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Türkei und Mazedonien unterschreiben "Free Zone" Abkommen

Türkische Firma "Sutash" kauft Swedmilk, Molkerei soll in 6 Monaten wieder in Betrieb gehen.

За шест месеци ќе се рестартира „Сведмилк“
Вторник, 03 Април 2012 13:44
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Турскиот гигант „Султаш“ ја купи фабриката „Сведмилк“, дознава Курир.

Имено, денес беше потпишан договор со НЛБ Тутунска Банка, која претходно ја имаше активирано хипотеката.

Според информациите, „Султаш“ го купува и „Еуромилк“ на Трифун Костовски и планира дополнителни инвестиции во овие два капацитети.

Во „Сведмилк“ планира доградба на капацитет за производство на сирење и кашкавал и за шест месеци се очекува фабриката да биде рестартирана.

Со рестартирањето на „Сведмилк“ ќе се отворат многу нови работни места, а и производителите на млеко ќе имаат бенефит.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Turkish company Sutas buys dairy Swedmilk
Skopje, 3 April 2012 (MIA) - Turkish company "Sutas" has purchased dairy "Swedmilk" after Tuesday's signing of the agreement with Tutunska Banka, the biggest mortgage creditor in Swedmilk, which claims are estimated at about EUR 9.5 million.

Swedmilk was launched as a greenfield investment, but went into bankruptcy after 18 months. Debts are estimated at about EUR 35 million, whereas farmers-clients have not received their funds for the sold milk, amounting at approximately EUR 4 million.

The new owner has announced that production would begin in six months, along with investments in capacities for cheese production.

"Sutas" is the leader in Turkish dairy industry and the 66th largest company in the country, with an annual turnover of about EUR 500 million.
Turkish university signs protocol with Balkan universities
World BulletinTurkish university signs protocol with Balkan universities | Diplomacy |
Turkey's Pamukkale University signed a protocol with Macedonia's Tetova State University and Kosovo's Pristina University to boost cooperation in education and research.

Turkey's Pamukkale University (PAU) signed a protocol with Macedonia's Tetova State University and Kosovo's Pristina University to boost cooperation in education and research on Tuesday.
A signature ceremony took place at the PAU Rector's Office for the protocol.
The ceremony was attended by the Governor of the western province of Denizli, Abdulkadir Demir, PAU Rector Prof. Dr. Huseyin Bagci, Rector of Tetova State University Prof. Dr. Agron Reka, Rector of Pristina University Prof. Dr. Muje Rugova, academicians and other dignitaries.
Speaking at the ceremony, PAU Rector Prof. Huseyin Bagci said that they considered it a duty to promote relations with universities in the Balkans.
Touching on the Anadolu Agency's (AA) recent move in the Balkans, the Rector of Tetova State University Prof. Agron Reka said that "AA's efforts in the Balkans were
Rector of the Pristina University Prof. Rugova said that they were highly pleased to learn that the AA would soon provide news services in the Albanian language.
Ties between our communities would get stronger by such cooperation and activities, Rugova added.
Macedonian and Istanbul stock exchange sign MoU
Wednesday, 09 May 2012

Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Macedonian Stock Exchange.

As per the MoU, both exchanges will collaborate in several areas that include inter alia, trading in securities, order routing, listing of securities, settlement and clearing, dissemination of information as well as the surveillance of transactions.

Both the exchanges will also establish a channel of communication in respect of the ongoing and systematic flow of information between them.

Istanbul Stock Exchange chairman and CEO Ibrahim Turhan said that "This Memorandum will contribute to the already good relations between Macedonia and Turkey and it will be a benefit of our nations."

Macedonian Stock Exchange CEO Ivan Steriev said "The signing of this Memorandum represents a new chapter in the already successful bilateral relations between the two exchanges and is of a particular importance for the Macedonian Stock Exchange taking into consideration that IMKB is one of the largest stock exchanges in the wider region."

MINA Breaking News
Turkish milk enters Balkans, feed mill may be part of future plans
Published on 12 June, 2012, Last updated at 14:39 GMT
Turkish milk enters Balkans, feed mill may be part of future plans

Sütaş, Turkey's top producers of milk and milk products, has chosen Macedonia as the site of its first facility to be located outside of Turkey.

The firm has acquired a milk processing plant from Swedmilk, located in Skopje, the Macedoniancapital. Sütaş anticipates to begin production in its inaugural overseas plant before this fall. On signing of the agreement, Muharrem Yılmaz, Sütaş Group President said that with the new Skopje facility, they planned to extend their business to surrounding Balkan markets i.e. Albania, Kosovo and other European countries.

Yılmaz stated, “We have defined a new strategy to position our production facilities close to our target markets.:

The new plant is expected to first produce yoghurt, ayran and cheese products, and have a yearly processing capacity of 70 million litres of milk. Yılmaz said this capacity could grow to 175 million litres with the entry of new Sütaş products to European markets in the following few years.

The company has also contemplated expanding their presence in Macedonia with a farm, feed mill and a recycling plant, the firm's group president said.
Türkische Sütas will neben der stehenden Molkerei auch Farmen und Recyclinghöfe errichten.

Директорот на Суташ во Македонија, Али Мушвик Созер, најавува дека со нова инвестиција во машина за тврда преработка ќе го зголемат капацитетот на преработка на млеко на 200 тони дневно. Турски Суташ најавува почеток на производството во септември, откако ги заврши формалностите за преземање на фабриката за млеко и млечни производи Сведмилк во Скопје.
Новините што турскиот инвеститор планира да ги воведе во фабриката за поголемо присуство на домашниот и на регионалниот пазар ги соошшти пред министерот за земјоделство, Љупчо Димовски. Од Министерството велат дека по стартот на производството, Суташ планира инвестициите да ги продолжи во изградба на фарми за млечно сточарство, фабрика за сточна храна и фабрики за рециклажа и за производство на енергија.

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Macedonian-Turkish business forum in Skopje
Skopje, 21 June 2012 (MIA) - The Economic Chamber of Macedonia hosts a Macedonian-Turkish business forum in Skopje on Thursday.

A delegation of about 20 Turkish companies, members of the Industrialists and Businessmen Association of Trabzon, visit the country in order to establish business contacts with Macedonian companies from diverse economic fields.