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Türkei will Hattuscha-Sphinx bis Juni 2011 zurück

In population genetics the question has been debated whether the modern Turkish population is significantly related to other Turkic peoples, or whether they are rather derived from indigenous populations of Anatolia which were culturally assimilated during the Middle Ages. The contribution of the Central Asian genetics to the modern Turkish people has been debated and become the subject of several studies. As a result, several studies have concluded that the indigenous peoples of Anatolia are the primary source of the present-day Turkish population,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] in addition to contributions from neighboring peoples,[SUP][2][/SUP] from the Caucasus, Balkans, and the Near East,[SUP][8][/SUP] with a small contribution from Central Asia and East Asia.[SUP][2][/SUP]


In population genetics the question has been debated whether the modern Turkish population is significantly related to other Turkic peoples, or whether they are rather derived from indigenous populations of Anatolia which were culturally assimilated during the Middle Ages. The contribution of the Central Asian genetics to the modern Turkish people has been debated and become the subject of several studies. As a result, several studies have concluded that the indigenous peoples of Anatolia are the primary source of the present-day Turkish population,[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] in addition to contributions from neighboring peoples,[SUP][2][/SUP] from the Caucasus, Balkans, and the Near East,[SUP][8][/SUP] with a small contribution from Central Asia and East Asia.[SUP][2][/SUP]


Von genetischen Studien halte ich wenig.

Für eine groß angelegte Assimilation spricht einiges dagegen:

Als Beispiel nehme ich mein Volk

Muttersprache seit dem 17 Jahrhundert türkisch und trotzdem hat man es nicht geschafft uns zu assimilieren, wir waren sogar die gegen
die Türken am meisten im Pontos Gebiet gekämpft haben.
Von genetischen Studien halte ich wenig.

Also etwas genaueres als die DNA gibt es nicht.

Für eine groß angelegte Assimilation spricht einiges dagegen:

Als Beispiel nehme ich mein Volk

Muttersprache seit dem 17 Jahrhundert türkisch und trotzdem hat man es nicht geschafft uns zu assimilieren, wir waren sogar die gegen
die Türken am meisten im Pontos Gebiet gekämpft haben.

Assimilation war auch nicht notwendig.Hauptsache der Islam hat seinen Weg in die Herzen der Pontier gefunden.

The extent to which gene flow from Central Asia has contributed to the current gene pool of the Turkish people, and the role of the 11th century invasion by Turkic peoples, has been the subject of various studies. Several studies have concluded that the historical and indigenous Anatolian groups are the primary source of the present-day Turkish population.[SUP][147][/SUP][SUP]k[›][/SUP][SUP][148][/SUP][SUP][149][/SUP][SUP][150][/SUP][SUP][151][/SUP] Furthermore, various studies suggested that, although the early Turkic invaders carried out an invasion with cultural significance, including the introduction of the Old Anatolian Turkish language (the predecessor to modern Turkish) and Islam, the genetic contribution from Central Asia may have been very small.[SUP]k[›][/SUP][SUP][148][/SUP][SUP][152][/SUP] According to American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2008) Today's Turkish people are more closely related with the Balkan populations than to the Central Asian populations,[SUP][153][/SUP][SUP][154][/SUP] and a study looking into allele frequencies suggested that there was a lack of genetic relationship between the Mongols and the Turks, despite the historical relationship of their languages (The Turks and Germans were equally distant to all three Mongolian populations).[SUP][155][/SUP] Multiple studies suggested an elite cultural dominance-driven linguistic replacement model to explain the adoption of Turkish language by Anatolian indigenous inhabitants.[SUP][147][/SUP][SUP]k[›][/SUP][SUP][151][/SUP] A study involving mitochondrial analysis of a Byzantine-era population, whose samples were gathered from excavations in the archaeological site of Sagalassos, found that the samples had close genetic affinity with modern Turkish and Balkan populations.[SUP][156][/SUP] During their research on leukemia, a group of Armenian scientists observed high genetic matching between Turks, Kurds, and Armenians.[SUP][157][/SUP] Another studies found the Peoples of the Caucasus (Georgians, Circassians, Armenians) are closest to the Turkish population among sampled European (French, Italian), Middle Eastern (Druze, Palestinian), and Central (Kyrgyz, Hazara, Uygur), South (Pakistani), and East Asian (Mongolian, Han) populations.[SUP][158][/SUP][SUP][159][/SUP][SUP][160][/SUP][SUP][161][/SUP][SUP][162][/SUP][SUP][163][/SUP]

