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Türkei und Mazedonien unterschreiben "Free Zone" Abkommen

Turkey's Deputy PM visits Ataturk's memorial house in Kodzadzik village
Centar Zupa, 24 June 2012 (MIA) -
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag accompanied by Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska visited on Saturday the village of Kodzadzik in Centar Zupa municipality, where a memorial house of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is being built.
"The house of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's family is due to be completely reconstructed and promoted in the municipality of Centar Zupa in September. The project has a great significance for the Government of Macedonia and for our citizens, because the name of the great Kemal Ataturk is a permanent and unbreakable bond between the two countries," Minister Kanceska-Milevska said at a ceremony in Kodzadzik.
She added that three reconstructed monuments of the Ottoman era in Macedonia had been promoted - Voska Hamam, Zejnel Abedin Pasha's tekke and Sinan Celebi's turbe, which "are a proof of our efforts to foster joint values created in the past."
The Turkish Deputy PM pinpointed the friendly relations between the two governments and nations.
"Macedonia and Turkey are two friendly states. All of the projects point out that our nations are closely bonded," Bozdag said.
The Government has provided funds for the construction of a 3km road linking the village and the memorial house, which is being built with financial support by the Turkish government through the Turkish Cooperation & Coordination Agency (TIKA).
Turkey's Deputy PM visits Ataturk's memorial house in Kodzadzik village
Centar Zupa, 24 June 2012 (MIA) -
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag accompanied by Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska visited on Saturday the village of Kodzadzik in Centar Zupa municipality, where a memorial house of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is being built.
"The house of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's family is due to be completely reconstructed and promoted in the municipality of Centar Zupa in September. The project has a great significance for the Government of Macedonia and for our citizens, because the name of the great Kemal Ataturk is a permanent and unbreakable bond between the two countries," Minister Kanceska-Milevska said at a ceremony in Kodzadzik.
She added that three reconstructed monuments of the Ottoman era in Macedonia had been promoted - Voska Hamam, Zejnel Abedin Pasha's tekke and Sinan Celebi's turbe, which "are a proof of our efforts to foster joint values created in the past."
The Turkish Deputy PM pinpointed the friendly relations between the two governments and nations.
"Macedonia and Turkey are two friendly states. All of the projects point out that our nations are closely bonded," Bozdag said.
The Government has provided funds for the construction of a 3km road linking the village and the memorial house, which is being built with financial support by the Turkish government through the Turkish Cooperation & Coordination Agency (TIKA).

Das ihr unsere Helden und Geschichte ehrt auf makedonischen Boden zeigt,das ihr richtige Freunde seid.WIr werden unsere Freunde in Zukunft noch mehr wirtschaftlich/militärisch/politisch unterstützen
Turkey's Deputy PM visits Ataturk's memorial house in Kodzadzik village
Centar Zupa, 24 June 2012 (MIA) -
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag accompanied by Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska visited on Saturday the village of Kodzadzik in Centar Zupa municipality, where a memorial house of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is being built.
"The house of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's family is due to be completely reconstructed and promoted in the municipality of Centar Zupa in September. The project has a great significance for the Government of Macedonia and for our citizens, because the name of the great Kemal Ataturk is a permanent and unbreakable bond between the two countries," Minister Kanceska-Milevska said at a ceremony in Kodzadzik.
She added that three reconstructed monuments of the Ottoman era in Macedonia had been promoted - Voska Hamam, Zejnel Abedin Pasha's tekke and Sinan Celebi's turbe, which "are a proof of our efforts to foster joint values created in the past."
The Turkish Deputy PM pinpointed the friendly relations between the two governments and nations.
"Macedonia and Turkey are two friendly states. All of the projects point out that our nations are closely bonded," Bozdag said.
The Government has provided funds for the construction of a 3km road linking the village and the memorial house, which is being built with financial support by the Turkish government through the Turkish Cooperation & Coordination Agency (TIKA).

Hier Bilder aus Kodzadzik, Centa Zupa. :tu:





Türkischer Eishockey Bund wird (2?) Eishallen in Skopje bauen, und einen Platz für Rollhockey in Kisela Voda. Zudem ist eine enge zusammenarbeit angestrebt.

[h=1]Турците ќе градат арена за хокеј во Скопје[/h]

Во просториите на Агенцијата за млади и спорт денеска беше потпишан Меморандум за соработка од страна на претседателот на Македонската хокеарска федерација (МХФ) Никола Тасев и претседателот на Турската хокеарска федерација, Орхан Думан. Договорот предвидува МХФ да добива помош на неколку нивоа меѓу кои обука и посета на кампови на млади македонски хокеари, присуство на судии, тренери и други официјални лица од Македонија на натпревари и семинири организирани од Турската хокеарска федерација, помош во опрема и реквизити, како и помош за изградба арена за хокеј на мраз и арена за „ин лајн хокеј“ (хокеј на ролерки). Според првичните планови арените ќе се градат во Општина Кисела Вода.

