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Wirtschaft Griechenlands - Οικονομία της Ελλάδας - Economy of Greece

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Nicht nur Tsipras hat es versaut, auch die davor. Einer regiert und der Rest leistet ständig Widerstand, bis er dann selbst regieren muss. Hätten sie sich beim Ausbruch der Krise zusammengetan um schnell, ohne grossen Widerstand und ständige Wahlen die Reformen umzusetzen.... wären wir jetzt auf einem besseren Weg.

Das hat, so denke und hoffe ich, auch die Bevölkerung gesehen und deswegen ist Enosi Kentroon jetzt auch im Parlament. Naja, mal sehen, ob die auch tatsächlich eine Einigung der Mitte darstellen werden...
EIB, Greece sign 285 mln euro financing deal for energy projects

ATHENS Nov 3 (Reuters) - The European Investment Bank (EIB), EU's lending institution, and Greece signed a 285 million euro ($312.4 million) deal on Tuesday,
extending financing for energy projects in the country.
Last year, the EIB agreed to provide Greece total loans of 670 million euros for extending and upgrading its power grid and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal on
an island close to the Greek capital.
On Tuesday, the EIB and Greece signed four financing agreements to disburse the second tranche of the 2014 loans.
Greece is in a dire need of funds as it struggles to kickstart its economy which has lost about a quarter of its output since a debt crisis began in 2009.

"As the bank of the European Union, we must, through project finance, be part of the solution of the problem for the Greek economy," EIB Chairman Werner Hoyer said
on Tuesday at a ceremony to sign the agreements.
"We all support this country in a difficult transformation process."

Under the new agreements, Greece's dominant power utility PPC will get a credit line of 245 million euros to install engines for power production on 18 Greek islands
and interconnect Cyclades islands to the mainland network.
The remainder will support the extension of an LNG station, owned by the country's gas system operator DESFA.
EIB, Greece sign 285 mln euro financing deal for energy projects | Agricultural Commodities | Reuters

“Heightened uncertainty and the introduction of capital controls” are leading the Greek economy back to a recession of 1.4 pct in 2015 and 1.3 pct in 2016, the European Commission said in its autumn forecasts for the Greek economy. The European Commission expects the Greek economy to return to positive growth rates (2.7 pct) in 2017
The unemployment rate is projected to rise to 25.8 pct in 2016, from 25.7 pct this year and to fall to 24.4 pct of the workforce in 2017. Greece ‘s fiscal deficit is expected to rise to -4.6 pct of GDP this year (from -3.6 pct in 2014) falling again to -3.6 pct in 2016 and -2.2 pct in 2017. The country’s public debt, however, is projected to rise to 194.8 pct of GDP this year, rising to 199.7 pct in 2016 and falling to 195.6 pct in 2017.
- See more at: EU: Greek Recession Seen Shallower than Expected | GreekReporter.com
Inmarsat (International Maritime Satellite Organization) hat die griechische Telekommunikationsfirma OTE ausgewählt für die Satelittenkommunikation der Flugzeuge

HELLENIC TELECOM ORGANIZATION : Inmarsat has selected OTE Group’s Satellite Center in Nemea for the provision of in-flight connectivity over Europe

OTE Group's terrestrial satellite station will serve as a gateway between space and ground
Inmarsat, the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications services, has selected OTE Group and Greece for the location of the terrestrial satellite infrastructure for its European Aviation Network (EAN), in order to provide inflight broadband over Europe.
The satellite access station will be hosted in OTE Group's Satellite Communications Center in Nemea and will serve as a gateway towards Inmarsat's new advanced satellite, which is currently being manufactured. The satellite will communicate with the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) terminal of the aircraft and secure seamless internet service provision that Inmarsat offers, with OTE being in charge of operating the satellite access station.
The European Aviation Network is an innovative network that will enable millions of flight passengers over Europe to use their smartphones and other devices inflight, in the same way they would on the ground. EAN combines the new Inmarsat satellite technology and a new pan-European terrestrial broadband LTE network, the latter of which will be operated by Deutsche Telekom.
Leo Mondale, President of Inmarsat Aviation, said: 'The European Aviation Network is an important development for Inmarsat, for the aviation industry, and for Europe. Our agreement with OTE Group to install the satellite access station in Nemea is an important milestone of this exciting project. The OTE Group, as the existing operator of our Global Xpress satellite access station in Nemea, has already demonstrated its abilities as an efficient supplier for Inmarsat. We are delighted to extend this partnership which ensures continuous communications, as well as operational efficiencies to be achieved via providing both the GX and EAN Inmarsat services from the same Satellite Communications Center.'
Zacharias Piperidis, OTE Group Chief Operating Officer, stated: 'With this partnership the OTE Group shows that besides providing traditional satellite services, it can reliably support the demanding global market of new generation technologies, which require infrastructure and services of the highest standards. OTE Group's Satellite Communications Centers in Nemea and Thermopylae have now become the most important ones in the wider region of Europe, Middle East and Africa and can service the most important satellite organizations worldwide.'
About Inmarsat
Inmarsat plc is the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications services. Since 1979, Inmarsat has been providing reliable voice and high-speed data communications to governments, enterprises and other organizations, with a range of services that can be used on land, at sea or in the air. Inmarsat employs around 1,600 staff in more than 60 locations around the world, with a presence in the major ports and centres of commerce on every continent. Inmarsat is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE: ISAT.L). For more information, please visit www.inmarsat.com.
About OTE Group
OTE Group is the largest telecommunications provider in Greece, and, together with its subsidiaries, forms one of the leading telecom groups in South-eastern Europe. It offers the full range of telecommunications services, from fixed-line and mobile telephony, broadband services and pay television, to high-speed data communications and leased lines services. OTE Group is the largest investor in new networks in Greece, investing EUR 1.2 billion over the ongoing four-year period.
About OTE Group satellite services
Through its Satellite Communications Centers located in Nemea and Thermopylae, OTE provides the global market with integrated high-quality services, securing ISO-certified Business Continuity for business and residential customers. Its experience in providing global satellite services renders OTE the optimal partner for media and broadcasters, civilian/governmental/military sectors, international telephone service providers, maritime enterprises, Internet service providers, and international terrestrial and satellite service providers. OTE Group forms a key gateway into Europe, North America, Australia, Africa, Middle East, and Western Asia.
HELLENIC TELECOM ORGANIZATION : Inmarsat has selected OTE Group’s Satellite Center in Nemea for the provision of in-flight connectivity over Europe | 4-Traders


