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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

[h=1]TÜBİTAK patentli özel eğitim[/h]
  • İsmail Umut ARABACI
  • 09.12.2013

TÜBİTAK tarafından geliştirilen, tamamı yerli üretim TAKSİS projesi, son teknolojiyi ve yazılım sistemlerini kullanıp Özel Harekât birimlerine, gerçeğinden farksız bir çatışma eğitimi sunuyor
Askeri ve sivil alanda son dönemde çok önemli atılımlar gerçekleştiren TÜBİTAK, yeni ve çarpıcı bir projeye daha imza attı. Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü Özel Harekât Daire Başkanlığı için yürütülen TAKSİS projesi bitme aşamasına geldi. Yazılım sistemleri, lazer teknolojisi ve konumlandırma sistemleri tamamen yerli olan bu eğitim projesi, birçok özelliğiyle dünyada tek olma özelliğini taşıyacak.

TAKSİS, gerçeğe yakın çatışma ortamı yaratan bir eğitim sistemi… Özel Harekât Daire Başkanlığı'nın ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda iki kurum arası yapılan görüşmelerle hayata geçirilen TAKSİS Özel Amaçlı Taktik Operasyon Eğitim Sistemi projesinin en önemli özelliği tamamen yerli olması. TÜBİTAK patentli özel tasarım lazer algılayıcı eğitim elbiseleri ile birlikte yüksek hassasiyetli konumlandırma ve kamera sistemlerini kapsayan proje pek çok özelliğiyle de dünyada tek... Yaklaşık 3 yıldır yürütülen çalışmalar sonunda son halini alan projenin, şubat ayı içinde Özel Harekât Daire Başkanlığı'na teslim edileceği belirtiliyor. Gerçeğe yakın operasyon ortamı yaratan TAKSİS projesi, özel harekât polisinin eğitimi için geliştirildi. Özel harekât polislerinin operasyonlarda kullandığı MP5, M4A1, AK 47, Glock 17 gibi silahların orijinalinden hiçbir farkı olmayan lazerli eğitim silahlarının kullanıldığı bu sistemde, silahların geri tepmesine kadar en ince ayrıntılar bile unutulmamış. Polislerin eğitimlerde giyecekleri kıyafetler ise oldukça hassas lazer alıcılarla donatılmış. Bütün vücutta 85 ayrı noktada alıcısı bulunan sistem bu özelliği ile de türünün tek örneği. Sistemde silahların yanı sıra orijinalleri ile aynı esasa göre çalışan el bombaları, sis bombaları ve bubi tuzakları kullanılıyor. Çatışma esnasında komuta merkezinde bulunan eğitmenler tarafından personelin elindeki tüm silahlar kontrol edilebiliyor. Örneğin tam bir çatışma senaryosu oynanırken kontrol merkezindeki eğitmen tarafından görevli polisin silahına tutukluk verilebiliyor. Böylece personelin çatışma esnasında yaşabileceği her türlü olumsuz senaryoya karşı vereceği tepki öğrenilmiş oluyor. Sistemde ayrıca eğitime katılan tüm personelin düzenli olarak nabız ve kalp atışları da takip ediliyor. Eğitim çalışması bittiğinde ise tüm polis memurlarının catış başarıları, kendini koruma, bölge koruma ve terörist fark etme gibi aşamalardaki performansları sistemde raporlanıyor.

TÜBİTAK'ın Gebze yerleşkesine gerçekleştirdiğimiz ziyarette bize eşlik eden BİLGEM BTE'nin Müdürü Atakan Erdem, projeyi SABAH'a anlatarak, "Eğitim mermilerinin yerine düşük güçlü lazerlerin kullanıldığı sistem sayesinde mühimmatlardan büyük ölçüde tasarruf sağlanacak" dedi. Erdem, sistemi şubat ayı içinde Ankara Gölbaşı'nda bulunan Özel Harekât Daire Başkanlığı'nda kuracaklarını da sözlerine ekledi.

