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Скопје | Skopje | Shkup

When you are named as the ‘Recycle Group’ people really have very little to do when it comes to guessing what you actually get done. That said, even the most imaginative could not guess the exact nature of work that these people can dole out if they were not already preview to it. Recycle Group takes old plastic nets, thermal molds and most importantly ‘trash cans’ and depicts parodies of famous art works of the past.

Recycle Group: Recycled Renaissance

The idea is pretty simple, but the execution and the final output are pretty cool. It takes lot of skill to transform a dumpster into an all-white sarcophagus on wheels. Sure, the Greeks might not really approve of this all that much and when you paint the ‘Last Supper’ on another trash can and reinvent the characters as boardroom officials with flaring tempers, some might even consider it blasphemous. But the idea is to portray humorous artwork that is still aesthetic and promote the concept of recycling.

Parodies of art work are no new concept. But to integrate that with recycling of old dumpsters and trash cans along with discarded plastic draws attention to the problem of waste disposal and obviously also provides a new home to these discarded material. Wondering who the masterminds are that crafted these out-of-the-box designs? That would be Andrey Blokhin and Georgiy Kuznetsov and we are sure looking forward to more work from this dynamic duo and Recycle Group.


Gekünstelte Künstler...... :haha: