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Teenager tötet Mutter und Schwester


An operator answers and asks Evans to describe his emergency.
"Uh," he says evenly, "I just killed my mom and my sister."
"What?" the operator said, clearly alarmed.
She quickly regains control and gets his name, age, address and the location of the gun.
She also asks why he attacked his family.
"It's weird," he says. "I wasn't even angry with them. It just kind of happened. I've been kind of planning on killing for a while now."
"The two of them?" the operator asks. "Or just anybody?"
"Pretty much just anybody."
Emotion grows in Evans' voice as he describes the killings.
"This is really going to mess me up in the future," he says, "but you see, my sister, I told my sister that my mom needed her. She was in her room and she came out of her room and, uh, I, I shot her. And she rolled down the stairs and I shot her again. And then I went down and I shot my mom about maybe three or four times.
"I'll never forget this, but my, uh, sister, she came down the stairs and she was screaming and I was telling her that I'm sorry but that this, hold still, that, you know, I was just going to just make it go away, you know. But she just kept on freaking out.
"But finally she fell down and I shot her in the head probably three times."
Later, Evans says: "I just thought it would be quick, you know? I didn't want them to feel any pain. That's why I used a gun. But it's like everything went wrong."
The operator, who encourages the teen to take deep breaths, asks whether he wants to hurt himself.
"Um, I don't know," he says. "I'm a little freaked out about guns now. I definitely, you know, I assure you, I definitely don't like myself, you know? But I'm just so freaked out by guns now. Just to let you know, I hate the feeling of killing someone. I, you know, I'm going to be messed up."
The operator assures him that the deputies who are on the way want to help him and won't hurt him.
"I understand if you all want to, you know?" he says.
Later, Evans says he is worried about nightmares and asks whether medication could prevent them.
"I don't mean to sound like a wimp or anything," he says, "but this is -- wow. I've never done anything violent in my whole life, you know?"


Man weiß irgendwie gar nicht was man darüber denken soll und wie man beschreiben soll, was in einem vorgeht. Auf jeden Fall kranke Geschichte, mich würde interessieren wie sowas sich überhaupt im Kopf aufbauen kann, und letztendlich dazu führt, dass man so eine Tat vollbringt.
Man weiß irgendwie gar nicht was man darüber denken soll und wie man beschreiben soll, was in einem vorgeht. Auf jeden Fall kranke Geschichte, mich würde interessieren wie sowas sich überhaupt im Kopf aufbauen kann, und letztendlich dazu führt, dass man so eine Tat vollbringt.
ein kranker kopf ist zu allem fähig

An die Wand stellen und erschiessen.Er hat jedes recht auf weiterleben verloren.Kranke scheisse einfach nur

warum erschiessen? lass ihn doch leiden im Knast, zum glück sind in der USA gefägnise noch richtige gefägnise, und die knaskis dort,sind auch anders drauf als hier in verweichten europa, da wird dieser drecksack erstmal schön die braut abgeben wenn er erstmal drine ist, so wie der Aussieht wird er jeden tag bereuen was er getan hat, und jede minuta an selbstmord denken..