TÜBİTAK'ın Gebze yerleşkesine gerçekleştirdiğimiz ziyarette bize eşlik eden BİLGEM BTE'nin Müdürü Atakan Erdem, projeyi SABAH'a anlatarak, "Eğitim mermilerinin yerine düşük güçlü lazerlerin kullanıldığı sistem sayesinde mühimmatlardan büyük ölçüde tasarruf sağlanacak" dedi. Erdem, sistemi şubat ayı içinde Ankara Gölbaşı'nda bulunan Özel Harekât Daire Başkanlığı'nda kuracaklarını da sözlerine ekledi.
turkische gendarmerie spezialeinheit (antiterror) ubung mit turkish airlines:^^:

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.

Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.


According to news Pakistan defence minister Hussein announced that There might be talks over Hurkus in the upcoming Turkish PM visit.


Turkey to start delivering T-155 Firtina self-propelled howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan next year


Baku. Rashad Suleymanov - APA. Turkey will start delivering T-155 Firtina (Storm) self-propelled howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan next year, Turkey’s Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation toldAPA.

Currently, the engines produced by an unnamed country are being tested, if the tests produce efficient results, the engines will be installed on the ready systems and delivered to Azerbaijan.

Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation continues producing self-propelled howitzers. 36 self-propelled howitzers will be delivered under T-155 Firtina contract signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The contract was signed in 2011. But Germany’s MTU company, which provides engines for Firtina, refused to provide engines for the howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan citing to the embargo imposed in connection with the armed conflict with Armenia.

If the engine problem is solved, Azerbaijan intends to increase T-155 Firtina howitzers.

APA - Turkey to start delivering T-155 Firtina self-propelled howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan next year

New export success from record breaker


FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. has signed an export agreement with a Middle Eastern Country, worth of $360 million. Country name is kept confidential.
The deal includes modernisation of M113 armoured combat vehicles.

FNSS manufactures armoured vehicles and modernises vehicles for same country and this deal is its sixth agreement.

FNSS made a written statement and declared M113 vehicles that will be modernised by FNSS will perform better than already modernised other M113 vehicles in other countries.

With this agreement, FNSS’ exports to Middle Easter countries overpasses $ 1 bn and FNSS gets one step closer to its $ 500 million yearly income targe

New export success from record breaker

Turkey keen on space cooperation with China


Turkey is keen on space cooperation with China, especially in lunar missions and outer space exploration, scientists said here on Wednesday after China's launching of lunar probe Chang'e-3.

The scientists watched the launching of Long March-3B rocket, which carried Chang'e-3 lunar probe and Yutu lunar rover, on Monday.
"Turkey closely watches China's lunar exploration programs," Onur Haliloglu, Technical Deputy Director of Space Technologies Research Institute of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), said in a interview with Xinhua.

Now Turkey with great enthusiasm waits for the latest information from Chang'e-3, Haliloglu remarked.

The scientist said the areas that Turkey and China should expand cooperation are satellite projects, lunar mission projects and exploration of the outer space.

Meanwhile, Director of Center for Science and Technology Research and Assistant Professor Celal Sami Tufekci in Yildiz Technical University Department of Mechatronics Engineering told Xinhua that Turkey could develop its partnership with China in designing astronaut programs.

"Turkey needs an astronaut program and in the near future I think that the two countries could expand their cooperation in sending astronauts to the space," Tufekci added.

China has been investing a lot in space missions, Tufekci said. "It has been conducting very impressive programs and the Chang'e-3 is one of them."
Tufekci also mentioned, China Space Station is expected to be operational in 2022, which would provide a good opportunity for Turkish scientists to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts.

"Turkey is at the beginner level in developing space programs and is ready to cooperate with China," he remarked.
Speaking of space bilateral cooperation, Haliloglu said, Turkey and China are two senior members of Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and TUBITAK is an authorized institution of the organization in Turkey.

