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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Uzun Menzilli Hava Savunma Sistemi NATO sistemine uyacak


Füze alımı için Çin’le anlaşılmasının yankıları sürerken, Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı’nda yönetim değişiyor. 10 yıldır bu görevi sürdüren Murat Bayar’ın yerine İETT Genel Müdürü Baraçlı’nın geleceği öğrenildi. SAVUNMA Sanayi Müsteşarlığı’nda (SSM) tepe yönetim değişiyor. Savunma sanayi alanında Türkiye’nin devler liginde yarışır hale gelmesine büyük katkı sağlayan SSM Müsteşarı Murat Bayar, 10 yılı aşkın bir süredir yürüttüğü görevinden ayrılıyor. Bayar’ın yerine İETT Genel Müdürü Hayri Baraçlı’nın getirileceği öğrenildi. Türkiye Şeker Fabrikaları Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği’nin yanı sıra, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Proje Koordinatörlüğü, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yönetim Danışmanlığı, İDO Yönetim Kurulu Üyeliği ve Türkiye Güreş Federasyonu Denetim Kurulu Üyeliği görevlerinde bulunan Baraçlı halen İETT Genel Müdürlüğü görevini yürütüyor. Baraçlı için Başbakan Erdoğan ve Milli Savunma Bakanı İsmet Yılmaz’ın fikir birliğine vardığı, atamanın yakında yapılacağı öğrenildi.

Savunma ve Stratejik Analizler: Uzun Menzilli Hava Savunma Sistemi NATO sistemine uyacak

Ist das geil oder ist das geil?!

teil mal bitte dein wissensstand mit uns, wer genau dieser Typ ist!

hoffe er wird seine aufgabe genau so ernstnähmen/meistern wie Murat Bayar.
Die ersten Test aufnahmen vom nationalen Low Attitude Air Defence.


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Ich kann irgendwie niicht glauben, dass wir das hergestellt haben sollen.
Die Mittelstrecken Rakete hat das gleiche Design wie die deutsche Iris-T. Was denkt ihr?

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teil mal bitte dein wissensstand mit uns, wer genau dieser Typ ist!

hoffe er wird seine aufgabe genau so ernstnähmen/meistern wie Murat Bayar.

Sorry, habe mein Text editiert. Blätter mal eine Seite zurück. Da geht dir einer ab!
Zu deiner Frage. Ich selbst kann zu der besagten Person nichts sagen. Kann nur hoffen das er halb so kompetent ist wie sein Vorgänger.
[h=1]Turkish military to release soldiers early[/h]ANKARA
[h=2]The Turkish Army is set to discharge a large number of conscripts after making a deal with the government on shortening compulsory military service[/h]Print PageSend to friend »


Turkish men serve between six and 15 months, according to the level of their studies. DAILY NEWS photo, Emrah GÜREL

The Turkish army is to discharge several hundred thousand soldiers as a result of an agreement between the General Staff and the government to shorten the compulsory military service of male citizens from 15 months to 12 months for private soldiers.

Some 40,000 soldiers will be immediately released while the remaining 240,000 will be discharged gradually, daily Posta reported on Oct. 6.

The Turkish Armed Forces is made up of nearly 600,000 soldiers of whom 208,923 are professional and 379,352 are conscripts as of October 2013, according to the official numbers given on the army’s website.

The minimum term of service is 15 months in the current regulation, resulting in an ongoing requirement to equip, train and sustain new recruits.

The Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said a study was ongoing on the issue of shortening military service on Oct. 4. The General Staff announced the following day that an agreement had been reached with the government to shorten the compulsory military service of male citizens from 15 months to 12 months for private soldiers, adding that the duration of the short term military service, to which university students can apply, would remain six months. If the plan is enacted before the start of the new year, nearly 280,000 soldiers of the 379,352 who are currently serving in the army will benefit from an early discharge, as per the new regulation.

Professional army

As soon as the legislation is approved by Parliament and published in the Official Gazette, around 40,000 soldiers who completed 12 months of military service will be discharged.

In 2012, Turkey’s General Staff began to implement a new system to fight terrorism by forming and assigning only special teams of professional soldiers to conflict areas. A 50,000-place capacity was created for the post however only 1,500 professional border troops were appointed due to the low level of applications.

“Professional army” members were offered a monthly salary of 3,100 Turkish Liras and an additional 7,000 liras of compensation for every year they served in the military. Refusing the obligatory military service due to conscientious objection is illegal in Turkey and punishable with imprisonment by law. Upon reaching the legal age, a citizen automatically becomes enlisted and subject to military law. Such acts are deemed “insubordination to military officers” and carry up to two years of military imprisonment for each offence; in Turkey, civilians can be tried at military courts.

POLITICS - Turkish military to release soldiers early
Stellt sich die Frage wie gut unser Radarsystem sein wird.

Das werden die verantwortlichen wissen. Aber ich habe kein Grund skeptisch zu sein. Wobei, das kritische Denkvermögen sollten wir nicht abstellen. Lass uns abgesehen. Hast du Grund zum Zweifel?

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Zur Reduzierung der Armee: Eine Mindestzahl müssen wir haben. Darüber hinaus;

kämpfe ich lieber an der Seite von 10 Löwen als neben 100 Schafen.
Das werden die verantwortlichen wissen. Aber ich habe kein Grund skeptisch zu sein. Wobei, das kritische Denkvermögen sollten wir nicht abstellen. Lass uns abgesehen. Hast du Grund zum Zweifel?

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Zur Reduzierung der Armee: Eine Mindestzahl müssen wir haben. Darüber hinaus;

kämpfe ich lieber an der Seite von 10 Löwen als neben 100 Schafen.

Ich wusste, das dich diese meldung ebenso freuen wird, wie mich! Ich errinere mich an einen post von dir im den du schriebst das wir unsere zahl etwas minimieren müssen um unsere armee schlagkräftiger zu machen! Außerdem spart man sehr viel geld und kann es z.B. in die ausrüdtung stecken..
Der post ging also an dich cebrail! :D die meldung hat mir auch freude bereitet!
Die ersten Test aufnahmen vom nationalen Low Attitude Air Defence.


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Turkish army tests its new missile system | General | World Bulletin
Medium oder Low altitude air defence???
In einigen berichten steht low und in anderen medium.