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Was wird aus Hala Misrati?

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Was wird aus Hala Misrati?

  • Sie arbeitet demnächst für das neue Regime

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  • Sie überlebt die nächsten 24 Std nicht

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Hala Misrati ist TV-Moderatorin und Scharfmacherin im libyschen Staatsfernsehen.Angeblich wurde sie heute von Rebellen festgesetzt.

Hala Misrati's Nationalistic Parrot - YouTube

Sendung von Gestern

Libyan presenter holding a gun vows to defend stateTV - Translation below - YouTube

"With this weapon, I either kill or die today, you will not take al-Libiyah channel. You won't take Jamahiriyah channel, Shababiyah channel, Tripoli or all of Libya, and even those without a weapon are willing to be a shield in order to protect their colleagues at this channel. We are willing to become martyrs."
Libyan TV presenter who brandished gun arrested


A news presenter who brandished a gun on Libyan TV saying she and her colleagues were armed and ready to become martyrs defending the al-Libiyah channel has been arrested and is being held by rebel forces. Hala Misrati declared on air that she would either “kill or die today” with the weapon. Initial reports on Monday suggested Misrati was dead but it emerged that she is still alive and under arrest.
angeblich stand sie einem Interview nicht zur Verfügung, sei aber "unversehrt"