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Wahlen in Makedonien 2014

Čento;4021601 schrieb:

Ja, unser Grujo hat ein Sprachproblem und kann das R nicht richtig rollen. Was für ein Zufall das unser Präsident Gjorge Ivanov ebenfalls das gleiche Problem hat. :lol:

Haben sie die Gleiche Mutter, ergo sind sie Brüder ?? :D
[h=1]Last Three Days of Early Parliamentary and Presidential Election Campaign[/h]
April 23, 2014, Wednesday @ 09:43 in Politics » DOMESTIC | Views: 25
Elections Photo: Radovan Vujovic

Early election campaign continues. Political parties are to hold rallies in several cities throughout Macedonia.
The coalition "For Better Macedonia", led by VMRO-DPMNE, is to hold rallies in Sveti Nikole, Kumanovo, Lozovo and Caska.
The Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA) will hold a rally in Cair, whereas DUI candidates for members of parliament will hold a rally in Gostivar.
SDSM and the coalition will hold rallies in Bitola and Prilep and its representatives are to visit Ohrid, Kicevo, Stuga and Makedonski Brod.

VMRO-People's Party will hold meetings with locals in Bitola.

- See more at: Last Three Days of Early Parliamentary and Presidential Election Campaign - Independent.mk
Die Schlange in Bern ist auch bei Regen sehr lange.
Viele Menschen stehen an, um abzustimmen.

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SDS- сдсм 44.
Ivanov ИВАНОВ 685
Stevco Стевче 27.
War ja klar dass die Diaspora diese nationalistischen Pappnasen wählen würden ...