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Wunderschönes MAKEDONIEN!

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Ab morgen ist wieder Narrenzeit in Vevcani!

Vevcani prepared for traditional carnival
Skopje, 5 January 2011 (MIA) - An improvised fair of alternative tourism is to be organised on Wednesday in Vevcani ahead of the traditional Vevcani Carnival, which will be held on Jan. 13-14. The carnival will host performances of local pop musicians, plus the main guest - one of ex-Yugoslavia stars, Momcilo Bajagic - Bajaga.

Traditional Vevcani Carnival, which celebrates the New Year arrival under the old calendar, will once again present its richness in ideas and colours.

With a history of more than 1400 years the carnival is a fascinating blend of pagan and contemporary traditions. Its main characteristics are the archaic, the mysterious and the art of improvisation. The carnival takes place in the village of Vevcani, which for its duration is magically transformed into a theatre in its own right, free of borders, where every house and every street is a stage for those behind the masks to perform their roles and play their games as true actors.

There are three traditional masks: the bride and bridegroom and August the fool, each accompanied by musicians. The other masks are worn by carnival groups, large and small, who with their costumes, gestures and movements often mock and mimic events and personalities from the municipality's everyday life.

"As a tourist attraction, the Vevcani Carnival is rather significant for Macedonia's economy, as over 60,000 people visit the village for the carnival," MP Liljana Popovska, chairperson of the Carnival Organization Board, has said at a press conference.

In 1993, the Vevcani Carnival, or more precisely, the municipality of Vevcani, joined FECC - the Federation of European Carnival Cities.

The manifestation is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and T-Home.

alle man nach kumanovo :D
besseres gibt es nicht in makedonien. man MUSS in der 2 größten stadt gewesen sein :D
und wenn ihr in kumanovo seit dann schickt mir ne sms und ich führe euch durch die stadt :D
Die Holländer zeigen wieder reges Interesse an Ohrid und Makedonien

Dutch Tourists Flock to Ohrid...
Friday, 14 January 2011

Dutch tourists show enormous interest to visit Macedonia through package-arrangements of Dutch tour-operator "Corendon International", which recently booked part of the accommodating capacities on the Ohrid-Struga riviera for the coming summer season.

According to Hotel Association of Macedonia (HOTAM) president Donco Taleski, the arrangements are part of the initialed agreement with "Corendon", which is obliged to operate two charter flights per week to the Ohrid airport in the coming season, or to cover costs for the stay of at least 5,800 guests or 40.600 overnight stays.

Taneski, who is currently attending the International Tourism Fair in Utrecht, told local media that 1.260 package arrangements have been sold through online sales in less than a month, along with 300 sold during this week's fair.

"Corendon's top-selling destinations are Turkey and Macedonia, followed by Egypt, Bulgaria, Greece etc. This is a nice surprise for my colleague who have signed agreements with Corendon", added Taleski.

The HOTAM president stressed Corendon has already sold 20 percent of the agreed package arrangements in Macedonia, meaning that 1,569 Dutch tourists have already confirmed their arrival in Ohrid and Struga.
Gevgelija - 2011 City of Culture
Skopje, 14 January 2011 (MIA) - Gevgelija is this year's City of Culture, succeeding last year's title carrier Kavadarci.

According to the Ministry of Culture, Gevgelija was selected from the 11 projects that applied at the contest.

"The municipality's project contains concrete, quality and diverse cultural content in the course of the entire year, along with spatial and staffing conditions for their realization", says the Ministry in a press release.

One of the reasons for Gevgelija's selection is the fact that the town does not have a national institution in the field of culture, and therefore this year's events would stimulate local cultural development.

Gevgelija follows Stip, Radovis, Bitola, Prilep, Veles and Kavadarci as an annual city of culture.
Macedonia's tourist offer presented at international fair in Finland
Helsinki, 21 January 2011 (MIA) - Macedonia is presenting its tourist offer at an international fair of tourism, held in the capital of Finland on Jan. 21-23.

Macedonia's presentation before potential Finnish tourists at the biggest tourism fair in Scandinavia is organised by the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism.

Macedonia at the fair has its own stand titled "Macedonia Timeless", whose opening was attended by ambassadors, public figures and representatives of Finland's government, the Agency says in a press release.

A press briefing was also organised in cooperation with the Macedonian economic promoter in Finland and representatives of the Finnish tour operator Aurinkomatkat, who welcomed Macedonia's tourist presentation at the fair, reads the press release.

Moreover, Agency's director Zoran Strezoski informed the head of Aurinkomatkat about the measures taken by the government in a bid to attract tourists to the country.

Macedonia's tourist presentation at the Helsinki fair is realised in cooperation with economic promoter Katerina Orovcanec and chairman of the Macedonian-Finnish Association, Rubin Markoski.
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