Tirana East Gate
Nje nga projektet tona te shumta, eshte nje qender tregtare gjigande e quajtur "Tirana East Gate" (Porta Lindore e Tiranes), me vendodhje ne Jug- Lindje te Tiranes.
Ai konsiston ne 50,000 m2 per perdorim te shitjes me pakice, argetim dhe ambjente zyrash. Qendra do te jete me dy kate; gjithashtu do te perfshihen minimumi 1500 vende parkimi nen toke dhe mbi toke, ambjente argetimi, restorante, bowling, 6 kinema te pershtatura, lojra, bilardo, qendra te vogla fitnesi dhe pishina te mbyllura, supermarke dhe dyqan elektronik.
Arkitekti projektues i ketij projekti eshte "Laguarda Low" nga Teksas, SHBA, projektuesi i struktures eshte "Conisbee" nga Anglia, ndersa projektuesi mekanik dhe elektrik eshte "Curona Design", nga Anglia.
Kjo qender ka avantazhin, sepse ne afersi eshte planifikuar te kaloje rruga e unazes, si dhe eshte e vetmja qender tregtare e aprovuar per kete zone gjeografike ne Tirane.
Der Bau hat vor wenigen Tage (oder wochen, bin mir nicht ganz sicher) angefangen...
Tirana East Gate: Now in Full Color
As the rise of Eastern European development and tourism emerges, previously little-known cultures take on a fresh approach to modernization. RSM Design has the privilege of working with Laguarda.Low Architects and Mane TCI on the latest retail center being built in Albania’s capital city, Tirana. Named Tirana East Gate based on its location in the eastern part of the city, the designs and architecture were inspired by the vibrantly colored buildings that make the city drastically unique to eastern counterparts. The project’s signage and specialty graphics fearlessly use color combined with layers of translucency that capture the feeling of a brilliant culture on the rise. RSM Design met an interesting challenge to choose, coordinate and design for European prefabricated interior sign systems. Based on a selected interior sign family, RSM achieved harmony between the juxtaposition of custom designs and standardized forms.
Inagurohet fillimi i punimeve per Tirana East Gate
gjergjkastrioti (SSC)
Dezember 2009

Ols (Urbania)
Nicht schlecht, in nur 2 Monaten soviel geschafft?