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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

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Bekannte Makedonier: Pandev mit der 19 bei Galatasaray Istanbul

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[h=1]Macedonian Chambers of Commerce Strike a Deal on Boosting Cooperation with Turkish Businessmen[/h]
September 1, 2014, Monday @ 15:19 in Business | Views: 64
Turkish businessmen and the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce signed several cooperation memorandums. Photo: erzurumstso.org

Construction, textile and confectionery industry in Macedonia offer the biggest possibilities for investments for Turkish businessmen, as areas where greater cooperation can be established, was concluded at the meetings held by representatives of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce (SSK) and Turkish business groups and associations that took place during the 83rd International Fair in Izmir, Turkey.
SSK President Danela Arsovska signed a memorandum on cooperation with the Rizanur Meral, president of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists, TUSKON, and the President of the Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (TUMSAID), Mehmet Ceylan."At the business meeting of the SSK and the TUSKON delegation, the most powerful business group in Turkey with representatives across the world, it was said that the biggest interest for investments and strengthening the Macedonian-Turkish cooperation lies in the construction industry. For that purpose, in October this year, businessmen of Turkey are expected to visit out country, and in November, Macedonian companies will have the opportunity to represent themselves at a business forum in Izmir, Turkey," the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce said today in a press release.At the meeting held with TUMSAID business representatives, the textile and the confectionary industry were discussed as main sectors where businessmen from Macedonia and companies from Turkey see the biggest potential for cooperation. During the SSK delegation’s stay in Izmir, a cooperation memorandum between the Turkish Young Businessmen Association, TUGIAD, is also expected to be signed.

- See more at: http://www.independent.mk/articles/8806/Macedonian+Chambers+of+Commerce+Strike+a+Deal+on+Boosting+Cooperation+with+Turkish+Businessmen#sthash.TZ8wtdph.TC5XxxcX.dpuf


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Macedonian delegation visiting Turkey Judicial Academy


The delegation from the Republic of Macedonia consisted of representatives of the students of the Program for initial training of the fifth generation in the Academy for Judges and Prosecutors “Pavle Shatev”, the president of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Macedonia, the President of the Council of Public Prosecutors of the Republic and representatives of the Academy led by the Director of the Academy Aneta Arnaudovska will paid official visit to the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Turkey, reports MIA.

The visit is result of the Memorandum for Cooperation signed between the two academies in 2011, which provided exchange of experiences, educators, and mentors, as well as improvement of teaching techniques. The goal is the students of the training to become familiar with the judicial system of the Republic of Turkey, but most of all to learn about the organization and work of the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Turkey.
According to the agenda prepared by the Judicial Academy Turkey, representatives of Macedonia will visit relevant judicial institutions- Constitutional Court, the Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Turkey’s Supreme Court, Administrative Court, the Court of Sindzhan, the Court of Ankara, Grand National Assembly Turkey, whereby at the meetings with judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Turkey will exchange experiences on comparative judicial systems of both countries.
For the representatives of the Academy of particular interest will be teaching techniques used by the Academy of the Republic of Turkey in the implementation of initial training program and way of the entry of future judges and prosecutors in the judicial profession, as well as their achievements in the field of computer technology, because Republic of Turkey has significant advancement in the e-judiciary.

[h=1]Türk turistlerin Makedonya sevdası[/h][h=2]Makedonya Devlet İstatistik Kurumu, Temmuz ayı turizm rakamlarını açıkladı. Buna göre, bu yılın Temmuz ayında 107 bin 231 turist Makedonya'yı ziyaret ederken, toplam geceleme sayısı 478 bin 911'i buldu.[/h]16 Eylül 2014 Salı 10:07
Bu haber 52 kez okundu


