 3 will be 180+KM.

Some More Radar and Missile Info,

Click here to view the original image of 712x417px.

Note: He calles Air-to-Air missile as Atmaca2 which is either wrong or changed the name. Because our whisper says Air-to-Air missile name is "SAHIN" most likely that air-to-air missile first variant already completed and they are working on the second variant.


The name Sahin is not stated by member Turan. Another guy says confirmed the name from 2 different sources. I dunno. I am the liar of others. Also program name and missile name might be different.

Cabatli the post also mentions other things..do you have any input for them.

A new radar work started to be placed on a truck sized 2mX5m
He mention Acoustic Torpedo Defence Syst. completion.Called revolutionary(should be Hizir I guess
SAR radar Completion
TFX front radar project commence(aesa?)
A new a2a missile project (called atmaca2 hints that 1 is completed)
Radar of the Fnss air defence platform with its great performance. Navy's request of similar one.

Click here to view the original image of 712x169px.

saol ozi and Turan for reaching the info with us.

Der Testflug des Türkischen Airbus A400.
Ab September soll der erste von insgesammt 10 in der Türkei anrollen . Hayirlisi

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Wann kommen die 1.500 und 2.500?

die 500km raketen sind schon fertig in der entwicklung, die 2500 km raketen sollen ende 2014 fertig sein..
[h=1]Turkey's recent steps in space, missile technology ruffle feathers in West[/h]





Technology related to space is not only a key element for intelligence gathering efforts, but also for missile technology, as satellites help missiles accurately hit targets. (Photo: Cihan)

A recently published report on a defense industry website which claimed that Turkey's efforts to establish its own satellite launching center raised concerns among some of its Western allies is seemingly just part of an effort by Western countries to keep Turkey under check, analysts agree.

“It's always been a top concern for the West to keep Turkey under control,” said Sait Yılmaz, director of the National Security and Strategy Research and Application Center at İstanbul Aydın University. He believes Western countries don't want Turkey to get stronger and that's how they keep it in line with their own interests.
According to a story that appeared on defensenews.com on July 28, Ankara's Western allies worry that Turkey might fire long-range missiles from the satellite launching center. “Some of Turkey's NATO allies fear that Ankara could in the future use its satellite launcher as a launching pad for its intended 2,500-kilometer-range missiles,” a Western ambassador in Ankara whose name was not revealed was reported to have said.
In the past two years or so, Turkey's efforts to develop technology in fields related to space and aviation have been on the rise. As announced at the beginning of 2012 by Yücel Altınbaşak, head of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Turkey has already produced missiles with a range of 500 kilometers, and has been working to produce missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers. Turkey hopes to complete the development of the 2,500-kilometer missile by the end of 2014.
Turkey, having also taken initial steps to construct a satellite launching center, will then acquire the capacity to send satellites and missiles into outer space. Such a step is seen as a major step forward in defense technology, as it's difficult to detect a ballistic missile on radar and harder to intercept a ballistic missile than a conventional one.

Turkey's recent steps in space, missile technology ruffle feathers in West - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

One month ago, the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) signed a contract with Roketsan, Turkey's missile manufacturer, for the construction of a satellite launching center together with a production facility for satellite launch vehicles. The launching center, which will be operated by the Turkish Air Force (THK) will allow Turkey to put satellites into orbit by its own means.

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Wann kommen die 1.500 und 2.500?

die 500km raketen sind schon fertig in der entwicklung, die 2500 km raketen sollen ende 2014 fertig sein..
[h=1]Turkey's recent steps in space, missile technology ruffle feathers in West[/h]





Technology related to space is not only a key element for intelligence gathering efforts, but also for missile technology, as satellites help missiles accurately hit targets. (Photo: Cihan)

A recently published report on a defense industry website which claimed that Turkey's efforts to establish its own satellite launching center raised concerns among some of its Western allies is seemingly just part of an effort by Western countries to keep Turkey under check, analysts agree.

“It's always been a top concern for the West to keep Turkey under control,” said Sait Yılmaz, director of the National Security and Strategy Research and Application Center at İstanbul Aydın University. He believes Western countries don't want Turkey to get stronger and that's how they keep it in line with their own interests.
According to a story that appeared on defensenews.com on July 28, Ankara's Western allies worry that Turkey might fire long-range missiles from the satellite launching center. “Some of Turkey's NATO allies fear that Ankara could in the future use its satellite launcher as a launching pad for its intended 2,500-kilometer-range missiles,” a Western ambassador in Ankara whose name was not revealed was reported to have said.
In the past two years or so, Turkey's efforts to develop technology in fields related to space and aviation have been on the rise. As announced at the beginning of 2012 by Yücel Altınbaşak, head of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Turkey has already produced missiles with a range of 500 kilometers, and has been working to produce missiles with a range of 2,500 kilometers. Turkey hopes to complete the development of the 2,500-kilometer missile by the end of 2014.
Turkey, having also taken initial steps to construct a satellite launching center, will then acquire the capacity to send satellites and missiles into outer space. Such a step is seen as a major step forward in defense technology, as it's difficult to detect a ballistic missile on radar and harder to intercept a ballistic missile than a conventional one.


