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Wasserball EM 2014 in Budapest

Mit dem Unentschieden sind wir quasi durch. Aber das keiner vor dem Tor werfen will nervt mich zunehmend
junge junge ... macht spaß sport ohne emotionen zu schauen oder ?
wäre es ein türke hätte ich ihn beschimpft, wäre es ein deutscher auch ... ah egal was er is ...
würde ein serbe ein real spiel leiten würde ich ihn auch beschimpfen ...

das x geht i.o...
aber die 2x 2 mann mehr aktionen waren doch ... naja...
im gegenzug gleich stürmerfoul ... najaaaaa
egal ...
jetzt gg spanien alles geben und weghauen...

was du wollen sagen Kollega????
war einfach zufall dass der schiri n grieche war ... mehr ned ... und den darf ich wohl beschimpfen, oder ned ?
pizdo grcka mater ti jebem .....
Greek-Serbian relations (sometimes known as Greco-Serbian friendship or Serbo-Greek friendship; Greek: Ελληνοσερβική φιλία, Ellinoservikí Filía, Serbian: српско-грчко пријатељство, srpsko-grčko prijateljstvo) have traditionally been friendly due to cultural and historical factors. Thus, many Serbs and Greeks usually refer to it as Serbian-Greek brotherhood and consider the other nation an ally and a brother-nation.

Serbs and Greeks are followers of the Eastern Orthodox Church (Serbian, Greek Orthodoxy) and were bound by alliance treaties and co-belligerence in wars since the Middle Ages. Friendly relations have played an important role in bilateral relations between the two nations, especially in the modern history: during the revolutions against the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan War, the World War 1, World War II and during the Yugoslav Wars.

Greece is the top investor in Serbian economy and during the NATO bombing of FR Yugoslavia, Greece was the only NATO member to condemn the actions and openly expressed its disapproval; polls revealed that 94% of the Greek population were completely opposed to the bombing. Also, Greece is one of the five European Union's member states that have refused to recognize the Kosovo Unilateral Declaration of Independence, backing the Serbian stance on this issue. As a strong supporter of the EU Candidate of Serbia, Greece has proposed the "Agenda 2014" for boosting the integration of all the Western Balkan states into the Union.

Additionally, Greeks and Serbs share lots of history and have mutual elements in contemporary popular culture, especially in sports such as football and basketball.
Greek-Serbian relations (sometimes known as Greco-Serbian friendship or Serbo-Greek friendship; Greek: Ελληνοσερβική φιλία, Ellinoservikí Filía, Serbian: српско-грчко пријатељство, srpsko-grčko prijateljstvo) have traditionally been friendly due to cultural and historical factors. Thus, many Serbs and Greeks usually refer to it as Serbian-Greek brotherhood and consider the other nation an ally and a brother-nation.

Serbs and Greeks are followers of the Eastern Orthodox Church (Serbian, Greek Orthodoxy) and were bound by alliance treaties and co-belligerence in wars since the Middle Ages. Friendly relations have played an important role in bilateral relations between the two nations, especially in the modern history: during the revolutions against the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan War, the World War 1, World War II and during the Yugoslav Wars.

Greece is the top investor in Serbian economy and during the NATO bombing of FR Yugoslavia, Greece was the only NATO member to condemn the actions and openly expressed its disapproval; polls revealed that 94% of the Greek population were completely opposed to the bombing. Also, Greece is one of the five European Union's member states that have refused to recognize the Kosovo Unilateral Declaration of Independence, backing the Serbian stance on this issue. As a strong supporter of the EU Candidate of Serbia, Greece has proposed the "Agenda 2014" for boosting the integration of all the Western Balkan states into the Union.

Additionally, Greeks and Serbs share lots of history and have mutual elements in contemporary popular culture, especially in sports such as football and basketball.

Greek-Serbian relations (sometimes known as Greco-Serbian friendship or Serbo-Greek friendship; Greek: Ελληνοσερβική φιλία, Ellinoservikí Filía, Serbian: српско-грчко пријатељство, srpsko-grčko prijateljstvo) have traditionally been friendly due to cultural and historical factors. Thus, many Serbs and Greeks usually refer to it as Serbian-Greek brotherhood and consider the other nation an ally and a brother-nation.

Serbs and Greeks are followers of the Eastern Orthodox Church (Serbian, Greek Orthodoxy) and were bound by alliance treaties and co-belligerence in wars since the Middle Ages. Friendly relations have played an important role in bilateral relations between the two nations, especially in the modern history: during the revolutions against the Ottoman Empire, the Balkan War, the World War 1, World War II and during the Yugoslav Wars.

Greece is the top investor in Serbian economy and during the NATO bombing of FR Yugoslavia, Greece was the only NATO member to condemn the actions and openly expressed its disapproval; polls revealed that 94% of the Greek population were completely opposed to the bombing. Also, Greece is one of the five European Union's member states that have refused to recognize the Kosovo Unilateral Declaration of Independence, backing the Serbian stance on this issue. As a strong supporter of the EU Candidate of Serbia, Greece has proposed the "Agenda 2014" for boosting the integration of all the Western Balkan states into the Union.

Additionally, Greeks and Serbs share lots of history and have mutual elements in contemporary popular culture, especially in sports such as football and basketball.

hab gg griechen nix,
war öfter in dem land..
hab gg kein land / volk / was auch immer .. iwas ...
aber emotionen is das stichwort, v.a wenns gg unsere geliebten nachbarn geht ;)
wie gesagt. egal was er für ne nationalität der schiri hätte ... er wäre beleidigt worden :D

und jetzt nervt ned mehr rum mit dem scheiß ... hier gehts um wasserball ...

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

aber nicht mit der Mutter. Er hat deine Mutter auch nicht beschimpft.

Niveau Yugoforum

ich weiß es is schwer für euch sachen wie "pizda ti materina" zu verstehen ...
check auch gar ned wieso du dich so aufregst ... hab nur nen schiedsrichter beleidigt ...
verstehe von dem Sport nicht soviel, Italien hat sich aber in letzter Zeit ziemlich gut gemacht, war man nicht vor nicht so langer Zeit nicht sogar mal in einem Finale? Bisher auch 3 Siege aus 3 Spielen, weiter so