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Wirtschaft Kroatiens - Gospodarstvo Hrvatske - Economy of Croatia

Eine der auch International erfolgreicheren Firmen ist dok-ing

Die Firma ist eine der weltmarktführenden für Mienenräumfahrzeuge.

Unter anderem auch bekannt für das neue Elektroauto Projekt XD das nicht nur optisch überzeugt. Mit 7,7 sekunden von 0-100Kmh soll es ein richtiger Stadtflitzer der Zukunft werden.
die kroatische schiffswerft uljanik liefert das erste von 4 schwimbagger/saug schiffen. solche schiffe können nur von einigen wenigen werften auf der welt gebaut werden und gehören zu den teuersten schiffen mit 150 mio euro pro stück.





Delivery of the first self-propelled cutter suction dredger

By: Denis Jambrošić
On 26th May, 2010 ULJANIK Shipyard delivered the first, out of four contracted Self-Propelled Cutter Suction Dredgers, to the company from Luxemburg “Dredging and Maritime Management S.A. Luxembourg” forming part of Jan De Nul Group.

The delivery documents were signed by Mr. Marnix Vandenberghe, JDN Head of Legal Dept. and Mr. Petar Car, Sales, Project and Calculation Manager at ULJANIK Shipyard.

This is a unique shipbuilding achievement which surpasses the frames of shipbuilding in the wider region, since by delivering this ship-machine ULJANIK becomes a member of the small group of only a few world shipyards which are offering the construction or have already built such a ship’s type. Today in the world, there are only five similar ships but Uljanik’s newbuilding is exceptional and more advanced in many elements in comparison with the existing similar ships-machines. From the technical point of view, these are uncommon complex ships used for dredging water-ways, namely, building warfs, artificial islands or dredging the coastline, and Uljanik’s newbuildings will be able to reach the dredging sea depth of 36.6 metres.
The ship is capable of dredging (cutting and simultaneous suction) compacted sand, stiff clay, rock and similar soils.
The excavated material is unloaded by the PS or SB side spuds into barges or through a swivel to a floating pipeline to the shore at a distance of about 10 kilometers.
It is a fact that so far in the world there have never been four dredgers under construction at the same time in one shipyard, but mainly one or two mostly, so this speaks in itself about the project in question. This is also an acknowledgement and trust in the knowledge, skill and capability as well as power of Uljanik’s workers to build such a complex floating unit.
The ship has got three engines of the type MAN Diesel A.G. – 6L48/60 7,200 kW/500 RPM run by 3 main AC generators, each having a power of 7,200 kW, at 6.6 kV voltage.
The ship’s length is 138.50 m, breadth 26 m and depth from 8.80 to 12.20 m, having a deadweight of 2,200 tons at a draught of 5.75 m. The enormous power of 21 MW, sufficient to provide electric current for a smaller town of 25 thousand citizens, is being consumed for the operation of the dredging equipment. The major consumers are three huge dredge pumps, each having a power of 5 MW. The ship develops a speed of 13 knots with diesel-electric propulsion, driven by two electric motors of 3.5 MW power each.
The project solutions of electric distribution and automation are ULJANIK designers’ achievement. For comparison, about 330 kilometers of cables have been installed in the dredger, while in the standard tanker or bulk carrier there are about 100 kilometers of cable laid.
From the slipway, there was launched the cutter first, weighing 1,200 tons, and then, the whole ship was launched to the sea by the bow, although the customary launching is by the stern.

During the construction, the steel ship plates, which are considerably thicker in the case of dredgers than on classical ships (tankers, car carriers), were heated over 100oC and then cooled under control.
The ship has an automated engine room, suitable for unattended operation, according to the requirements of Bureau Veritas AUT-UMS and the National Authorities.
Control of the dredging, propulsion, steering and navigation is from the wheelhouse namely captain’s bridge. The air-conditioned accommodation space above the tweendeck level in the aftship and above the maindeck level is suitable to accommodate 46 persons. On the open deck there is installed one hydraulic travelling deckcrane 2 x 350 kN and one 10 kN hydraulic store crane.
The ship’s added value is a number of times higher than that of a classical tanker.
It must be said that in the construction Uljanik has succeeded in achieving exceptional harmony and a good organization of all those who have participated and have been included in the construction of the ship, meaning also of all those who are not part of ULJANIK Group.

The Shipbuilding Contract for “Ibn Battuta” was signed on 16th March, 2007. The keel was laid at the end of 2008 and the launching was performed at the beginning of August 2009.

The complexity of the ship, since this is a unique ship in her class, has dictated the dynamics of construction and already now, according to the indicators, it can be said that the other three ships from the series will be built in considerably shorter time.
After the delivery, all the ships will be sailing under the flag of Luxemburg.
The construction of the ship is supervised by the classification society Bureau Veritas in cooperation with the Shipowner and ULJANIK Shipyard.
Končar hat super Designer, kann man sagen was man will.
Generell macht Kroatien vor allem durch gutes Design Hoffnung auf fortschrittlichere Wirtschaftszweige in der Zukunft.
Otvoreno predstavništvo HGK u Afganistanu

Nadan Vidošević prilikom otvorenja

Hrvatska gospodarska komora otvorila je predstavništvo u Afganistanu. Time je ušla u odabrani krug od samo sedam zemalja koje imaju licenciju za pristup svim natječajima u toj zemlji. A Afganistanu nedostaje svega - od lijekova, poljoprivredne mehanizacije do svih vrsta strojeva. No možda su najveća prilika za naše tvrtke veliki infrastrukturni projekti, koje pokreće tamošnja vlada, osobito u cestogradnji, mostogradnji, vodoopskrbi i odvodnji.

Kabul živi 24 sata, ulice su prepune ljudi u potrazi za poslom, hranom, potrepštinama. Novi naraštaj želi obnoviti zemlju, raditi i zarađivati. Otvoren je i prvi trgovački centar zapadnoga tipa, gradi se na sve strane, prvi put nakon četiri desetljeća ulaže se u infrastrukturu. Novac nije problem, nedostaju znanje i iskustvo. Upravo to, uz ostale usluge, nudi Hrvatska.

Otvaranje predstavništva u glavnom gradu drugi je glavni preduvjet za bilo kakav posao. Prvi uvjet, nazočnost naših mirovnih snaga, već je ispunjen. Želja za poslom je obostrana, Afganistan je zemlja u kojoj svatko tko želi raditi može naći svoj dio kolača. No ne zovu nikoga, mora im se doći i ponuditi posao.

Predsjednik HGK Nadan Vidošević kaže kako upravo ovdje Hrvatska ima najveće izglede u borbi s globalnom konkurencijom.

Nećemo moći živjeti od šest milijardi tuđeg novca svake godine. Moramo početi zarađivati svoj novac, a ovo je taj put. Neće bit lako, lakše je biti u Milanu, Berlinu, Londonu, ali ovdje se zarađuje kruh, rekao je Vidošević.

Poslovanje u Afganistanu ima svoje posebnosti - jedna od njih je točnost i preciznost koja se traži od stranaca, obećano se mora ispuniti. Druga je - ugovaranje rade nižerangirani, a konačnu odluku o poslu donose glavni političari. Zato je za konačno otvaranje vrata ključan posjet premijerke ili predsjednika Afganistanu.

Kroatische Firma hat einen Deal mit der Afghanischen Regierung, zum Bau von Brücken, Strassen etc. in Kabul, gemacht. Die Kroatische Handelskammer hat eine Vertretung dort aufgemacht.
