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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Russia expresses interest to import Macedonia's vegetables and fruits
Russia expresses interest to import Macedonia's vegetables and fruits — BlackSeaGrain - All information on agriculture and food industry
The export of Macedonia's agricultural products to Russia has been on the rise since last September, Maksim Travnikov, Russian Deputy Minister of Regional Development, said Wednesday in Moscow at a meeting with visiting Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply Ljupco Dimovski.

The export of Macedonia's agricultural products to Russia has been on the rise since last September, Maksim Travnikov, Russian Deputy Minister of Regional Development, said Wednesday in Moscow at a meeting with visiting Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply Ljupco Dimovski.

Travnikov, who is also a co-chair of the Intergovernmental Macedonian-Russian Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation, expressed belief that the positive trend in bolstering the ties in these spheres would continue.

"Macedonia and Russia have been traditionally enjoying an excellent cooperation, while the potential for placing high-quality agricultural, food products on this (Russian) market is huge. We are satisfied that the positive export trend is continuing, thanking largely to higher production of Macedonian products and their offer on the Russian market," Dimovski said.

For the last few years Macedonia has created excellent climate for investing in its agriculture-food sector, Dimovski said,

"We are open for investments in construction of factories, refrigerator complexes, plants for processing and drying of fruits and vegetables, as well as for production of powdered milk," Dimovski said.

He invited Russian companies to invest in Macedonia and open distribution centers for Macedonian products in Russia.

Today, Dimovski and his Russian counterpart Yelena Skrynnik also reviewed the possibilities for bolstering the cooperation.

"The trade exchange is 2,6 times higher. Our import of Macedonian products has been growing. We haven't had such boost of the cooperation with no other country but yours. We wish to import your agricultural products - cabbage, peach, apricot, cherry - and above all the Macedonian wine. There is a great prospect for placing of your fruits and vegetables on the Russian market. Your high quality products are competitive and ecologically clean," Skrynnik said.

Dimovski invited Skrynnik to visit Macedonia and learn more about the potential of the country's agricultural sector.

During the visit, Dimovski is also scheduled to visit PRODEXPO fair in Moscow - the largest annual specialized exhibition in Russia and Eastern Europe. Macedonia will present its best wines at the event.
NBRM realizes Denar 1,95 billion net profit in 2011
IDIVIDI: NBRM realizes Denar 1,95 billion net profit in 2011

Skopje, 28 February 2012 (MIA) - The National Bank Council reviewed Tuesday the financial statements of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (NBRM) and the annual account for 2011, which were audited by an independent external auditor.

According to the opinion of the independent auditor, the financial statements of NBRM in all material respects, give a true and fair view of the financial position as of 31 December 2011, the financial performance and the cash flows for the year, in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the NBRM said in a press release.

As of 31 December 2011, the total assets, i.e. liabilities and capital of the National Bank amounted to Denar 167,619 million and they increased by Denar 50,575 million compared to their amount as of 31 December 2010. The financial result of the National Bank, established under IFRS in 2011 is positive, i.e. the National Bank realized net profit amounting to Denar 1,950 million (EUR 31,7 million), mainly due to accrued revenue from price and exchange rate changes of gold and foreign assets.

The Council also reviewed the Information on the realization of the financial plan and the Information on the realization of the plan of investment in fixed assets of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia for 2011.

At today's session, the Council also adopted a Planning Rulebook that strengthens strategic planning as a primary control function in the operations of the National Bank. The Strategic Plan identifies the most important goals for the next three years and is reviewed annually, reads the press release.
Government delegation to present Macedonia's investment opportunities in India
Skopje, 4 March 2012 (MIA) - A governmental delegation, led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, will visit India on March 5-8, to present the opportunities for investing in Macedonia.

The delegation will have presentations in New Delhi, Pune and Mumbai. It will also hold talks with representatives of India's corporations, which will express interest to invest in Macedonia.

Recent entrance of the car industry giant 'Motherson Group' in Macedonia has encouraged us to make attempt to attract other India's companies, which intend to invest in Europe, to follow the suit, Gruevski said yesterday. The visit to India is a great opportunity to bring companies from one of the world's most powerful economies to Macedonia, he added.

The delegation is scheduled to present Macedonia's investment climate in Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur on March 9.

The delegation also includes Vice-Premier and FinMin Zoran Stavreski, Minister in charge of attracting foreign investments Bil Pavleski and Director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones Viktor Mizo.

Britische Firma kauft Goldmak aus Radovisch

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There's great potential for strengthened economic and political cooperation between Macedonia and India

New Delhi, 5 March 2012 (MIA) - Political relations between Macedonia and India and possibilities for enhancing bilateral economic cooperation were the focal point of Monday's meeting in New Delhi between countries' premiers, Nikola Gruevski and Manmohan Singh.

"India and Macedonia foster excellent political relations and mutual cooperation within the United Nations. India has been calling Macedonia by its constitutional name in bilateral relations for some time now. The countries have concluded a deal on protection of investments. Now, we launched an initiative to sign an agreement on avoiding double taxation and an array of other accords in relation to free trade, education, culture, fight against terrorism and many others that could strengthen our political and economic relations," PM Gruevski stated after meeting his Indian counterpart.