Makedonya Devlet İstatistik Kurumu, Temmuz ayı turizm rakamlarını açıkladı. Buna göre, bu yılın Temmuz ayında 107 bin 231 turist Makedonya'yı ziyaret ederken, toplam geceleme sayısı 478 bin 911'i buldu.
Temmuz ayındaki turist sayısı bir önceki yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 3,9 azalırken, gecelemelerde yüzde 7'lik düşüş görüldü.
Yerli turist sayısı bir önceki yılın aynı dönemine göre yüzde 14,1 azalırken gecelemelerde bu oran yüzde 10,8 düştü.Yyabancı turist sayısında ise yüzde 9,9'luk artış yaşanırken, gecelemelerde yüzde 4,8'lik artış sağlandı.
Ocak-Temmuz ayları arasında Makedonya'daki turist sayısı yüzde 3,1 artarken, yerli turistlerde yüzde 2,5'lik düşüş, yabancı turistlerde ise yüzde 7,2'lik artış olduğu kayda geçti.
Ocak-Temmuz aylarını kapsayan dönemde gecelemelerde yüzde 0,7'lik düşüş yaşanırken, yerli turistlerde yüzde 6 düşüş, yabancı turistlerin gecelemelerinde ise yüzde 6,3'lük artış meydana geldi.
2014'ün ilk yedi ayında Makedonya'yı ziyaret eden turist sayısı 393 bin 205 oldu. Bunlardan 156 bin 435'i yerli turist iken, 236 bin 770'i ise yabancı turist olarak kayda geçti.
Temmuz ayındaki 107 bin 231 turistten 67 bin 91'i turistik bölgelere giderken, Üsküp'ü 17 bin turist ziyaret etti. Dağ ve kaplıca gibi mekanlar da turistlerin diğer uğrak mekanları oldu.
107 bin 231 turistten 53 bin 73'ü otellerde kalmayı tercih ederken, 31 bin 715'i ev, daire veya oda kiralamayı seçti.
En çok yabancı turist Türkiye'den
Devlet İstatistik Kurumu'nun verilerine göre Temmuz ayında Makedonya'yı en çok ziyaret eden turistler Türkler oldu. 6 bin 913 Türkiye vatandaşı Temmuz'da Makedonya'ya gelirken, Sırp turistler 5 bin 742'yle ikinci, Hollandalılar 4 bin 67'yle üçüncü, Polonyalılar 3 bin 744'yle dördüncü ve 2 bin 761 turistle beşinci sırada yer aldı.
Türk turistlerin Makedonya sevdas?
[h=1]Macedonian Prime Minister to Meet Turkish President Erdogan in Ankara[/h]
September 17, 2014, Wednesday @ 09:19 in Politics » DIPLOMACY | Views: 8
Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at Kocaeli business forum Photo: MIA

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will meet the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu, Wednesday.
Prime Minister Gruevski attended business forums in Kocaeli Province, Eskisehir and Izmir. In his address he focused on the reforms and achievements that are crucial in establishing business cooperation. Macedonia has stable macroeconomic conditions and stable and low inflation rate, which is of particular importance for the foreign investors.

The Government delegation, led by Prime Minister Gruevski and ministers without portfolio Bil Pavleski, Furkan Cako and Klimet Sekerovski will also attend business forums in Ankara, Adana and Mersin.
Turkey is among the most important business partners of Macedonia. In the last few years Turkey has invested some EUR 44 million.

- See more at: Macedonian Prime Minister to Meet Turkish President Erdogan in Ankara - Independent.mk
Announced new Turkish investment worth 3 million euro


Director of the company “Match Group”, which is company in the field of agriculture and food industry, Ataj Match announced the decision of the company to realize the investment in the country.

He announced his decision after the Macedonian government delegation led by Prime Minister held business forum in Ankara.
-We have been exploring the conditions for investment in Macedonia for two years and reached conclusion that it is the best place to invest in the region. We have factories and facilities in Turkey and we are considering expansion of our business in Europe and exploring in more countries and came to the conclusion that Macedonia is the most appropriate. We see huge potential in Macedonia. We bought land and now we plan to start building the plant in Skopje. In relation to the further plans, first they want to build redeemed Center and after they finish it, they plan to invest in agriculture and in good land that will bring them proceeds, said Ataj Match.
He noted that the investment they plan will be in Municipality Ilinden and is worth 3 million euro.
Member of the Executive Board of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TABB) Dzhengis Gunay expressed satisfaction that these high-level visits are frequent and they undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening the relations in the field of economics.
- The signing of free trade agreement between Turkey and Macedonia creates great economic potentials and opportunities for trade with lower costs. Turkey’s economy is developing and many Turkish companies are investing in the Balkans. On the other hand, Macedonia did a lot in the field of attracting investments. Turkey developed banking sector, metal, food and textile industries. Macedonia has already benefited from these investments, although there are several other potentials that can be used,” said Gunay Dzhengis.

ein geschenk an die makedonische armee von der turkei,die turkei hat der makedonischen armee hochqualitative uniformen und militaerstiefel (nato standart) im wert von 2 mio dollar an makedonien ubergeben..

als nachstes sind die waffen dran:lol:

[h=1]Gift from Turkey: Macedonian Soldiers Get New Masked Uniforms and Boots[/h] October 28, 2014, Tuesday @ 17:35 in Politics » DIPLOMACY | Views: 118

A USD 2-million donation from Turkey was presented today at the Ministry of Defense, which was given for the needs of the Macedonian Army (ARM).
The donation, which is of high quality and compatible with the NATO standards, consists of new military uniform and 5,000 pairs of both winter and summer boots.
Defense Minister Zoran Jolevski said that the equipment will be distributed in the ARM units and will significantly contribute to supply services equipping and the modernization of the army.

Gift from Turkey: Macedonian Soldiers Get New Masked Uniforms and Boots - Independent.mk
ein geschenk an die makedonische armee von der turkei,die turkei hat der makedonischen armee hochqualitative uniformen und militaerstiefel (nato standart) im wert von 2 mio dollar an makedonien ubergeben..

als nachstes sind die waffen dran:lol:

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