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Türkei und Mazedonien unterschreiben "Free Zone" Abkommen

Wie war das gleich nochmal wieder mit de Trojanische Fert und dem Danäer Geschenk :scare:

Was man mir nicht vorwerfen kann ist, dass ich ein Heuchler bin. Wenn ich dich vorhin belogen hätte, dann hättest du es garantiert schon längst gemerkt, und das kann ich dir versichern.


warum soll ich als Grieche Neidisch sein auf dich und dein Land Vardaska Boy,kannst du mir mal ein Tip geben wo ich ihn Vardaska am Strand liegen kann.:pit:

P.S selbst wenn mein Land jetzt eine Krise durch macht ist steht es besser da als dein Land jaja immer schoen die Bloed Zeitung Lesen das macht Klueg.
Turkey to provide scholarship for Macedonian students
Celik said the students were selected from low-income families.

Turkey to provide scholarship for Macedonian students | Diplomacy | World Bulletin

Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA) is set to provide scholarship for nearly 450 students in Macedonia as part of Turkey's efforts to support for education in the Balkan country.
TIKA's Skopje coordinator, Ebubekir Celik, said Tuesday that scholarship program would include 119 elementary schools students, 116 secondary school students and 212 university students.
Celik said the students were selected from low-income families.

Kaufen Türken SwedMilk?

TIME.mk - ???????? ?? ?????

Турската компанија Суташ, за која се шпекулираше дека е заинтересирана да ги купи производствените погони на млекарницата Сведмилк, отвори фирма во Македонија. Според податоците од Централниот регистар, млекарницата којашто турската компанија ја основаше во Македонија се вика Балканска млекара, а е основана со паричен влог од седум милиони евра. Според податоците од Регистарот, основач е Акционерското друштво Суташ сут урунлери аноним ширкети од Бурса, а на македонскиот пазар планира да произведува млеко и сирење.
Управители на млекарницата во Македонија ќе бидат Хусеин Мустафа Чевик, Мухарем Јилмаз, Хајдар Јилмаз, Ајкут Билбај и Али Мусфик Созер. „Капитал“ неколку пати пишуваше за интересот на Суташ за Сведмилк и дека преговорите со НЛБ Тутунска банка, која е најголем доверител на пропаднатата млекарница, се веќе при крај. Менаџерскиот тим на Суташ повеќе од половина година ја скенираше состојбата на производствените погони на Сведмилк и на македонскиот пазар.
Пред осум месеци НЛБ Тутунска банка ги нудеше на продажба земјиштето и фабричката хала во која се одвиваше производниот процес на Сведмилк, како и дел од опремата за 7,5 милиони евра, но продажбата беше неуспешна. На јавното наддавање не се јави ниту една заинтересирана компанија. Иако втор оглас беше најавен за еден месец, подоцна рокот неколкупати беше пробиен, а од банката изјавија дека оглас за продажба нема да биде објавен с$ додека не се договорат со некој конкретен купувач.
Die Handelsbeziehungen zwischen der Republik Makedonien und der Republik Türkei entwickeln sich langfristig positiv.

2001 importierte die Türkei Waren mit einem Gesamtwert von 9 Mio. $ aus Makedonien.
2011 stieg diese Summe auf 52 Mio. $.

Das ist ein Anstieg um 478 % innerhalb von 10 Jahren.

Durch das FHA wird der positive Trend anhalten. Erfreulich.
Turkish firm to invest $200 mln in Macedonia
ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News
BUSINESS - Turkish firm to invest $200 mln in Macedonia

Skopje, the capital city of Macedonia, is expecting more than $200 million of investment from Limak, a local holding.

Turkey’s Limak Holding, active in tourism, energy, cement, technology, construction and harbor operations, is preparing to invest over $200 million in central Skopje to construct a massive residential, shopping and office building project, the firm’s top executive said yesterday.

“We have bought a large plot of land in the center of Skopje through the privatization of Macedonian state holdings,” Serdar Bacaksız said, speaking to Hürriyet Daily News in a phone interview. He said that Limak has acquired a 40,000 square meter plot of land in Skopje to begin construction of residences, a shopping mall and office buildings. “We plan to invest over $200 million in the project,” he said, noting that the plot of land in the city center was acquired from the Macedonian government for $8. “We are planning the buildings currently and will start construction soon,” Bacaksız said.

Bacaksız went on to say that Limak is confident about its growth strategy in the Balkans. Turkish-French consortium Limak Airport de Lyon MAS officially assumed full responsibility for operation of Kosovo-Pristina International Airport last April. Limak has the right to manage the airport, the only one in Kosovo, for the next 20 years, and has taken on responsibility for modernizing its infrastructure, a project that will cost nearly 100 million euros to complete.
Turkish companies prepare three investment projects in Macedonia
MIA - Macedonian Information Agency - Turkish companies prepare three investment projects in Macedonia -
Skopje, 15 March 2012 (MIA) - Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Ljupco Dimovski held a meeting on Thursday with a delegation of the Turkish companies "Atesoglu" and "Alutek" for talks on possible investments in Macedonia in the field of agriculture.

The companies from Turkey have developed three investments projects for cultivating black cherry, breeding cattle and manufacturing milk and milk powder, "Alutek" CEO Erol Akmert said at the meeting.

Akmert thanked minister Dimvski for the support provided by state institution and said that meetings had been held with several governmental representatives. He expressed satisfaction with the investment opportunities in Macedonia, the Agriculture Ministry said in a press release.

Dimovski welcomed the interest of the Turkish businessmen to invest in Macedonia.

The minister and his guests pledged that the investments would be launched in Macedonia as soon as all administrative procedures were completed.