Während westliche Mainstream Medien hauptsächlich über den Strom ausländischer sunnitischer Kämpfer zum islamischen Staat berichten, wird von der vom Iran organisierten und unterstützten Okkupation Syriens durch shiitische Milizen kaum Beachtung geschenkt...
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Der Artikel geht weiter, jedoch findet man natürlich keine Stelle wo shiitische Milizen erwähnt werden..
Zur Übersicht wie viele shiitische Kämpfer ca in Syrien sind und von woher sie kommen..
Wen's interessiert, in dem Artikel sind noch mehr und genauere Infos.. Middle East Conflict : Shiite militias in Syria
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Die Zahl ausländischer Kämpfer bei extremistischen Milizen in Syrien und im Irak hat sich einem Bericht zufolge seit dem vergangenen Jahr auf mindestens 27.000 mehr als verdoppelt. "Das Phänomen ausländischer Kämpfer im Irak und Syrien ist wirklich ein globales", stellte das in den USA ansässige Sicherheits-Beratungsunternehmen Soufan Group in einem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Bericht fest. Vor allem die Jihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) habe zehntausende Menschen angezogen. Die Versuche vieler Länder weltweit, sich gegen die Ausreise von Islamisten nach Syrien und in den Irak zu stemmen, haben demnach bisher wenig bewirkt. Dem Bericht zufolge kamen zwischen 27.000 und 31.000 ausländische Kämpfer aus 86 Ländern nach Syrien und in den Irak. Bei einer ähnlichen Untersuchung vom Juni 2014 war von etwa 12.000 ausländischen Kämpfern in Syrien die Rede gewesen. Die meisten Unterstützer kamen demnach aus dem Nahen Osten und aus Nordafrika mit jeweils 8.000 Kämpfern. Etwa 5.000 Anhänger kamen laut Soufan Group aus Europa, weitere 4.700 aus den früheren Sowjet-Republiken.
Der Artikel geht weiter, jedoch findet man natürlich keine Stelle wo shiitische Milizen erwähnt werden..
Zur Übersicht wie viele shiitische Kämpfer ca in Syrien sind und von woher sie kommen..
It is known that the Syrian Armed Forces or Assad’s Army has lost its military capabilities in the last two years and most of the military bases and Airports have been captured by Syrian rebel forces, many of their tanks, armoured vehicles and aircraft are either destroyed or captured by Syrian rebel fighters which is a big loss to the Syrian Armed Forces. Most of his sectarian elite forces like 4th Armoured Division, Republican Guard, Intelligence security forces are among the heavy casualties of the Army that they are either dead, wounded, captured or escaped.
To recover his military loses he needed to recruit Shia fighters from abroad to cover up the loses of his army and to have a strong assistance to his troops, some reports suggest that the numbers of foreign Shia fighters are around 40,000 they came from around the world, but these fighters are mostly recruited from Lebanon and Iraq with other few recruits from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. They are being motivated religiously and politically to come to Syria to defend the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and the Shia holy sites in Syria, all of the Shia foreign fighters are supported by Iran and Iranian Revolutionary Guards who pays and trains them regularly in Syria.It is known that the Syrian Armed Forces or Assad’s Army has lost its military capabilities in the last two years and most of the military bases and Airports have been captured by Syrian rebel forces, many of their tanks, armoured vehicles and aircraft are either destroyed or captured by Syrian rebel fighters which is a big loss to the Syrian Armed Forces. Most of his sectarian elite forces like 4th Armoured Division, Republican Guard, Intelligence security forces are among the heavy casualties of the Army that they are either dead, wounded, captured or escaped.
To recover his military loses he needed to recruit Shia fighters from abroad to cover up the loses of his army and to have a strong assistance to his troops, some reports suggest that the numbers of foreign Shia fighters are around 40,000 they came from around the world, but these fighters are mostly recruited from Lebanon and Iraq with other few recruits from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. They are being motivated religiously and politically to come to Syria to defend the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and the Shia holy sites in Syria, all of the Shia foreign fighters are supported by Iran and Iranian Revolutionary Guards who pays and trains them regularly in Syria.It is known that the Syrian Armed Forces or Assad’s Army has lost its military capabilities in the last two years and most of the military bases and Airports have been captured by Syrian rebel forces, many of their tanks, armoured vehicles and aircraft are either destroyed or captured by Syrian rebel fighters which is a big loss to the Syrian Armed Forces. Most of his sectarian elite forces like 4th Armoured Division, Republican Guard, Intelligence security forces are among the heavy casualties of the Army that they are either dead, wounded, captured or escaped.
To recover his military loses he needed to recruit Shia fighters from abroad to cover up the loses of his army and to have a strong assistance to his troops, some reports suggest that the numbers of foreign Shia fighters are around 40,000 they came from around the world, but these fighters are mostly recruited from Lebanon and Iraq with other few recruits from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. They are being motivated religiously and politically to come to Syria to defend the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and the Shia holy sites in Syria, all of the Shia foreign fighters are supported by Iran and Iranian Revolutionary Guards who pays and trains them regularly in Syria.
Wen's interessiert, in dem Artikel sind noch mehr und genauere Infos.. Middle East Conflict : Shiite militias in Syria