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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

  • Ersteller Ersteller Kejo
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Jetzt können sie endlich die Politessen-Klamotten ausziehen^^

Styroporhelm und Plastik-"Sarissa" bitte auch ausziehen.


Nein die haben wir selber bezahlt...was soll man sonst anziehen...es ist unten momentan verdammt kalt.
Traditional Macedonian Song "Jovano Jovanke"
on 17/10/2014 at the Festival of German-Turkish Literature and Encounter, Regensburg.
Merve Akyildiz - Vocals, Melodica
Tayfun Guttstadt - Ney, Guitar, Vocals (For the Neyplayers: It is a Kız Ney, allthough the piece is in D/Re Hicaz/Hijaz)

[h=1]Great Ataturk Rises in Centar Zupa[/h]
November 11, 2014, Tuesday @ 11:59 in Society » CULTURE | Views: 52
Ataturk monument Photo: dnevnik.mk

A monument to the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, whose roots are from this area, adorns the center of the municipality of Centar Zupa as of today, reads daily Dnevnik.
The unveiling of the monument was attended by representatives of the Turkish municipality Muratli, Terkidak area which is the donor of the monument, officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Skopje, as well as other guests. Along with the pedestal it is three meters and twenty centimeters high.
The Mayor of the Municipality of Centar Zupa, Arjan Ibrahim, among other things reminded that Ataturk's father, Ali Riza Efenti originates from the village of Kođađik, Upper Zupa area. After the ceremony the two municipalities signed a memorandum of twinning and a numerous delegation from Turkey visited the memorial house of Ataturk, which in mid-May opened its doors to visitors. Memorial House is built on the foundations of the former house of Ali Riza, funded by the Turkish agency "TIKA".

- See more at: Great Ataturk Rises in Centar Zupa - Independent.mk