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Tourismusziel - Mazedonien

20% der Touristen in Makedonien kommen aus Griechenland

Грците најбројни туристи во Македонија

Грците биле најчести гости во земјава во јануари оваа година. Над 20% од сите туристи биле од Грција, соопшти денеска Заводот за статистика.


Според податоците на Државниот завод за статистика, бројот на туристите во јануари 2013 година изнесува 31.764, а бројот на ноќевањата изнесува 66.984. Бројот на туристи во однос на јануари 2012 година, е намален за 5.9%, а бројот на ноќевањата е намален за 5.7%.

Бројот на домашните туристи во јануари 2013 година, во однос на јануари 2012 година, е намален за 2.9%, а бројот на странските туристи е намален за 8.5%. Бројот на ноќевањата на домашните туристи во јануари 2013 година, во однос на јануари 2012 година, е намален за 1.0%, а бројот на ноќевањата на странските туристи е намален за 10.8%.


Бројот на туристите во јануари 2013 година, во однос на претходниот месец, е зголемен за 1.2% и тоа: кај домашните туристи има зголемување за 5.2%, а кај странските има намалување за 2.3%.

Бројот на ноќевањата во јануари 2013 година, во однос на претходниот месец, е зголемен за 5.9% и тоа: кај домашните туристи има зголемување за 18.7%, а кај странските има намалување за 6.1%, соопшти Заводот за статистика.

ЕкономÑ�ки » ТÐ�БЕЛÐ�: Грците најбројни туриÑ�ти во Македонија
Albanien cool. Gehen viele dorthin vor allem nach Shen Naum, Ohrid oder Prespasee. Sonst nirgendwo hin nur im Südwesten
Übersetzen oder Mülleimer.

Junge ,hast du sie noch alle? Ich muss hier garnichts. Ich habe den Titel übersetzt wie ich es immer in allen Threads mache. Wenn du erst jetzt draufkommst, dass dich das stört hättest du es früher sagen sollen. Die Anderen übersetzen ebenfalls nicht fals es dir bis jetzt noch nicht aufgefallen ist. Also geh dich bei dennen beschweren.

P.S: Die Tabellen sind auf Englisch und im Text wird alles ins Makedonische übersetzt.
Junge ,hast du sie noch alle? Ich muss hier garnichts. Ich habe den Titel übersetzt wie ich es immer in allen Threads mache. Wenn du erst jetzt draufkommst, dass dich das stört hättest du es früher sagen sollen. Die Anderen übersetzen ebenfalls nicht fals es dir bis jetzt noch nicht aufgefallen ist. Also geh dich bei dennen beschweren.

P.S: Die Tabellen sind auf Englisch und im Text wird alles ins Makedonische übersetzt.

Ich wollt doch nur wissen was im Text steht, wer soll den dieses gekritzel verstehen?
Übersetzen oder Mülleimer.

[h=3]Greeks, Albanians and Serbs are most numerous tourists in Macedonia[/h]

The majority of foreign tourists who have visited Macedonia in January came from Greece, Albania and Serbia.

3.417 Greek visitors arrived in Macedonia and realised a total of 5.550 nights, 2.210 tourists came from Albania realising 3.611 nights followed by Serb tourists (1.513) who stayed for a total of 2.299 nights, according to data of the State Statistical Office.

The number of tourists in January 2013 was 31.764 and compared to the previous month there is a rise of 1.2% - the number of domestic tourists increased by 5.2%, whereas that of foreign tourists decreased by 2.3%. Compared to the same period in 2012, the number of tourists decreased by 5.9%, and the number of nights spent fell by 5.7%.

The number of nights spent by tourists was 66.984 in January, which is a 5.9% increase compared to the previous month. The number of nights spent by domestic tourists increased by 18.7%, while those by foreign tourists decreased by 6.1%. The number of nights spent by domestic tourists in January, compared to the same period last year, decreased by 1.0%, and the number of nights spent by foreign tourists decreased by 10.8%.
Greeks, Albanians and Serbs are most numerous tourists in Macedonia

The majority of foreign tourists who have visited Macedonia in January came from Greece, Albania and Serbia.

3.417 Greek visitors arrived in Macedonia and realised a total of 5.550 nights, 2.210 tourists came from Albania realising 3.611 nights followed by Serb tourists (1.513) who stayed for a total of 2.299 nights, according to data of the State Statistical Office.

The number of tourists in January 2013 was 31.764 and compared to the previous month there is a rise of 1.2% - the number of domestic tourists increased by 5.2%, whereas that of foreign tourists decreased by 2.3%. Compared to the same period in 2012, the number of tourists decreased by 5.9%, and the number of nights spent fell by 5.7%.

The number of nights spent by tourists was 66.984 in January, which is a 5.9% increase compared to the previous month. The number of nights spent by domestic tourists increased by 18.7%, while those by foreign tourists decreased by 6.1%. The number of nights spent by domestic tourists in January, compared to the same period last year, decreased by 1.0%, and the number of nights spent by foreign tourists decreased by 10.8%.

Ne im e dovolno sto ni ja semaa zemjata, sega doagjat do nas da vidat pravi Makedonci
dogjaat za pazar bre u grcka e beda odi vo gevgelija i bitola da vides vrie grcista, site dukjani vekje imat grcki reklami :lol:
Also über die Grenze fahren um zu tanken, Klamotten einzukaufen oder am Kasino rumzudaddeln ist nicht gleich Tourismus :lol: (Was die Griechen angeht)