Директорот на Агенцијата за млади и спорт Лазар Поповски очекува во денешните тешки услови за развојот на било кој спорт поради финансиската криза, поддршката од Турција да допринесе хокејот на мраз да се врати на старите патеки од пред триесетина години кога хокејот се играше во нашата држава и беше дел од нашата традиција. „Ова е историски момент за македонскиот спорт, а посебно во развојот на зимските спортови. Да се биде дел од семејството на спортот хокеј на мраз е значајна работа, бидејќи хокејот е пред се спорт на големите спортски нации. Аспирациите на Турција и Македонија не се само да бидат дел од овој спорт, туку да претставуваат и значеан фактор во хокејот на мраз, ќе се остварат преку еден концепт кој многу го има во развојот на било кој спорт. Овој концепт предвидува тип на соработка кој ги опфаќа вистинките спортски вредности, а тоа се вредностите на почитувањето, вистинска доверба и пријателство, како и вистински стремеж за спортски успех“, изјави Поповски.

За вложувањата на Турција во овој спорт говорат и фактите дека во последниве неколку години имаат постигнато видни резултати. Следната година Турците ќе учествуваат на три Светски првенства, а во нивната земја има околу 7.000 регистрирани хокари, од кои половината се од младинските категории. Македонија и Турција утре во Скопје ќе учествуваат на годишниот митинг на Балканската хокеј федерација во која освен овие две држави членуваат уште седум земји.
Turkey's Kurum Holding chosen as concessionaire of Tajmiste mine, Euro 100 mln investment to open 500 jobs
Skopje, 28 June 2012 (MIA) - Turkey's Kurum Holding has been chosen as concessionaire of the iron mine Tajmiste in western Macedonia. The company's offer in amount of 123 million denars was the highest one amongst the six offers submitted at a public call by the Ministry of Economy.

"According to initial talks with representatives of the Turkish company and its plan, the investment in the first three to four years is planned to amount to 100 million euros and to open 500 new jobs," Economy Minister Valon Saraqini told a press conference on Thursday.

Two Turkish companies, Norwegian and Greek firms and two local ones applied at the public call of the Ministry of Economy for selection of a concessionaire to exploit iron ore. The main condition to acquire the concession was to offer the highest price and the companies were required as a precondition to file a bank guarantee regarding the construction of an iron processing plant.

Saraqini said that the concession agreement between the Ministry of Economy and Kurum Holding would be signed in coming weeks, when the concession would be formally awarded.

"The agreement will stipulate an iron processing plant to be built in three years' time. If the investors fails to complete the facility in a period of three years, then the bank guarantee will be activated. The company plans to create 500 jobs in the first three to four years and the number could rise according to the company if two plants are opened as planned. Nevertheless, data will be officially released following the signing of the agreement," Saraqini stated.

Tajmiste mine will be one of the biggest for exploitation of iron ore in Southeastern Europe, according to the minister. The investment will contribute to the development of the region of Kicevo and beyond. The iron mine has nearly 100 million tons of geological reserves of ore and approximately 80 million exploitation reserves.

The Tajmiste investment came as a result of the meetings held by government's business team during its economic presentations in Turkey.
[h=1]Turkish Investors Eye Investment Opportunities in Macedonia[/h]
July 02, 2012, 10:31, (Property Xpress) - Delegations from Turkish investors, led by the Macedonian Ambassador to Turkey Goran Andonovski, visited the M ...

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Turkish Investors Eye Investment Opportunities in Macedonia // Property Xpress
Macedonia: Turkey's Cevahir to build $365 million, 42-story, 4 tower complex in capital Skopje


Engineers observe as construction workers lay the ground-works during a cornerstone ceremony for construction of four skyscrapers and a shopping mall, in Skopje, Macedonia, on Monday, July 16, 2012. The construction site will have four towers with a business and shopping mall, providing residence to around 5,000 people. This is the largest construction of residential buildings ever launched in Macedonia worth around euro 300 million (367 million US Dollar) and is scheduled to be completed in three years by Turkish company 'Cevahir Holding'. (AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski)

SKOPJE, Macedonia - Macedonian government leaders have attended the launch of the country's largest residential construction project — a €300 million ($365 million), 42-story, four tower complex in the capital Skopje.
President Gjorge Ivanov and Prime minister Nikola Gruevski attended the launch Monday of the so-called "Aerodrom" project, which is being built by Turkish construction and investment group Cevahir Holding.
The Turkish developers said the 130-meter (425-foot) towers will house some 5,000 people, and the project will also include a shopping mall when it is completed in three years.
Landlocked Macedonia has struggled to attract foreign investment since gaining independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, and remains saddled by high unemployment, at around 30 per cent.

Read more:Macedonia: Turkey's Cevahir to build $365 million, 42-story, 4 tower complex in capital Skopje