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Was wäre, wenn sich Jugoslawien wieder vereinigen würde?

Und du warst faul vor dem TV gehockt.

Du liegst mit den Berichten die gepostet hast und mit den Aussagen und Fragen die du an die Userschaft gestellt hast absolut richtig.
Leider ist es hier nicht erwünscht sich jenseits der Mainstreammedien mit tiefer gehenden Fragen zu beschäftigen. Man wird hier von Fetti und Co sofort als "Genozidleugner" und Aufwiegler etc. verunglimpft und es läuft die typische Masche und Methodik des Denunzierens und Diffamierens ab. Aber bleib am Ball...ich finde deine Posts und Beiträge gut und völlig legitim. :thumbup:
Eigenlob stinkt, Shizzo


Volltrottel ;)

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In keiner deiner Quellen steht 3000. Die reden gerade mal von 1000 vertriebenen. Aber du versuchst es ständig hoch zu pushen. Kravica mal 50 weitere Dörfer bla bla. Das wäre wie wenn ich jeden Ort mal Srebrenica nehme. Typisches Vorgehen von Genozid Relativierern. Das geht so leider nicht.

The ceremony marked the anniversary of a massacre of Serb civilians and soldiers by Bosnian Muslim forces on July 12, 1992.
It came a day after the 19th anniversary of the 1995 war crime against Muslims in the same area was marked on Friday.

Orthodox Serbs in the area were celebrating July 12, the Feast of St. Paul and Peter, when Bosnian Muslim forces under the command of Naser Orić raided several Serb villages in the Srebrenica and Bratunac area, killing, pillaging and burning everything in sight. 69 Serbs were killed that day, 22 were taken prisoner or are still reported as missing, and countless were wounded.

All prisoners were tortured and eventually murdered in Srebrenica camps. The bodies of ten victims were discovered by accident on June 10, 2011 in Zalužje by a team of the Identification Center in Tuzla who were looking for the remains of Muslim victims. The remains were identified and laid to rest more than a year later, and 12 Serbs who went missing that day are still unaccounted for, the Radio and Television of Republika Srpska (Serb Republic), RTRS, reported.

Family members, representatives of veteran organizations and associations of families of captured and fallen soldiers and missing civilians from Srebrenica once again expressed their dissatisfaction at the work of the ICTY as well as the Prosecutor's Office and judiciary of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

No charges have yet been brought for the massacres and crimes against Serbs committed during the Bosnian war by Srebrenica Muslim forces, who killed around 1,500 Serb civilians and soldiers, mutilating the bodies of more than half of the victims, they pointed out.

The number of Serb victims in Srebrenica is higher than the Bosniaks, stressed Mladen Grujičić, head of the Srebrenica association of families of captured and fallen soldiers and missing civilians, and urged the international court to bring those responsible to justice.

In the period from 1992 to 1995, more than 150 villages in the area of Bratunac and Srebrenica were systematically destroyed and burnt, and over 3,000 Serbs were killed.

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Volltrottel ;)

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The ceremony marked the anniversary of a massacre of Serb civilians and soldiers by Bosnian Muslim forces on July 12, 1992.
It came a day after the 19th anniversary of the 1995 war crime against Muslims in the same area was marked on Friday.

Orthodox Serbs in the area were celebrating July 12, the Feast of St. Paul and Peter, when Bosnian Muslim forces under the command of Naser Orić raided several Serb villages in the Srebrenica and Bratunac area, killing, pillaging and burning everything in sight. 69 Serbs were killed that day, 22 were taken prisoner or are still reported as missing, and countless were wounded.

All prisoners were tortured and eventually murdered in Srebrenica camps. The bodies of ten victims were discovered by accident on June 10, 2011 in Zalužje by a team of the Identification Center in Tuzla who were looking for the remains of Muslim victims. The remains were identified and laid to rest more than a year later, and 12 Serbs who went missing that day are still unaccounted for, the Radio and Television of Republika Srpska (Serb Republic), RTRS, reported.

Family members, representatives of veteran organizations and associations of families of captured and fallen soldiers and missing civilians from Srebrenica once again expressed their dissatisfaction at the work of the ICTY as well as the Prosecutor's Office and judiciary of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

No charges have yet been brought for the massacres and crimes against Serbs committed during the Bosnian war by Srebrenica Muslim forces, who killed around 1,500 Serb civilians and soldiers, mutilating the bodies of more than half of the victims, they pointed out.

The number of Serb victims in Srebrenica is higher than the Bosniaks, stressed Mladen Grujičić, head of the Srebrenica association of families of captured and fallen soldiers and missing civilians, and urged the international court to bring those responsible to justice.

In the period from 1992 to 1995, more than 150 villages in the area of Bratunac and Srebrenica were systematically destroyed and burnt, and over 3,000 Serbs were killed.

Aber wie viele von den 3000 waren Zivilisten? Wie Viele von den 3000 waren Soldaten die das Land angegriffen und besetzt hatten und die Bevölkerung terrorisierten? Du kannst nicht Oric dafür verurteilen das er das Land gegen die serbischen Soldaten verteidigt hat.
Wo bekommst du Kranker diesen Durchschnitt von 80 ermordeten Zivilisten pro Dorf her? Du wirfst allen Truppen von Oric vor das sie alle und überall das gleiche gemacht haben. Nicht mal in Kravica waren es alles Zivilisten.