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Wieso kehrt sich die Welt immer mehr zur Islamskepsis? [Sammelthread]

Of course, as you might imagine, that did exactly nothing to free the girls, although I’m sure it made the folks wearing the bracelets feel better.

And by this point, I’m sure you’ve guessed that the girls were kidnapped to serve as sexual slaves to the men of Boko Haram … as was verified by some of the girls who escaped at a later date.

ISIS and Hamas, like Boko Haram, keep female prisoners of war as sexual slaves. Over 1,000 women who were ISIS sex slaves were relocated to Germany to help them heal. Hamas is the same, raping female prisoners of war.

And what happens when the sex slaves misbehave? Given the nature of the terrorist cult, I’m sure you can guess.


The horror of this is beyond belief. Consider just two of these:

An 11-year-old girl is among two Yazidi girls killed while trying to escape caliphate sex slavery.

Eleven years old, and a sex slave to Islamic animals in human form … then there’s this one.

A sex slave who tried to escape ISIS is killed by having her legs cut off.

Horror beyond imagination. Here’s a link to more on the Koran’s approval of sexual slavery.

Then there is the Muslim treatment of homosexuals:


Beheaded, shot, executed, thrown off of roofs … the heart reels.

One last group of interest. A couple thousand years ago, stoning people to death was not uncommon. Christians gave it up after Jesus said “Let he among you that is without sin cast the first stone”. And Jews haven’t practiced stoning for centuries and centuries.

Sadly, here in the 21st Century, the only people still stoning people to death are the followers of the “religion” of Islam. It often involves burying the person up to the neck in the ground, then stoning them to death with specially chosen small rocks to prolong the agony … here are some examples.


Stoned for not wearing the veil, for “sexual immorality”, for adultery, for being Christian, and most horrendous, “Four women are stoned to death for adultery – after having been raped.”

Stoned to death for having been raped … folks, here is a most unpalatable truth, but one we desperately need to accept:

We have to stop calling Islam a religion. It is nothing of the sort. It is a terrorist cult.

Religions in the 21st Century don’t encourage and allow horrendous barbaric bloodshed, “honor” killings, sexual slavery, throwing people off of roofs, stoning people to death, and endless attacks on innocent people. But Muslims do it, over and over and over. And they make no attempt to conceal it. “Boko Haram” literally means “The ways of the West are forbidden.”

And we have to accept another undeniable truth.

We do not believe that we are at war with Islam … but Muslims are very clear that they are at war with us.

And that is a very, very dangerous situation. You can’t win a war when you think you’re not at war, but the quarter-million deaths in this century alone are clear evidence that yes, Islam clearly knows that it is at war with the West.

Finally, are there good Muslims?

Assuredly. But they are not observant Muslims. They simply ignore the clearly barbaric instructions of the Koran, and carefully look away from the orthodox Muslims who follow those instructions.

And sadly, there is far too much truth in the old joke:

What’s the difference between a bad Muslim and a good Muslim?

The bad Muslim wants to kill you.

The good Muslim wants the bad Muslim to kill you …

What is to be done about this Forever War?

Well, for a start, we need to recognize that we are at war. We are guaranteed to lose the Forever War if we keep denying that we are in a war at all.

And second, we need to be very, very careful about admitting Muslims to any Western country. It’s true that some of them are good folks who simply want a better life. But it’s equally true that some of them are people who would murder and rape Westerners without a second thought. We need to distinguish between them as best we can.

I gotta say … when I was a kid in the 1950s dreaming about the 21st Century, there were flying cars and robots and computers, but my dreams didn’t feature a continuance of a 14-century-long religious war. Where is the planet I grew up on?

My earnest hope is that Islam undergoes a reformation where some brave Muslim religious leader stands up and says “ENOUGH WITH THE RAPES AND THE KILLINGS, LET’S GET ALONG WITH OUR NEIGHBORS!!”

Of course, the last person who tried that was Baha’ullah, and true to the terrorist nature of Islam, his followers, the peaceful and gentle Baha’i, have been ruthlessly persecuted and murdered by Muslims worldwide ever since … so the precedents aren’t encouraging …

My best wishes to all, hug those you love, enjoy the delights of this marvelous planet.



DATA: I have converted the database used in this analysis to a 2.9 Mbyte Excel spreadsheet, which I’ve made available here.

CODA: Please don’t start in about the Crusades or the killings of the Spanish Inquisition or Jews stoning people to death back in the day. Those did happen, but the religions involved reformed themselves and gave up those practices centuries ago.

As they say in Hollywood, “That was then, and this is now”. And here in the 21st century, the men of the Islamic terrorist cult are the only ones who are committing the number and brutality of the crimes detailed above.
So redet ein Islamofaschist!

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BREAKING NEWS:Mit einem Messer bewaffneter Mann überfällt einen Kindergarten im englischen Southport und sticht wahllos auf mehrere kleine Kinder ein.Ersten Berichten zufolge wurden sechs Kinder erstochen, eines davon hat es nicht überlebt.

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BREAKING NEWS:Mit einem Messer bewaffneter Mann überfällt einen Kindergarten im englischen Southport und sticht wahllos auf mehrere kleine Kinder ein.Ersten Berichten zufolge wurden sechs Kinder erstochen, eines davon hat es nicht überlebt.

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Tragisch, aber solange offizielle Quellen nicht von einem Terrorakt sprechen oder einen Islamismus erwähnen, ist dieser Post in diesem Thread reine Hetze !!
Tragisch, aber solange offizielle Quellen nicht von einem Terrorakt sprechen oder einen Islamismus erwähnen, ist dieser Post in diesem Thread reine Hetze !!
Hast du mal selbst recherchiert, anstatt hier sinnlos rumzupöbeln und unschuldige besorgte User zu diffamieren?
Da werden Kinder abgemetzelt und User die davon berichten wirfst du Hetze vor?! Sag mal gehts noch!
