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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

  • Ersteller Ersteller Kejo
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Was ist das :emir:
Ich war noch nicht in Makedonien,aber es würde mich brennend interessieren das Land des großen Alexander zu bereisen.
Dank Zoran und dem Film Alexander scheint es heute bewiesen das Alexander kein Hellene war :emir:

Stimmt, seit ich Zoran kenne bin ich auch voll davon überzeugt, dass Alexander der Große kein Hellene war.

[h=3]Macedonia to enter African Market with Turkish Assistance[/h]Labels: Ausland, Export

Construction, pharmacy, agriculture, machines are the sectors where Macedonia could make a breakthrough at the African market. However, it must first define a strategy, set up priorities, and establish business ties, heard Monday a trade convention at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.

Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt will be in the focus, whereas Turkey will provide assistance through its experience and know-how in this regard.

"Although exchange is insignificant, reaching US$74 million in 2014, we should not be discouraged. The strategy of the Turkish partner dates from 2003, when exchange amounted to US$2.3 billion, rising to about US$30 billion in 2013", said Chamber executive director Jelisaveta Georgievska.

According to her, Macedonia must develop increasing political and economic relations with North African states, subsidize participation at fairs and create a regulatory framework, including elimination of double taxation and investment protection.
Turkey's strategy is gradual enlargement of the number of embassies throughout Africa. The country had ten back in 2003, rising to the current 40.
"We only have one consular office in Cairo", added Georgievska.

Tamer Taskin, chairman of the Turkish-African business councils in Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations Board, said the African market is open for all types of products.
"The important thing is interest for cooperation", he said.
Macedonia's economy was present at the African market as part of former Yugoslavia. Construction and pharmacy dominated trade exchange at the time.
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