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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

4,000 Job openings announced at German car maker in Kavadarci
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
MINA Breaking News
The German Dräxlmaier Group at its website announces vacant positions for highly skilled managers and professionals for the launch of new production facility in Kavadarci with over 4.000 employees.

The investment in Macedonia will amount €30 million. Minister of Foreign Investments Vele Samak has recently announced the amount of the investment and number of new jobs.

The company will open production facility for electrical installations and cables this year, offering jobs to 4,000 employees in the next 3 years. The products from the factory in Macedonia will be installed in Mercedes cars in Germany, Samak said.

The Dräxlmaier Group is an international company founded in 1958 in Germany and produces automotive specific cables, spare parts and electrical equipment for cars. The Dräxlmaier Group has a global presence on four continents, in over 20 countries, at over 50 locations.

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Hab irgendwo gelesen auf B92,dass Swisslaion-Takovo eine Schokoladenfabrik heute in Skopje eröffnet hat.

Das Werk wurde erweitert. Investitionsvolumen 500.000 €

Свислион во Македонија инвестираше уште 500.000 евра
Објавено: 20.03.2012 13:33
TIME.mk - ???????? ?? ?????
Со нов погон и нова линија за чоколадирање на екструдирани јадра, односно посебно обработени житни зрна, во вкупна вредност од 500.000 евра, Свислион доо Скопје ги зголемува своите капацитети, како најголем производител и извозник на кондиторски производи.

Како што информираат од компанијата, новата линија е целосно енергетски ефикасна и ги задоволува сите светски стандарди за производство на ваков тип на производи. Производите ќе бидат пласирани на македонскиот и регионалниот пазар.
GDP rises by 3% in 2011
Skopje, 22 March 2012 (MIA) - Country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2011 marked a growth of 3%, the State Statistical Office says on Thursday.

The growth rate in the first quarter of 2011 was 5.3%, in the second 5.1%, in the third 2.3% and in the fourth quarter growth rate was 0.2%.

In the fourth quarter, an increase was registered in most sections, with the biggest increase being recorded in the sections hotels and restaurants by 11.3% and construction by 10.4%.

Export of goods and services increased by 13.9% in nominal terms, while import of goods and services rose by 7.7% compared to the same period of 2010.

In the same period, the share of final consumption in the GDP structure was 90.7%.

Stavreski: GDP growth among top ten in Europe
Skopje, 23 March 2012 (MIA) - The three-percent GDP growth in 2011, released yesterday by the State Statistical Office, is quite solid and satisfactory, taking into consideration circumstances in Europe, said Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski on Friday.

"The GDP growth belongs to the top ten in Europe. The economy's rise is satisfactory, taking into account the circumstances where Europe's crisis reached its peak in the fourth quarter", FinMin Stavreski told journalists after today's signing of an agreement over Macedonia's involvement in project "Europa Re".

Pertaining to the confirmation of Macedonia's rating by agency "Fitch", Stavreski said this demonstrated their belief in Macedonia's perspectives, but also represented a signal for national and foreign investors, as well as those who analyze and see Macedonia as a potential EU member.

"It is rare for a European country to receive a confirmation of its rating over the past year. The fact that Fitch has confirmed Macedonia's rating, along with the context in which this was done, i.e. macroeconomic stability and positive effect of the process of opening a high-level dialogue with the EU, shows that the most renowned rating agencies, such as Fitch, believe in Macedonia's perspectives, both politically and economically", he added.

With regards to rise of oil derivatives' prices and whether the Government would undertake certain measures, Stavreski emphasized the situation is monitored, with the possibility of the Government reviewing its instruments at disposal if the situation worsens. However, he said one should be realistic and acknowledge that global oil prices hit all economies.

"There is not a single European country that has produced some measures, since the oil prices depend from other places. Even the United States, which are influential, are contemplating their moves. In this context, we are a small country with limited possibilities, and we are monitoring the situation like other regional states", he said.

