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Zwei Freunde auf dem Balkan: Makedonien und die Türkei

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[h=1]Macedonia praises Turkish support[/h]
08 May 2015 20:29 (Last updated 08 May 2015 20:35)
[h=2]President welcomes Turkey's backing for NATO membership[/h]

SKOPJE, Macedonia
Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov on Friday thanked Turkey for its support for his country’s bid to join NATO.
"We thank Turkey for its efforts to be the voice of Macedonia in its NATO bid, which provides our military staff with in-service training," Ivanov told Anadolu Agency.
He praised Turkey’s "great" support in providing military equipment.
Ivano also praised the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) for its "key role" in fostering relations between the two countries.
Macedonia's accession to NATO is currently pending. It joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace in 1995 and the Membership Action Plan in 1999.
For many years, Macedonia has provided support to NATO-led operations and missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo.
NATO's invitation to the country was blocked by Greece at the 2008 Bucharest summit.

Macedonia praises Turkish support Anadolu Agency
Macedonia ready to join Turkish stream project


[h=2]Macedonia has agreed to take part in the Turkish gas stream project once Russia and Brussels reach an agreement on the strategic project[/h] World Bulletin / News Desk
Macedonia has said that they will join the Turkish stream once Russian agreement between Russia and the European Commission goes ahead.
According to the Bulgarian news agency Novinite, Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski will make a decision on the matter on the basis of the Euro-Atlantic trend, he said.
Nikola Gruevski stressed that Macedonia does not need more to develop its gas infrastructure. He said that the country is using only half the available capacity in this area.
To ensure energy security in the long term, the Macedonian Prime Minister said that the country needs new sources for natural gas. Nikola Gruevski also said that the country also planned to build several power plants powered by natural gas.

Macedonia ready to join Turkish stream project | Balkans | Worldbulletin News
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