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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Ankara wird zum Zentrum unserer Rüstungsindustrie!

‘Ankara's becoming a defense industry center to worry some parties'

The government's target of turning Ankara into a prominent defense industry hub -- a brand-new project announced by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan -- will not be welcomed by some parties and they may attempt sabotaging this goal, defense economy expert Yakup Evirgen told Today's Zaman on Friday in Ankara. Erdoğan on Wednesday announced a series of projects planned by his ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) for Ankara. Among the leading projects Erdoğan proposed is making the capital into one of the most important defense industry centers in the world. The prime minister said a radar production facility will be established in Ankara by ASELSAN, as well as a space and satellite center by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). Erdoğan attributes Ankara's potential to become an eminent defense industry to the fact that the city meets 80 percent of Turkey's defense industry production, which increased by more than 100 percent between 2004 and 2010, he said this production is by companies based in Ankara. Ankara's defense companies are expected to contribute $8 billion to the Turkish defense industry's total turnover.

Underlining that leading Turkish defense companies such as TUSAŞ, ASELSAN, HAVELSAN, ROKETSAN and MKE are based in Ankara, Evirgen said the new projects would boost the city's defense industry and also be a major driving force behind the country's economic growth. “Ankara's future lies here. … This project will maintain a sustainable improvement in technological infrastructure,” he explained. “But some parties, both inside Turkey and abroad, will try to put obstacles before this project.” According to the defense expert, Turkey's leading defense product providers will not be happy with Turkey meeting its demands in domestic markets. Mentioning a lack of confidence among Turkish companies to engage in defense development projects in the past, Evirgen said this project will also help local producers gain confidence.

Evirgen says that sustainable development in the Turkish defense industry could only be provided by defining “national” defense strategies. Turkey's defense sector should be protected from potential foreign manipulations.
Noting that the construction of a radar production facility is of the utmost importance in the project, he says Turkey was late in doing so and studies must be accelerated to realize it.
Unser Uboot TCG ANAFARTALAR der Preveze Klasse bei der Nato Übung Bold Monarch-2011

So wie es aussieht wird ab 2013 die Serienproduktion gestartet und die Landstreitkräfte bekommen ab 2013 die T-129 geliefert insgesamt 51 Stück.

Wegen dem Terrorproblem hat die Türkei extra noch 9 T-129 bestellt sie sollen schon nächstes Jahr im April-Mai geliefert werden.

Dann hätte man 60 Kampfhelis im Inventar.

:masallah:Türkiye uydu üretimine geçti sıra ‘fırlatma kabiliyeti’ne geldi

Ankara'yı uzay ve uydu merkezi konumuna getirecek projelerden olan Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş’nin (Tusaş) 100 milyon doların üzerindeki Uydu Montaj Entegrasyon ve Test Merkezi gelecek yıl, Aselsan’ın Gölbaşı’ndaki Radar ve Elektronik Harp Sistemleri Tesisi de 2013 yılında faaliyete geçecek.


Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın, Ankara’nın savunma sanayiinde uydu ve uzay merkezi konumuna yükseleceğini söylemesi üzerine gözler Tusaş ile Aselsan’ın Başkent’teki yatırımlarına çevrildi.
Seri testler yapılacak
‘Uydu Montaj Entegrasyon ve Test Merkezi (UMET) hakkında bilgi veren Tusaş Genel Müdürü Muharrem Dörtkaşlı, bu tesiste uluslararası standartta uyduların fırlatılmadan önce montajının yapılarak entegrasyonunun gerçekleştirileceğini belirtti. Dörtkaşlı, şunları söyledi: “Burası uzay koşullarının simüle edilerek daha yerde iken uydunun uzay koşullarında çalışacağından yüzde 100 emin olunmasını sağlayan bir seri testin gerçekleştirileceği, çok özel donanımlara sahip bir teknoloji merkezi olacak. Aynı anda iki ayrı uydunun üretimi ve testi yapılabilecek. 120 mühendis istihdam edilecek.”
İhracat da olabilir
Bu imkana sayılı ülkenin sahip olduğunu söyleyen Dörtkaşlı, “Öncelik milli ihtiyaçlar olmakla beraber, ihracat da söz konusu olabilir. Ayrıca ürettiğimiz uyduyu yörüngesine taşıyacak fırlatma kabiliyetine yönelik planlamalar da yapılıyor” dedi.
Aselsan’da çalışmalar sürüyor
SAVUNMA sanayiinde en gelişmiş teknolojileri tasarlayarak Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin (TSK) elektronik cihaz ve sistem ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan Aselsan da Ankara-Gölbaşı’nda 200 milyon dolar yatırımla Radar ve Elektronik Harp Sistemleri Tesisi kurma çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. Aselsan, tesiste TSK’nın ihtiyacı olan hava savunma radarları, kara radarları, sinyal kesici jammer cihazları, mikrodalga modül ve çeşitli elektronik harp teçhizatlarının Ar-Ge, tasarım ve üretimini gerçekleştirecek.

Trkiye uydu retimine geti sra frlatma kabiliyetine geldi - Hrriyet EKONOM
Wenn dann noch unsere 100 F35 dazu kommen haben wir eine Sau starke Luftwaffe.

Ob diese noch kommen werden, ist zurzeit fraglich bzw. unsicher.

Europe takes on US to win $16 bln Turkey fighter jet deal

Turkey, with its plan to purchase 100 fighter jets -- for which it was going to shake hands with Lockheed Martin for $16 billion, but later suspended due to the American aerospace company's refusal to share technology with it -- has also received an offer from Europe, one that includes the sharing of the know-how Turkey wants.

Speaking to Today's Zaman on the condition of anonymity, a leading executive from European Eurofighter -- an aerospace consortium of Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom -- said they agree to fulfill Turkey's demands to that end. “We are ready to share all software codes and critical technologies with Turkey,” the official said. Previously the Lockheed Martin director responsible for the F-35s Turkey initially agreed to buy said that what Turkey wanted was not acceptable because of “financial and cost constraints.” The American company declined to comment on the issue despite Eurofighter's offer.

Earlier in March, Turkey announced that it was putting the planned purchase of 100 F-35 fighter jets from the US on hold because the Pentagon refused to share the source code used in the software designed for the aircraft, as well as the codes that might be used externally to activate the planes. Lockheed is the Pentagon's top supplier by sales. It builds the F-16, F-22 and F-35 fighter aircraft, as well as the Aegis naval combat system and THAAD missile defense.

Without the source code, Turkish engineers wouldn't be able to make any changes to the software that operates the jets. The external flight codes are equally important, if not more so, as they can be used externally to navigate the jets.

Europe takes on US to win $16 bln Turkey fighter jet deal