Stavreski voiced his belief of a possible intervention by the world's powers towards stabilizing price movements, since the International Monetary Fund has also expressed its concern over effects on the global economy.
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Fitch bestätigt Makedoniens ranking BB+

„Фич“: Потвден рејтингот на Македонија
23.03.2012 - 12:49 | Бизнис
„Фич“: Потвден рејтингот на Македонија | Sitel
Македонија од агенцијата за рејтинг „Фич“ ја доби оценката ББ+ со стабилни изгледи, според последното рангирање објавено на нејзината веб страница.

- Политичките ризици, вклучувајќи го и проблемот со името, како и следствено на тоа одложувањето на пристапните преговори со ЕУ, се пречка за рејтингот. Решението на проблемот со името, кое би отворило пат кон членство во ЕУ, со придружните поволности, како што се посилните институции и политички рамки, подобар пристап до финансирањето, инвестициите и извозните пазари, би можело да поттикне позитивна акција во однос на рејтингот, ако е придружено со соодветен економски раст, се посочува во анализата на „Фич“.

Воедно се дава и оценка за дијалогот на високо ниво на Македонија со ЕУ кој го отпочнаа минатата недела еврокомесарот Штефан Филе и премиерот Никола Груевски, дека може да биде позитивен за земјата доколку го искористи моментумот за поскоро почнување на официјалните пристапни преговори.

Според „Фич“, придобивките од ваквиот чекор и почнувањето формални разговори со јасна временска рамка за пристапување ќе бидат двојни. Прво, процесот би можел да помогне да се „зацементираат“ постојните реформи кои придонесуваат да се подобри деловната клима во земјата. Потсетуваат дека од 34. место во 2011 година, во извештајот „Дуинг бизнис“ на Светска банка, Македонија годинава се искачи на 22. место, но велат, реформите можно е да имаат плитки корени, а ќе им треба и многу време да продрат до пониските нивоа на јавната администрација.

Втора придобивка од преминувањето кон пристапни преговори, оценуваат, би можело да помогне да се обезбеди политичка стабилност во земјата, додавајќи дека членството во ЕУ како заедничка цел помогнало во приближувањето на Македонците и на етничките Албанци.

„Фич“ и со забелешка дека понатамошното одложување во пристапниот процес кон ЕУ може да ги поткопа меѓуетничките односи бидејќи, се посочува, албанската заедница не ја споделува бескомпромисната позиција на Македонците во спортот со Грција за уставното име на земјата.

Од „Фич“ оценуваат дека е малку веројатно во блиска иднина да се дојде до заемно прифатливо решение бидејќи ниту една од страните не покажала волја за компромис. Сепак, додаваат, доколку дијалогот на високо ниво донесе напредок во други области поврзани со евроинтеграциите, тогаш тоа би можело да го зголеми притисокот врз Македонија и врз Грција да постигнат договор околу прашањето за името.
Macedonia investment opportunities presented before Qatar companies
Doha, 25 March 2012 (MIA) - A Government delegation led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, also including Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, Minister for Foreign Investments Bill Pavleski, and director of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones Viktor Mizo, paid a visit Sunday to several Qatar government companies, agencies and funds, in the framework of promoting Macedonia's economic potentials for attraction of foreign investments and presentation of country's products.

The Macedonian delegation visited Qatar Holding, the country's investment fund in public and private companies in sectors energy, industry and infrastructure, telecommunications and technology, real estate, trade, agriculture and commodities.

Talks with the fund's management team, led by Vice Chairman Hussain Ali Al-Abdulla, and Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Ahmad Mohamed Al-Sayed, focused on the energy sector, i.e. options for investments in project Vardarska Dolina, hydro and thermal plants, as well as power production and transport. Moreover, opportunities for investments in transport corridors and mining, as well as Macedonia's gasification were presented.

Qatar Holding would conduct an in-depth analysis on all aspects and details of the offered projects in the coming period.

The Macedonian team also visited Qatar Diar, a development agency that operates in construction, transport and development projects.

The meeting with the agency's management, led by CEO Mohammed bin Ali Al Hedfa, tackled opportunities for investments in tourism-related projects, including the project of tourism-hospitality development zones along Macedonia's lakeshores - Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran, as well as options for investments in winter resorts Kozuf and Popova Sapka.