"TUBITAK has long been working with China in developing space projects and has enjoyed continuous support from Beijing for its ongoing programs. APSCO is an important agency in facilitating our cooperation," Haliloglu said.

One of the important projects that TUBITAK has been working with China is the earthquake prediction.
"TUBITAK gets support from China in studying the ionic activities in the ionosphere to predict earthquakes," Haliloglu said.
In addition, TUBITAK and China also cooperate in developing regional GPS satellites, he noted.

Turkey keen on space cooperation with China

Libya: Defence Ministry, Nexter, FNSS and 8x8 vehicles


The Libyan Defence Ministry is said to have approved a project to buy 8x8 wheeled armored vehicles for the Libyan Land Forces (LLF). The following 381-word report sheds light on the subject and tells how many vehicles the Ministry intends to buy and what about possible suppliers and what about the VBCI of Nexter and Pars of FNSS. It also tells what about US intervention in the project.

Tactical Report - Libya: Defence Ministry, Nexter, FNSS and 8x8 vehicles

OTOKAR ARMA 8x8 with Mızrak-30 Turret equipped with L-UMTAS


OTOKAR ARMA 8x8 with BMP-3 turret in desert


ellerinize saglik reporlar icin ozi, cabatli.
JSF-F35 Center Fuselage Delivery Ceremony In TAI




Das komplexeste, kniffligste Teil ( Mittelstück ) für denn F-35 wird durch TAI produziert. Masallah....
Hab gelesen das wir 20 f-35"c" bestellen wollen für unseren hubschrauberträger..

- - - Aktualisiert - - -


According to news Pakistan defence minister Hussein announced that There might be talks over Hurkus in the upcoming Turkish PM visit.


Turkey to start delivering T-155 Firtina self-propelled howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan next year


Baku. Rashad Suleymanov - APA. Turkey will start delivering T-155 Firtina (Storm) self-propelled howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan next year, Turkey’s Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation toldAPA.

Currently, the engines produced by an unnamed country are being tested, if the tests produce efficient results, the engines will be installed on the ready systems and delivered to Azerbaijan.

Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation continues producing self-propelled howitzers. 36 self-propelled howitzers will be delivered under T-155 Firtina contract signed between Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The contract was signed in 2011. But Germany’s MTU company, which provides engines for Firtina, refused to provide engines for the howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan citing to the embargo imposed in connection with the armed conflict with Armenia.

If the engine problem is solved, Azerbaijan intends to increase T-155 Firtina howitzers.

APA - Turkey to start delivering T-155 Firtina self-propelled howitzers ordered by Azerbaijan next year

New export success from record breaker


FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. has signed an export agreement with a Middle Eastern Country, worth of $360 million. Country name is kept confidential.
The deal includes modernisation of M113 armoured combat vehicles.

FNSS manufactures armoured vehicles and modernises vehicles for same country and this deal is its sixth agreement.

FNSS made a written statement and declared M113 vehicles that will be modernised by FNSS will perform better than already modernised other M113 vehicles in other countries.

With this agreement, FNSS’ exports to Middle Easter countries overpasses $ 1 bn and FNSS gets one step closer to its $ 500 million yearly income targe

New export success from record breaker

Turkey keen on space cooperation with China


Turkey is keen on space cooperation with China, especially in lunar missions and outer space exploration, scientists said here on Wednesday after China's launching of lunar probe Chang'e-3.

The scientists watched the launching of Long March-3B rocket, which carried Chang'e-3 lunar probe and Yutu lunar rover, on Monday.
"Turkey closely watches China's lunar exploration programs," Onur Haliloglu, Technical Deputy Director of Space Technologies Research Institute of Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), said in a interview with Xinhua.

Now Turkey with great enthusiasm waits for the latest information from Chang'e-3, Haliloglu remarked.

The scientist said the areas that Turkey and China should expand cooperation are satellite projects, lunar mission projects and exploration of the outer space.

