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Zitate über Albaner

"From this Celto - lllyrian stock the modern Albanian descends. He is thus the oldest inhabitant of the Balkan peninsula, and the tact that he has survived the successive invasion and rule of the Romans, Bulgars"
Sir John Alexander Hammerton

"Albania was here before Greece knew an existence.The racial stock of Albania ties back further into the past than do the Greeks.Of all the people of southeast Europe the Albanians are the oldest.They have better claim to having been the fundamental stock in this part of the world than any other"
The Houston Publishing Company
"The Arnauts cleared out and fled. We weren't able to overtake them. We had lost forty dead and eighty wounded, including four officers.The Arnauts carried off most off their dead and wounded with them.They regard it as a sacred duty to do this"
Leon Trotsky
Hab viele über Bosnier gefunden, hier in dem wurden auch Albaner erwähnt

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