"Macedonia offers opportunities for business, it is the most competitive destination for investments, offering low taxes, tax exemptions, proper workforce and other benefits. The result of this Government policy are the two investment waves, one at the end of last year and the other at the beginning of 2012, along with several investment announcements in the course of the year", stressed PM Gruevski at the meetings.

The Government delegation also held a meeting at Hassad Food, the government's agency in the field of agriculture and livestock.

Macedonian officials presented opportunities for investments in the agriculture field and the country's agriculture policy, with emphasis on the possibility for exports of the Macedonian lamb and bottled water.

"We are satisfied from the visit and the interest shown by our hosts. Our intention is to open new opportunities through continual visits and presentations, seek for fresh investments, open new capacities and jobs", said Vice Premier Stavreski.

PM Gruevski is set to meet later today with Qatar's Emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, as well as PM and Foreign Minister, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani.

Government delegation to present Macedonia's investment opportunities in Germany
Skopje, 25 March 2012 (MIA) - A Government delegation, led by Vice Premier for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski, pays a three-day visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, aimed at presenting Macedonia's investment opportunities.

The first business forum will be held in Ulm on Sunday, presenting benefits for investing in Macedonia. Moreover, the delegation will hold meetings with potential investors, Pesevski's Cabinet said in a press release.

The Government delegation will also meet with representatives of the Helmholtz Institute within the Ulm University, which focuses on biomass energy production.

Activities on attracting foreign investments will continue in Stuttgart and Dusseldorf.

The delegation also includes Minister for Foreign Investments Vele Samak, and director of Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion, Visar Fida.
Qatar's Emir voices political support for investments in Macedonia
Monday, 26 March 2012

Premier Nikola Gruevski met Monday in Doha with Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - the Emir of the State of Qatar.
Both interlocutors praised the continual improvement of the countries' relations and their strong commitment to enhancing bilateral cooperation, especially in the sphere of economy, the government's press service said.

The political and economic dialogue between the leaders of the two countries was welcomed for being substantial and intensive.
PM Gruevski briefed on the political and economic reforms implemented by Macedonia as part of its strategy to meet standards for NATO and EU membership. An emphasis was put on Macedonia's economic opportunities and benefits for investments and for opening and running a business. The Premier presented projects in the field of energy, tourism and construction.

Assessing the visit as very successful and constructive, Gruevski thanked the Emir Al Thani for Qatar's support to the political and economic interests of Macedonia.

Praising the countries' relations, Emir Khalifa Al Thani said Qatar was planning to open its diplomatic office in Macedonia as soon as possible in an attempt to boost the bilateral collaboration. The Sheikh stressed the efforts made by Qatari authorities to inaugurate flights between the countries.
Qatar's Emir, voicing political support for his country's investments in Macedonia, commended Macedonia's efforts to attract investments and projects for cooperation in relation to energy, tourism and construction. He informed that a Qatari special economic delegation would visit Macedonia next month for talks on ways to establish a closer economic cooperation.

The interlocutors also discussed developments in international politics and international economic relations.
Later in the day, PM Gruevski is expected to meet with Qatar's Minister of Energy and Industry, Mohammad bin Saleh Al Sada. A delegation of the Macedonian government will present the investment conditions in Macedonia at a business forum before several Qatari companies and businessmen

German businessmen interested in Macedonia's favourable investment conditions
Skopje, 26 March 2012 (MIA) - A government delegation led by the Vice PM responsible for economic affairs, Vladimir Pesevski is set to present Macedonia's investment opportunities before representatives of 40 companies in Stuttgart.

Pesevski said that on Tuesday, Macedonian business advantages would be presented in Dusseldorf before representatives of Japanese companies that are headquartered in the German city.

"The presentation was organised in November 2011, but now it makes more sense after Premier Nikola Gruevski had paid a visit to Japan. There is great interest and the presidents of these Japanese companies are expected to attend to be personally informed about Macedonia as an investment destination," the Vice Premier stated.

The government team led by Pesevski on Sunday and Monday was in Ulm. In addition to holding meetings with the business community, which was represented by enterprises focused on renewable energy sources and environment protection, it also visited scientific centers.

