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Битола - Македонија | Bitola - Makedonien

Bitola Industrial zone ready for new Investors

[TD="colspan: 2"]Monday, 18 March 2013

[TD="colspan: 2"]

The infrastructure in the industrial zone Zabeni near Bitola has been wrapped up. Two infrastructure projects - waste water pumping station and transformer station - an investment worth €1.8 million have been put into operation Sunday.

Two investments are the result of the cooperation between the government and local self-government. The main issues of infrastructure in the industrial zone Zabeni are wrapped up with these investments, Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski said after putting the two projects into operation.

Transformer station is worth Denar 80 million investment provided by the government, while waste water pumping station is financed by the local self-government in Bitola amounting to €500.000.
These capital investments confirm that we are best prepared and we create conditions for new jobs. This project will change the life in the community and entire region, Bitola mayor Vladimir Taleski said.
Meinst du vielleicht die Serie "Balkanlar 1912" ??

Sorry, ich sehe deinen Beitrag erst jetzt, shame on me.
Genau die Serie war es, hatte glaube ich auch nur ein paar Folgen aber sah eigentlich ganz gescheit aus, mal was anderes und "wahres" und nicht dieses ewige reicher-junge-armes-mädchen-lovestory bla. Auf jeden Fall ging es in dieser Serie eben um Bitola^^
Sorry, ich sehe deinen Beitrag erst jetzt, shame on me.
Genau die Serie war es, hatte glaube ich auch nur ein paar Folgen aber sah eigentlich ganz gescheit aus, mal was anderes und "wahres" und nicht dieses ewige reicher-junge-armes-mädchen-lovestory bla. Auf jeden Fall ging es in dieser Serie eben um Bitola^^

Ich mochte die Serie sehr vorallem weil man unseren Dialekt das Rumeli-Türkisch sprach :D
Genau es ging um Manastir(Bitola) und allgemein um den Balkankrieg 1912.
Ich mochte die Serie sehr vorallem weil man unseren Dialekt das Rumeli-Türkisch sprach :D
Genau es ging um Manastir(Bitola) und allgemein um den Balkankrieg 1912.

Entschuldigt bitte den Spam :-), kurze Frage Salioso. Spricht deine Familie in dem Fall Türkisch? Wenn ja, gibt es im Internet irgendwo eine Seite wo man sehen kann wie dieses Rumeli-Türkische klingt, respektive was die Unterschiede zum Standard-Türkischen sind? Mich interessieren solche linguistischen Fragen eben oft sehr.. ^^

Schönen Sonntag ;-)

Entschuldigt bitte den Spam :-), kurze Frage Salioso. Spricht deine Familie in dem Fall Türkisch? Wenn ja, gibt es im Internet irgendwo eine Seite wo man sehen kann wie dieses Rumeli-Türkische klingt, respektive was die Unterschiede zum Standard-Türkischen sind? Mich interessieren solche linguistischen Fragen eben oft sehr.. ^^

Schönen Sonntag ;-)


Also ich unterhalte mich nur mit meiner Mutter auf Türkisch.

Also das Westliche Rümeli Dialekt enthält viele eigene Wörter, Griechische Wörter usw.

Es gibt einige Songs aus Mazedonien auf Rumeli Türkisch z.B Gibste mal ein Arif Sentürk - Cifte Cifte Paytonlari

oder gibste Rumeli Türkisch/ Rümeli Türkce in Youtube ein.

Was willst du genau wissen?
In Bitola, the first institution in Macedonia for education of firefighters


The Association for Education for Fire Safety “Pegaz Edu – Bitola” as founder of the first Macedonian institution for education of firefighters today announced the public notice for registration of interested candidates for future firefighters in chemical technology profession and formally began work on the newly formed institution approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

By the decision for operation by the Ministry of Education and Science are created condition for start of enrollment of candidates from across the state that with the support from the experts will become qualified to master the fire skills.
The history and tradition are on our side. If in 1836 in Bitola was formed the first fire unit in this part of the Balkans, it was logically, the first official institution for the education of firefighters to be opened in our city with the positive opinion of the Ministry of Education and Science, said Kostadin Popovski, the Director the first institution of this kind in the country.
The institution program, he said is supported by the standards listed in the National Classification of Occupations and the need for independent performance of duties and tasks – firefighters directly participating in the implementation of measures for fire protection, prevention of fire and explosions, locating and extinguishing fires, rescuing people and property endangered by fire and natural disasters.
Today is published the public notice for registration of interested candidates for future firefighters whose education will last for six months and would be composed of expert theoretical and practical training. After the educational program and passing the final exam, each candidate will obtain a certificate for professional training for firefighters, informed by “Pegaz Edu – Bitola”.
- Each candidate must have at least completed secondary education and thus we will not enroll more than 16 to 20 people due to effective implementation of practical training, which will be done in modern gyms, polygons and maximum equipped cabinets. After completion of the training, each candidate will be able to apply personal and collective protection measures for safety at work, give first aid and self-help in case of accidents, handle fire appliances and technical equipment, estimate the damage from fires, receive and give information, i.e. each participant will be fully prepared to work in the fire brigade, said Popovski.
The first institution for the education of professional firefighters “Pegaz Edu – Bitola” which is supported by the local government is located in a separate facility located in the former barracks “Stiv Naumov”. During its work will use professional experience and support from Great Britain and France who in the past period provided continuous help and support for this association expressed in donations and training. The confirmations for this is are the international acknowledgements, which are archived in the Republic of Macedonia