One month ago, the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) signed a contract with Roketsan, Turkey's missile manufacturer, for the construction of a satellite launching center together with a production facility for satellite launch vehicles. The launching center, which will be operated by the Turkish Air Force (THK) will allow Turkey to put satellites into orbit by its own means.

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ideal fuer die evros uberquerung:jubel: die brueckenlegepanzer von fnss und davor unser sabra panzer

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Der Testflug des Türkischen Airbus A400.
Ab September soll der erste von insgesammt 10 in der Türkei anrollen . Hayirlisi

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Wieso nur 10? Deutschland bekommt sogar 80! Mit unserer großen Armee bräuchten wir eigentlich mehr bin ich der Meinung. Man kann ja auch nachbestellen! :D
Die dinger sind gut für Invasionen aus der luft! Könnte man die auch zu Bomber umbauen?

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Kooperation türkischer High-Tech Unternehmen mit der NASA:

Türkische Sierra Nevada Corporation: NASA unterstützt „Dream Chaser“ mit 212,5 Millionen Dollar

Die US-Weltraumbehörde NASA hat der Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), die sich im Besitz des türkischen Ehepaares Eren und Fatih Özmen befindet, 212.5 Millionen Dollar gewährt. Damit soll das Space-Taxi-Projekt des Unternehmens names „Dream Chaser“ vorangetrieben werden.
Sierra Nevada, so heißt es derzeit in den türkischen Medien, sei eines von drei Unternehmen, welche die NASA mit insgesamt 1,1 Milliarden Dollar unter die Arme greife. Außerdem finanziell ausgestattet würden der Flugzeughersteller Boeing und SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies Corp.). 440 Millionen gehen an SpaceX, weitere 460 Millionen an Boeing.
Dream Chaser soll sieben Astronauten zur ISS bringen

Die SNC, so Eren Özmen, habe, neben zwei weiteren Firmen, bereits einen Deal mit der NASA über die Entwicklung eines zuverlässigen und sicheren Transportmittels unterzeichnet, das Astronauten und deren Fracht zur internationalen Raumstation (ISS) bringen solle. „Die SNC Space System Group hat den Vertrag mit der NASA unterschrieben, um die Testprozesse an den Dream Chaser Space Systems fortzusetzen.“

100 Millionen Dollar an Unterstützung habe die SNC bereits erhalten. Das Ziel: Das Unternehmen soll, als Teil des COTS-Programms der NASA, die nächste Generation von Space Shuttles der NASA für bemannte Raumflüge entwickeln. Der Dream Chaser ist ein vertikaler Start-Raumgleiter. Der bis zu sieben Personen berfördern soll. Das Design des Dream Chaser beruht auf dem Prototypen HL-20, der Ende der achtziger Jahre als Versorgungsfahrzeug für die geplante US-Raumstation Freedom projektiert wurde. Bereits in fünf Jahren plant die NASA, nach der Einstellung des Shuttleprogramms 2011, eines der neuen Shuttle einzusetzen.
denizkurdu (seewolf) 2013 uebung der turkischen marine ab min 5 sieht man wie unsere komandos gegnerische inseln einnehmen.

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Kann jemand eine liste von unseren streitkräften, deren equipment und ihrer mannstärke darstellen? Wikipedia vertrau ich da nicht so ganz und des öfteren fallen mir fahrzeuge auf die im internet nie erwähnt werden..
jetzt überlege mal, welchen Nutzen man ohne ABC-Sprengköpfe hätte. Was für ein Abschreckungspotential hätte man dann mit konventionellen Sprengköpfen?

doch, es gibt ja lenkbare Wiedereintrittskörper (MARV), mit GPS oder GLONASS zusammen erreicht man ein CEP von etwa 5-10m. Mit einem 1000kg Sprengkopf ist man Präzise genug, kann also chirurgische Schläge durchführen. Außerdem sind ballistische Raketen zu schnell, um abgefangen werden zu können. Außer die neuesten russischen Systeme wie die S-400.