"Germany is considered the most developed country in Europe and it was interesting for us to see how a cooperation is established between the industry, science and state. Thus, we visited the science park in Ulm, where a number of companies have opened their research centers. We've discussed several models that could be applied in Macedonia. A visit was also paid to the research center for renewable energy sources and electrical mobility and an agreement was reached on establishing a cooperation," Pesevski said.

The government delegation also includes Minister for Foreign Investments Vele Samak, and director of the Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion, Visar Fida
PM Gruevski: Qatar companies focus on energy projects
PM Gruevski: Qatar companies focus on energy projects |
Energy, construction of real estates, agriculture and tourism i.e. tourist free zones are the four key areas in which Qatari companies have showed great interest. A delegation made up of representatives of different sectors and companies has announced a visit to Macedonia in April to provide information involving potential projects for investing, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski Tuesday in Doha as he was concluding his two-day visit to the State of Qatar.

He stated that Qatar's Minister of Energy and Industry, Mohammad bin Saleh Al Sada at a meeting held yesterday voiced interest in the project for ensuring a participation of 49% in the Macedonian Power Plants company, ELEM, through recapitalization.

"Qatar is definitely interested. The construction of new hydro power plants, thermal and gas power stations is an investment that will provide 49% of the company ELEM. I'll say once again that this is part of our election and governmental programme and preparations have been launched last year. Qatar has showed great interest in this project because it is a major project according to its standards. The others, such as the Vardar Valley or secondary gasification, are smaller projects, however there is still interest for them," PM Gruevski said.

The Qatari Minister of Energy and Industry on his part said the meeting with Gruevski was "very successful", stressing that their talks focused on cooperation in several areas - energy, gasification and potential partnership in other projects.

"We've agreed to resume our talks in Macedonia in April, when a Qatari delegation of technical and commercial experts will arrive to review details on possible partnerships," Mohammad bin Saleh Al Sada said.

On Tuesday, Premier Gruevski met with representatives of Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Airways to discuss cooperation opportunities.

"The idea of opening 20 gas stations in Macedonia was deliberated with Qatar Petroleum. The company will send a representative in Macedonia to inspect locations. Some of them have been already prepared and procedures for the remaining ones will be completed if it maintains its interest," the PM stated.

At a meeting with Qatar Airways, participants reviewed the possibility of Macedonia i.e. Skopje to be a transit destination for its flights bound to other European cities.

Gruevski underlined that the government delegation visiting Qatar on Monday held a meeting with Qatar's Emir and a presentation was held before a group of Qatari companies on Macedonia's investment opportunities.

The Premier said the visit to Qatar was "successful, exceeding any expectations." "I think the two-day intensive visit to Qatar will hopefully yield results in terms of investments in Macedonia and new jobs and in relation to strengthening our political ties with the opening of a Qatari embassy in Skopje," PM Nikola Gruevski stated.
Vecer: Qatari company to open 20 filling stations in Macedonia
28 March 2012 | 08:46 | FOCUS News Agency
Vecer: Qatari company to open 20 filling stations in Macedonia - FOCUS Information Agency
Skopje. A Qatari company mulls opening filling stations in Macedonia, Macedonian Vecer daily informs. The news broke after the visit of a Macedonian government delegation to Qatar. The Macedonian delegation was headed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
The company in question is Qatar Petroleum, which plans to open 20 filling stations on the territory of the Balkan country. The terrains of the new filling stations are already chosen.
Qatar is interested in launching studies for possible oil and natural gas fields in Macedonia, but also in acquiring 49% shares in ELEM - Macedonian Power Plants.
Erster Mr. Bricolage Markt eröffnet

Скопје доби хипермаркет „Mr.Bricolage“
TIME.mk - ???????? ?? ?????

Текст: МакфаксБизнис | 28 март 2012
Хипермаркетот „Mr.Bricolage" во среда попладне свечено беше пуштен во употреба, во присуство на претседателот Ѓорге Иванов, скопскиот градоначалник Коце Трајановски, менаџментот на компанијата и бројни гости.