Die griechische Wirtschaft ist im Q3 2015 um 0,5 Prozent eingebrochen. Damit liegt man jedoch deutlich über den Erwartungen.

Griechenland verblüfft: Eurozone wächst nur langsam - n-tv.de

Für die große positive Überraschung sorgte derweil Griechenland. Denn das monatelange Tauziehen mit den Geldgebern um weitere Hilfen und Reformen kommt das Land weitaus weniger teuer zu stehen als befürchtet. Analysten hatten einen Einbruch um 2,7 Prozent erwartet.

2015 Q1: +0,1%
2015 Q2: +0,4%
2015 Q3: -0,5%

Aktuelles BIP: 241,16 Mrd. USD

Wenn Griechenland Glück hat, schafft es dieses Jahr mit einer leichten Rezession. Nach all dem Schaden, den SYRIZA angerichtet hat,
ist das Ergebniss relativ zufriedenstellend. Ich glaube so gar, dass Griechenland wieder Wachstum haben wird, wenn Ende des
Jahres die Banken rekapitalisiert werden und die EU genug Druck ausübt um liberale Reformen durchs Parlament zu peitschen.

Unter Samaras gebe es jetzt 3% Wachstum. Was für einen Hampelmann die Griechen da nur ans Steuer gesetzt haben. :facepalm:
Die griechische Wirtschaft ist im Q3 2015 um 0,5 Prozent eingebrochen. Damit liegt man jedoch deutlich über den Erwartungen.

Griechenland verblüfft: Eurozone wächst nur langsam - n-tv.de

2015 Q1: +0,1%
2015 Q2: +0,4%
2015 Q3: -0,5%

Aktuelles BIP: 241,16 Mrd. USD

Wenn Griechenland Glück hat, schafft es dieses Jahr mit einer leichten Rezession. Nach all dem Schaden, den SYRIZA angerichtet hat,
ist das Ergebniss relativ zufriedenstellend. Ich glaube so gar, dass Griechenland wieder Wachstum haben wird, wenn Ende des
Jahres die Banken rekapitalisiert werden und die EU genug Druck ausübt um liberale Reformen durchs Parlament zu peitschen.

Unter Samaras gebe es jetzt 3% Wachstum. Was für einen Hampelmann die Griechen da nur ans Steuer gesetzt haben. :facepalm:
mitdieser Regierung wird es kein Wachstum geben
Die griechische Wirtschaft ist im Q3 2015 um 0,5 Prozent eingebrochen. Damit liegt man jedoch deutlich über den Erwartungen.

Griechenland verblüfft: Eurozone wächst nur langsam - n-tv.de

2015 Q1: +0,1%
2015 Q2: +0,4%
2015 Q3: -0,5%

Aktuelles BIP: 241,16 Mrd. USD

Wenn Griechenland Glück hat, schafft es dieses Jahr mit einer leichten Rezession. Nach all dem Schaden, den SYRIZA angerichtet hat,
ist das Ergebniss relativ zufriedenstellend. Ich glaube so gar, dass Griechenland wieder Wachstum haben wird, wenn Ende des
Jahres die Banken rekapitalisiert werden und die EU genug Druck ausübt um liberale Reformen durchs Parlament zu peitschen.

Unter Samaras gebe es jetzt 3% Wachstum. Was für einen Hampelmann die Griechen da nur ans Steuer gesetzt haben. :facepalm:
