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Zagreb und Skopje mit Städtepartnerschaft!

Danke Zoran, was würdest du als Makedone wenn du dort essen würdest bestellen, menüfolge?

Erst, Salat gemischt und Schnapps. Dann Grillplatte mit Hack und festem Fleisch und reichlich Bier. Gegessen wird zuerst das Hack, weil ein Make normalerweise einen halben Tag in der Kneipe verbringt und nach 5 Bier kommt das feste Fleisch auch Kalt ganz gut rüber :D

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Wie sprechen die zusammen? Cro oder MK?:D

srpski :lol:
Hab mich schon gewundert, warum das Restaurant nicht "Aleksandar Makedonski" heißt, aber als ich dann auf der Speisekarte die Grillplatte "Sablja Aleksandar Mak." entdeckt hab, war ich erleichtert :D

Werd ich mir aufjedenfall im Juli mal anschauen.
Todorov working visit to Zagreb


Minister of Health Nikola Todorov will pay one-day working visit to Zagreb and will meet with Croatian Minister of health Rajko Ostojich.

After meeting, Todorov and Ostojich will sign Plan for cooperation between the two ministries in the area of health and medicine for the period from 2013 to 2016.
The Plan envisages cooperation in the areas of public health and medical sciences for which there is mutual interest, such as exchange of information, experiences and health experts for providing advisory services to treat patients.
The cooperation will be conducted in the areas of vocational training of health workers, the donation and transplantation of organs, the development of protocols, guidelines, guidelines and standards, programs for prevention and early detection of cancer, providing specialist training for physicians, fellows from Republic of Macedonia in the Republic of Croatia, exchange information for the new equipment, products and technological advancements that relate to medicine and health, as well as exchange of information and experiences regarding the activities of accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the European Union.
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia agreed the Plan for cooperation based on Article 3 of the Agreement on Cooperation in the field of health and medicine, which in 2005 was signed the governments of both countries.

Excellent relations with Croatia, the cooperation would be strengthened


Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski held a tete-a-tete meeting with the Prime Minister of Croatia, Zoran Milanovikj, at which were held preliminary talks of the delegations of the Republic of Macedonia and Croatia.

At the meeting was concluded that between the Republic of Macedonia and Croatia ruled excellent bilateral relations that are continually developed and characterized by long-standing friendship and cooperation in all areas of mutual interest.
Prime Minister Milanovikj expressed willingness and commitment for continuing cooperation, especially at the economic level.

- We have agreed that there is potential for further strengthening of the economic cooperation, strengthening of trade which would lead to the realization of the common goal in the coming years, and that Croatia could become even bigger partner of Macedonia in trade, said Gruevski after the meeting.
It were discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the field of investments. Some Croatian companies, said Gruevski, have invested in Macedonia, others are thinking about but as he stressed all are welcome.
In relation to the tourism, at the meeting was concluded that there is great potential in both directions, as in many other areas in which the two countries can cooperate and have common interest.
Regarding the integration of Macedonia in NATO and EU, Gruevski said that the experiences of Croatia in EU are welcomed for Macedonia.

- We have opened all important questions, exchanged many experiences, both in the area of economics, in terms of EU accession, and of course the political part. I can say that same so far and in future we would consider Croatia as friend of the Republic of Macedonia. We will continue to work and continue to maintain the excellent political relations through occasional meetings on high level and all kind of co-operation at the political level, said Gruevski.
He added that in the future Government would work more on to encourage Macedonian companies and to create better conditions for their cooperation.
According to Milanovikj, Macedonia must overcome blockade on Macedonia’s integration into NATO and the EU.
- We can share our experience with Macedonia as no other EU member state has. We are the last that entered the EU and the first to enter under such regimes and long negotiations. Those are issues through which Macedonia will also have to pass and we can help you to pass it on easier way than Croatia did, said Milanovikj.
He added that when it comes to policy that for many years stands on the way of Macedonia’s EU and NATO integration and it can only be friend to Macedonia.

- This situation must end. I understand the problems and fears of some countries. History is something that we cannot change, and it may place conditions on many things. However, we live in the present; I know it sounds like phrase, but Macedonia is small country, which is not threat to anyone and managed to develop quite remarkable business climate in the world, said Prime Minister Milanovikj.