Во изградбата на овој хипермаркет се инвестирани 1,5 милиони евра, а тој е 80-ти што се гради надвор од земјата од која потекнува - Франција.

„Со изградбата на овој хипермаркет, се обидовме да ја донесеме Европа во Македонија", изјави на свеченоста пред отворањето Благој Пискачев, генерален менаџер на компанијата во Македонија.

Скопскиот градоначалник Коце Трајановски рече дека и во новиот ГУП се предвидени многу локации за изградба на трговски центри, кои ќе овозможат влез на странски инвеститори.

Ланецот „Mr.Bricolage" во европски рамки брои 900 маркети, со 650 продажни точки.

Во „Mr.Bricolage" во Скопје, купувачите ќе имаат широк избор од дури 30 илјади артикли распоредени на површина од 3.000 квадратни мерки во категории како електрика и расвета, aлати и железарија, градежништво, декорација, бои и лакови, сè за бањата, керамички плочки, дрво , подови и подни облоги, сè за уредување на градината и др. Сите производи се внимателно одбрани така, да со своите карактеристики ги задоволуваат стандардите за квалитет по добри цени.

Lukoil eröffnet seine 17. Tankstelle in MK, Ortsausgang Kumanovo Richtung Skopje.

Нова бензиска пумпа на „Лукоил“ на излезот од автопатот Куманово - ???????? ?? ?????? 17 ????????? ?????


На излезот од Куманово кон Скопје денеска пробно беше пуштена нова бензинска на „Лукоил Македонија“, 17-та по ред на територијата на земјава.
Спецификата на новиот објект е во тоа што е прва бензинска од ваков тип во Македонија.
Се простира на две нивоа и излегува на автопатот Е-75, правец Куманово – Скопје, а второто, горно ниво излегува на локалниот пат Куманово – Романовце.
Ова е најголемата досега изградена бензинска станица која ќе работи под брендот „Лукоил“, со вкупна површина од 6.000 метри квадратни, во чиј состав влегуваат два големи супермаркети, паркинзи за тешки товарни возила и автобуси, туш кабини и голем ресторан.
Освен тоа, зголемен е бројот на места за точење со што во еден момент можат да се услужат многу поголем број на возила.
На новата бензинска ќе се точат сите видови горива под брендот „екто“, обичен дизел и течен нафтен гас.
Macedonia, China bolster economic cooperation
Skopje, 29 March 2012 (MIA) - Improvement of economic ties and trade cooperation between Macedonia and China through joint projects and assistance at expert and technical level is envisaged by the protocols and memorandums signed Thursday by the Chinese high delegation - led by Vice Premier Hui Liangyu - and by the Macedonian government.

A protocol of phytosanitary requirements for the export of tobacco from Macedonia to China was signed. The promotion of Macedonian tobacco on the market in China will be significantly mitigated under the document.

China has also provided a grant of over three million euros for projects in education and healthcare and will enable trainings for Macedonian civil servants in relation to foreign affairs and agricultural development.

"Bilateral visits paid recently have resulted in boosting the trade exchange between Macedonia and China - there's an increase of more than 30% in 2011. It is expected this trend to continue in the future," Vice PM in charge of economic affairs, Vladimir Pesevski stated after signing the agreements.

At a plenary meeting, Macedonian ministers underscored the interest for cooperation in the sectors of energy and agriculture and presented Macedonia's investment opportunities.

A Macedonian government delegation, led by PM Nikola Gruevski, is scheduled to pay a visit to China in order to present country's business benefits for investing, Vice PM Pesevski announced.

China's delegation visiting Macedonia is the biggest thus far. It includes Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu, Minister of State Ethnic Affairs Commission Yang Jing, Ambassador to Skopje Cui Zhiwei, Deputy General Secretary of the General Office of the State Council Ding Suedong, Deputy Foreign Minister Zhai Jun and Deputy International Trade Representative Chong Quan.

The delegation consists of thirty members among whom is president of China National Agricultural Development Group, director general of Department for International Cooperation within Ministry of Agriculture and director general of the Institute for Economics Development Research.

Talks are scheduled with PM Nikola Gruevski and President Gjorge Ivanov in the course of its three-day stay.