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Witz des Tages bre

Was für ein Geräusch entsteht wenn ein Polizist ins Wasser fällt ?

I-She schrieb:
Jastreb schrieb:
Vozivsi se iforci u svoju bazu pored zivinica slete s dzipom u obliznji kanal. Cupavsi pola sata dzip iz kanalaa, nisu ga uspjeli izvuci. U tom trenu prolaze tri jarana ulicom i vidjevsi kako se iforci muce sa cupanjem dzipa odlucise da im pomognu. Oni op-cup i izvukose dzip. Iforci rekavse zivinicanima, kao hvala na pruzenoj pomoci:
- "Teak beer."
Oni odgovorise:
- "Allahu ekber!"

:lol: :lol:

kann mir das jemand übersetzen???

hab auch einen:

A teacher walks into her class and notices the word PENIS written on one corner of her blackboard. she thiks its one of her students being naughty and erases it. the next day she sees the same word, only now its covering half of the board. she then erases it and just sighs at the unruliness the third day she sees the same word, this time covering the entire board. enfuriated she proceeds to wipe it off once again on the fourth day she is relieved to find that PENlS is no longer written on the board, in its place was the phrase "the more you rub, the bigger it gets"

:lol: :lol: