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Wahlen in Makedonien 2014

Ergo mazedonisch?

[h=1]Масовна тепачка во Лисиче по инцидентот со Пендаровски[/h]

Погледи:1754|април 15, 2014 20:58

Инцидентот во кој вербално беше нападнат претседателскиот кандидат на СДСМ Стево Пендаровски во Лисиче завршил со масовна тепачка. Откако завршила средбата на Пендаровски со жителите на Лисиче, приврзаниците на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и на СДСМ продолжиле меѓусебно да се навредуваат, а на крај и физички се пресметале.-Министерството за внатрешни работи го расчисти нарушувањето на јавниот ред и мир кое се случи со тепачка на ул.Ѓорѓи Капчев, помеѓу З.Л.(1996), К.Л.(1985), С.Л.(1959) и А.Л.(1998) од ул.Ѓ.Капчев (членови на СДСМ), од една страна, и И.И.(1998) и неговиот татко Б.И.од истата улица (членови на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ), информира полицијата.Шестте лица ќе добијат соодветни пријави.- По кратка вербална расправија по завршувањето на митингот на кандидатот Стево Пендаровски во Лисиче, дошло до физичка пресметка во која си размениле неколку удари. Се работи на целосно документирање на случајот, по што против одговорните во инцидентот ќе следуваат соодветни поднесоци, соопшти вечерва МВР.
Sa parti i kan Shqiptart? Sigurt njo 10 hahaha :D N´vend si mu bo nje Parti e fort, qe ka fuqi te ndryshoj dicka ne te miren shqiptaris, bohen 100 bre nonen. Lypin krejt Plum ne lule te ballit.
Letzte Prognose

LSDM 21,6%
BDI 8,4 %
PDSH 6,4%
Koalicioni për Maqedonin Pozitive 6,4%
VMRO-Partia Popullore 3.4%
Koalicioni OQM(GROM) 1,6%
RDK-në 0,7%
LPM(NDM) 1,2%
Për asnjë 18,8%

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Gjorgje Ivanov 29,4 %
Stevo Pendaroski 33,4%
Iljaz Halimi 18,2%
Zoran Poposki 10,4%
Për asnjë 8,6%


Hab dir doch gleich gesagt das das eine:


IPRS with accurate forecasts of presidential elections


Polls taken during the campaign period by agencies, except estimates for the election results, demonstrated the relevance of the agencies themselves, believes the political analyst and owner of the Institute of Political Research, Skopje, Vladimir Bozhinovski.

Compared with the official results for the Presidential elections of SEC, most accurate forecasts in the pre-election period had IPRS. According to the survey published on 03/09/2014, IPRS forecasted that VMRO – DPMNE candidate Gjorge Ivanov will win 52 % of the votes, while SDSM candidate Stevo Pendarovski will win 34.5 %.

Official data from the SEC are 51.67 % for Gjorge Ivanov versus 37, 52 % for Stevo Pendarovski.

- Researches in the pre-election period were provided by the 4 agencies, Institute for Policy Research Skopje IPRS, Institute Dimitri Chupovski, Institute Pavel Shatev and Agency Rating. These surveys showed that closely or exactly hit were IPIS’s results, even though very close were Institute Dimitri Chupovski and Institute Pavel Shatev which also proved as relevant institutions, and here ends the list of relevant agencies that publish in the Republic of Macedonia, said Bozhinovski in the statement for Kurir.

Among all agencies, which presented results from the polls ahead of the first round, there was total failure of the Agency “Rating”, which forecasted the victory Stevo Pendarovski.

- Agency Rating made ​​ disastrous failure, missed not only in terms of the percentage of difference between candidates, but also made wrong assessment for the question who would win; they predicted that Stevo Pendarovski will win more votes than VMRO – DPMNE candidate Gjorge Ivanov, stressed Bozhinosvki for Kurir.

According to this information, as emphasized Bozhinovski, once again was proved that IPIS comes out with most accurate forecasts in the last 10 years.
- By this was confirmed that the Institute for Policy Research gives accurate predictions, as did in the past 10 years, the Institute and I stand behind our surveys, indicated Bozhinovski, calling the Agency Rating to come up with their own explanation about the published results.

Sa parti i kan Shqiptart? Sigurt njo 10 hahaha :D N´vend si mu bo nje Parti e fort, qe ka fuqi te ndryshoj dicka ne te miren shqiptaris, bohen 100 bre nonen. Lypin krejt Plum ne lule te ballit.
Du hast keine Ahnung von der Politik Mazedoniens. Denkst du, es ist so einfach, die gleiche Meinung zu haben? Dann könnte es in Albanien und Kosovo genau gleich auch je nur eine Partei geben. "Zusammen sind sie ja stärker."
Du hast keine Ahnung von der Politik Mazedoniens. Denkst du, es ist so einfach, die gleiche Meinung zu haben? Dann könnte es in Albanien und Kosovo genau gleich auch je nur eine Partei geben. "Zusammen sind sie ja stärker."

Ohje, ist nicht deine Ernst oder?

Kosova deri ne kohen e Luftes kishte vetem nje Parti, at te Ibrahim Rugoves. Pas Luftes neve ishim te pavarur dhe arritem pak a shum ambiciet tona.

Po ju per fat te keq kurka si keni punt.
Ohje, ist nicht deine Ernst oder?

Kosova deri ne kohen e Luftes kishte vetem nje Parti, at te Ibrahim Rugoves. Pas Luftes neve ishim te pavarur dhe arritem pak a shum ambiciet tona.

Po ju per fat te keq kurka si keni punt.

Nejse, kur s'kupton njeriu nuk kupton, s'ka çfarë të bëjsh...

Shqiptarët në Maqedoni nuk diskriminohen si kosovarët në vitet 90, vetëm një shëmbull...