Meanwhile, Director of Center for Science and Technology Research and Assistant Professor Celal Sami Tufekci in Yildiz Technical University Department of Mechatronics Engineering told Xinhua that Turkey could develop its partnership with China in designing astronaut programs.

"Turkey needs an astronaut program and in the near future I think that the two countries could expand their cooperation in sending astronauts to the space," Tufekci added.

China has been investing a lot in space missions, Tufekci said. "It has been conducting very impressive programs and the Chang'e-3 is one of them."
Tufekci also mentioned, China Space Station is expected to be operational in 2022, which would provide a good opportunity for Turkish scientists to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts.

"Turkey is at the beginner level in developing space programs and is ready to cooperate with China," he remarked.
Speaking of space bilateral cooperation, Haliloglu said, Turkey and China are two senior members of Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) and TUBITAK is an authorized institution of the organization in Turkey.

"TUBITAK has long been working with China in developing space projects and has enjoyed continuous support from Beijing for its ongoing programs. APSCO is an important agency in facilitating our cooperation," Haliloglu said.

One of the important projects that TUBITAK has been working with China is the earthquake prediction.
"TUBITAK gets support from China in studying the ionic activities in the ionosphere to predict earthquakes," Haliloglu said.
In addition, TUBITAK and China also cooperate in developing regional GPS satellites, he noted.

Turkey keen on space cooperation with China

Libya: Defence Ministry, Nexter, FNSS and 8x8 vehicles


The Libyan Defence Ministry is said to have approved a project to buy 8x8 wheeled armored vehicles for the Libyan Land Forces (LLF). The following 381-word report sheds light on the subject and tells how many vehicles the Ministry intends to buy and what about possible suppliers and what about the VBCI of Nexter and Pars of FNSS. It also tells what about US intervention in the project.

Tactical Report - Libya: Defence Ministry, Nexter, FNSS and 8x8 vehicles

OTOKAR ARMA 8x8 with Mızrak-30 Turret equipped with L-UMTAS


OTOKAR ARMA 8x8 with BMP-3 turret in desert


ellerinize saglik reporlar icin ozi, cabatli.

Zu den firtinas: haben die doch behauptet das sie die motoren selber bauen oder aus russland kaufen um sie nsch azerbaijan zu verkaufen?!

Und zu den fnss pars: sehen cool aus, wieso kriegen wir keine wenn wir sie schon bauen?! Nötig haben wir sie auf jeden fall!
Türkei: Raketendeal vor dem Aus? | DTJ ONLINE

Wie es aussieht werden wir doch keine raketen aus china kaufen!
Damit vergeuden wir zeit, 1,5milliarden dollar (die wir in was besseres z.b. forschung oder anderes militär gerät stecken könnten) und verlieren ein technologie transfer (wissen), und gute technik!
Außerdem lese ich oftmals das wir über patriot "mittelstreckenraketen" (keine langstreckenraketen) verfügen!
JSF-F35 Center Fuselage Delivery Ceremony In TAI




Das komplexeste, kniffligste Teil ( Mittelstück ) für denn F-35 wird durch TAI produziert. Masallah....

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welches teil meinst du genau?

Mittelstück. Mal abgesehen vom motor.

Hab gelesen das wir 20 f-35"c" bestellen wollen für unseren hubschrauberträger..

Zu den firtinas: haben die doch behauptet das sie die motoren selber bauen oder aus russland kaufen um sie nsch azerbaijan zu verkaufen?!

Und zu den fnss pars: sehen cool aus, wieso kriegen wir keine wenn wir sie schon bauen?! Nötig haben wir sie auf jeden fall!

1.Das ist/wahr der gedanke hinter der ganzen sache, aber ob sich da noch was tut mit dem LHD/LHP projekt kann ich dir persönlich auch nix genaueres sagen, bin auch noch auf dem alten stand der dinge.

2.Vorerst wird die ukraine die motoren für die Firtinas ausliefern, sobald ( um die 5 jahre ) der erste heimische serienreife motor vorgestellt wird.

3.schwer zu beantworten.
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