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Türkei: Weltweit erste dreifache Gliedmaßen-Transplantation

Wieso erklärt sich überhaupt jemand dazu bereit sein Gesicht zu spenden? Hatte er eine tödliche Krankheit und würde bald sterben?
Die Familie des 39-jährigen Ahmet Kaya, der sich Mitte Januar das Leben genommen hatte, gab die Organe des Mannes Ende vergangene Woche zur Transplantation frei, nachdem er für hirntot erklärt worden war.
Transplantation in der Türkei: Ärzte verpflanzen Gesicht und Gliedmaßen - weiter lesen auf FOCUS Online: Transplantation in der Türkei: Ärzte verpflanzen Gesicht und Gliedmaßen - Vermischtes - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten

über 50 Ärzte, das macht doch gar keinen Sinn, die behindern sich doch nur gegenseitig ...
Ich glaube nicht, dass 50 Ärzte gleichzeitig an der Operation beteiligt waren.

hier ein Bild während der OP

Es war weltweit die erste Vierfach-Transplantation. Leider war sie nicht erfolgreich :sad:
World's first quadruple-limb transplant patient dies
Turkey performs first simultaneous kidney, heart, vein transplant


Antalya’s Akdeniz University, which recently performed successfully Turkey’s first full-face transplant, carried out the world’s first simultaneous heart, kidney and vein transplant, media outlets reported on Thursday.
Ömer Beyazıd, a professor from the department of cardiovascular surgery at Akdeniz University Hospital, said they performed “three operations in a single session.” “We looked for a similar operation in the medical literature, but saw this operation was the first [of its kind],” said Beyazıd, adding that the patient is recovering well.
Turkey performs first simultaneous kidney, heart, vein transplant
Third face transplant completed

ANKARA - Anatolia News Agency


A team of Turkish doctors in Ankara conducted Turkey’s third face transplant operation on March 17, partially giving the face of a 28-year-old woman to a 20-year-old patient.

Gazi University Faculty of Medicine performed the operation on Hatice Nergiz, who was reported to have lost a large amount of tissue in her nose, upper chin, palate and upper lip after she was shot five years ago.

Nergiz has undergone 35 surgeries since losing part of her face in the gun accident in 2007.

Intensive care

Ankara’s Gazi University Faculty of Medicine and Gazi Hospital’s chief doctor, Professor Dr. Sacit Turanlı, said the surgery was successful and that Nergiz was now undergoing treatment in the intensive care unit.

“We are very proud of the point that Turkish medicine has reached with the transplant operations,” Turanlı said, adding that the team of doctors who conducted the operation would soon issue a press announcement about the operation.

The donor was a 28-year-old woman of Moldovan origin who lost her life in Istanbul on March 16, Turanlı said.

The operation is the third face transplant operation to have been performed in Turkey since the start of the year.

Uğur Acar received Turkey’s first face-transplant operation in the southern province of Antalya on Jan. 21. Acar, who was given the face of 39-year-old Ahmet Kaya after the latter died Jan. 20, saw his new face in the mirror for the first time last week after being shaved by doctors.

The patient has recently begun moving his face muscles, according to reports.

The second face transplant took place last month when doctors at Ankara’s Hacettepe University gave 25-year-old Cengiz Gür a new face. Some 70 percent of Gür’s face was damaged at the age of 5 when he was injured by flying debris from a television that exploded.

Meanwhile, the condition of Atilla Kavdır, a two-limb transplant patient who was operated on together with Acar, is also reported to be improving.

One of his doctors, Ömer Özkan, said Kavdır could now move his fingers.

LOCAL - Third face transplant completed