The extent to which gene flow from Central Asia has contributed to the current gene pool of the Turkish people, and the role of the 11th century invasion by Turkic peoples, has been the subject of various studies. Several studies have concluded that the historical and indigenous Anatolian groups are the primary source of the present-day Turkish population.[SUP][147][/SUP][SUP]k[›][/SUP][SUP][148][/SUP][SUP][149][/SUP][SUP][150][/SUP][SUP][151][/SUP] Furthermore, various studies suggested that, although the early Turkic invaders carried out an invasion with cultural significance, including the introduction of the Old Anatolian Turkish language (the predecessor to modern Turkish) and Islam, the genetic contribution from Central Asia may have been very small.[SUP]k[›][/SUP][SUP][148][/SUP][SUP][152][/SUP] According to American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2008) Today's Turkish people are more closely related with the Balkan populations than to the Central Asian populations,[SUP][153][/SUP][SUP][154][/SUP] and a study looking into allele frequencies suggested that there was a lack of genetic relationship between the Mongols and the Turks, despite the historical relationship of their languages (The Turks and Germans were equally distant to all three Mongolian populations).[SUP][155][/SUP] Multiple studies suggested an elite cultural dominance-driven linguistic replacement model to explain the adoption of Turkish language by Anatolian indigenous inhabitants.[SUP][147][/SUP][SUP]k[›][/SUP][SUP][151][/SUP] A study involving mitochondrial analysis of a Byzantine-era population, whose samples were gathered from excavations in the archaeological site of Sagalassos, found that the samples had close genetic affinity with modern Turkish and Balkan populations.[SUP][156][/SUP] During their research on leukemia, a group of Armenian scientists observed high genetic matching between Turks, Kurds, and Armenians.[SUP][157][/SUP] Another studies found the Peoples of the Caucasus (Georgians, Circassians, Armenians) are closest to the Turkish population among sampled European (French, Italian), Middle Eastern (Druze, Palestinian), and Central (Kyrgyz, Hazara, Uygur), South (Pakistani), and East Asian (Mongolian, Han) populations.[SUP][158][/SUP][SUP][159][/SUP][SUP][160][/SUP][SUP][161][/SUP][SUP][162][/SUP][SUP][163][/SUP]


Ist doch klar, dass ihr nicht Homogen seid :-D
Falsch, die Griechen sind ein balkanisches Volk, die Armenier ein kaukasisches und die Assyrer ein mesopotamisches.
Die Anatolier sind eine eigenständige Ethnie, die schon seit Jahrtausenden in Anatolien beheimatet ist. Diese lebt
größtenteils in den heutigen Türken fort.

Armenier sind sicher kein kaukasischen Volk. Aassyrer waren in Nord-messopotamien ansässig dies schlisst durchaus gebiete der heutigen Türkei mit ein.

Anatolier sind eine eigenständige Ethnie



Die Ägypter sprechen heute auch arabisch.

Die christlichen Ägypter haben bis weit ins 18 Jahrhundert koptisch gesprochen (in Oberägypten wird es vereinzelt immer noch bis heute gesprochen) das ist eine sprach die vom Neuägyptischen abstammt (14 Jahrhundert bis zum 7 Jahrhundert vor Christie). In der christlichen Liturgie ist es überall in Ägypten vorzufinden.