The meeting, he added, focused on political and economic topics involving international politics and the situation both in Macedonia and India. "He was well-informed about our visit and the meetings organised with a number of investors. The PM voiced support for the forums, because India is an emerging economy with major companies seeking markets in Europe, USA and Australia to invest," Gruevski elaborated.

"Macedonia is being promoted as a destination for Indian companies that want to invest in Europe and to cover the continent and beyond perhaps. We've also shared opinion on the companies that have invested in Macedonia, such as Mittal Steel, Binani Industries and Motherson Group," Gruevski stated.

The PM added that India was a huge market with over one billion and 200 million inhabitants, but that Macedonia as a state with two million inhabitants and its free trade agreements represented a market of 650 million consumers. "Thus, there is space for further cooperation in the frameworks of the UN, for bilateral cooperation in the spheres of economy, investments, education, etc," the Gruevski said.

At the meeting, the Macedonian PM informed Manmohan Singh on Macedonia's economic conditions for domestic and foreign investors - low taxes, low costs for running a business, reduced bureaucratic procedures and international recognitions. "Macedonia in the World Bank's Doing Business report climbed from 94th to 22nd place in only five years, which is an impressive result that is respected and welcomed in India," PM Gruevski stressed.

Monday's meeting was the first time that prime ministers of Macedonia and India met and Gruevski is the first premier who is paying a visit to India.

PM Nikola Gruevski in New Delhi together with his economic team presented Macedonia's investment opportunities before Indian businessmen and held separate meetings with representatives of several companies.
Makedonija gradi prvu vetroelektranu

Detalji Izvor eKapija, 05. 03. 2012. Više informacija o firmamaAD Elektrani na Makedonija (ELEM) SkopjeKfW Bankengruppe Frankfurt am MainTerna Athens GreeceSiemens AG Munich nađite druge dokumente u kojima se pominjevetroelektrana MakedonijaELEMKfW bankavetroelektraneTernaSiemensSimensvetroturbinevetrenjačevetropark

Makedonija gradi prvu vetroelektranu, navedeno je na sajtu www.rexpo.hr. Kako je navedeno, ukupna vrednost izgradnje 37 MW-tne vetroelektrane iznosi 55 mil EUR, od čega će 33 mil EUR osigurati nemačka KfW banka, dok će ostatak finansirati ELEM.
Makedonsko elektroenergetsko poduzeće ELEM nedavno je objavilo vest kako je potpisalo ugovor o izgradnji prve makedonske vetroelektrane sa konzorcijumom koga čine grčko građevinsko poduzeće "Terna" i nemački "Siemens".
Ugovor uključuje nabavku i instalaciju vetroturbina te izgradnju prateće infrastrukture kao što su trafostanice i energetski vodovi koji će novi objekt povezati se makedonskom elektroenergetskom mrežom.

Mazedonien baut eine Windkraftanlage.
Das ist ein Anfang. Ich wünsche Mazedonien alles Gute. Und nebenbei: Jemand sollte der makedon. Regierung mal erklären, dass die Schwarzarbeit in die Arbeitslosenzahlen miteinbezogen werden sollte. Das würde die Arbeitslosenquote um einige Prozentpunkte senken.
Das ist ein Anfang. Ich wünsche Mazedonien alles Gute. Und nebenbei: Jemand sollte der makedon. Regierung mal erklären, dass die Schwarzarbeit in die Arbeitslosenzahlen miteinbezogen werden. Das würde die Arbeitslosenquote um einige Prozentpunkte senken.

Sorry liebe Fyromer, dass ich hier störe.

Alta, du schreibst ein idiotsichen Wirtschaftsbeitrag nach dem anderen. Ich, der ein Wirtschaftsgymnasium besucht, bekomme graue Haare davon!!

Du willst nicht in Wirklichkeit, die Schwarzarbeiter, Betonung auf Schwarz in die allgemeine Arbeitslosenquote des Staates berechnen?!?!! Nur, damit die Zahl verschönert wird???? Alter!!!
Du weißt schon, dass Schwarzarbeit für den Staat sehr teuer sind und die ALQ sowas nicht wiederspiegeln würde, wenn man die manipuliert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sorry, liebe Fyromer, dass ich hier störe.

Alta, du schreibst ein idiotsichen Wirtschaftsbeitrag nach dem anderen. Ich, der ein Wirtschaftsgymnasium besucht, bekomme graue Haare davon!!

Du willst nicht in Wirklichkeit, die Schwarzarbeiter, betonung auf Schwarz in die allgemeine Arbeitslosenquote des Staates berechnen?!?!! Nur, damit die Zahl verschönert wird???? Alter!!!
Du weißt schon, dass Schwarzarbeit für den Staat sehr teuer sind und die ALQ sowas nicht wiederspiegeln würde, wenn man die manipuliert.

Awas, machen die deutschen mit den 1€ Jober doch genauso...
Awas, machen die deutschen mit den 1€ Jober doch genauso...
Dise Eineurojobber arbeiten aber nicht nebenbei schwarz und verdienen zusätzliches Geld, obwohl sie vom Staat Hilfe beeintragt haben.

Du vergleichst Äpfel mit Birnen, was Harput gesagt hat, ist ganz was anderes.