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The deportation from Sanjak of Niš (1877/1878)

In the Serbian Project Načertanije of the year 1844, the internal affairs minister of Serbia, Ilija Garašanin, expresses his territorial claims on the Albanian populated lands. According to Garašanin’s goals the Greater Serbia would include all the northern Albania down to Shkumbin river. NaÄ�ertanije (Serbian: Project) is a document drawn up by the Serbian politician Ilija GaraÅ¡anin in 1844, aimed at uniting the Serbian people, that at the time was separated among foreign Austria-Hungary and Ottoman empires. ... Motto: none Anthem: Bože pravde (English: God of Justice) Capital (and largest city) Belgrade Serbian written with the Cyrillic alphabet1 Government Republic - Prime Minister Vojislav KoÅ¡tunica - President Boris Tadić Establishment - Formation 814 - First Serbian Uprising 1804 - Internationally recognized July 13, 1878 - Kingdom of SCS created December 1, 1918... Ilija GaraÅ¡anin (born 1812, died 1874) was a politician in Serbia having considerable influence in national affairs. ... Greater Serbia is a name for a Serbian nationalist concept. ... The Shkumbin (Albanian indefinite form, the definite form is Shkumbini) is a river in central Albania, flowing into the Adriatic Sea. ...

During the Russian-Ottoman war of the 19th century, Serbia and Montenegro, two Serbian monarchies in Balkans, sided with the Tzar of Russia. This gave them the hope to apply the expansionist projects described by their scholars. Anthem: Oj, svijetla majska zoro Capital (and largest city) Podgorica Serbian of the Ijekavian dialect1 Government Republic - President Filip Vujanović - Prime Minister Željko Šturanović Independence From Serbia and Montenegro - Declared June 3, 2006 - Recognised June 8, 2006 Area - Total 13. ...

The battlefield between the Ottoman Empire and the growing principality of Serbia was the Albanian populated Sanjak of Niš, which belonged to Vilayet of Kosovo on that time. The continuous defeats of the Ottomans and their retreat, Serbia rushed on an ethnic cleansing of the region. The genocide on the civil population was exercised in front of the eyes of European powers, which not only did not protest but supported the actions of the Serbian government. Motto: دولت ابد مدت Devlet-i Ebed-müddet (The Eternal State) Anthem: Ottoman imperial anthem At the height of its power (1680) Capital Söğüt (1299-1326) Bursa (1326-1365) Edirne (1365-1453) Constantinople (Istanbul) (1453-1922) Language(s) Ottoman Turkish Government Monarchy Sultans - 1281–1326 Osman I - 1918–1922 Mehmed VI... Vilayet of Kosovo, 1875-1878 Vilayet of Kosovo, 1881-1912 The Vilayet of Kossovo was how the present region of Kosovo was known to English speakers before becoming a part of the independent Serbia just a few years before the beginning of World War I. The word Vilayet in Turkish...

As a result of violence, terror, and massacres of the Serbian army on the autochthonous Albanian population, hundred thousands of Albanians were forced to leave their homes and settle as refugees in the inner parts of Kosovo Vilayet. Prosecuted by the Serbian barrels, 160,000 Albanians emigrated. In the meantime, 640 towns and villages of the districts of Niš, Prokuplje, Leskovac, Vranje, Kursumlija etc. were ethnically cleansed. NiÅ¡ or Nish (Serbian: Ð�иш / NiÅ¡, Latin: Naissus, Greek: Naissos) is a city in Serbia situated at 43. ... Prokuplje (Прокупље) is a city located in Serbia and Montenegro at 43. ... Leskovac (Serbian Cyrillic: ЛеÑ�ковац) is a city located in southern Serbia at 43. ... Vranje (Врање) is a city located in Serbia and Montenegro at 42. ... Night panorama from old town Kurshumlija (Куршумлија, Kurshumlia) is a town and municipality located in the south of Serbia, nearby the rivers Toplica, Kosanica and Banjska, on the southeast of mountain Kopaonik, and northwest of Radan Mountain. ...
In the freezing weather of the grand winter 1877-1878 I saw undressed and bare people running away. They had left their warm rooms to remember them with nostalgia… Along the road Grdelica-Vranje and down to Kumanovo, on the both edges of the street you could notice the corpses of the children, old people and others who had died of cold. - Josif H. Kostic, teacher, eyewitnesses Almost the entire population of the western part of Sanjak of Niš handed over to Serbia, was Albanian of Islamic religion… Therefore, when this sanjak was occupied by the Serbian army, the population could not face the invader. They all run away to the inner parts of Vilayet of Kosovo leaving the whole place abandoned. - John Ross, Commissioner for Serbia’s borders
NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Albanian exodus

Vilayet of Kosovo, 1881-1912
Kann das sein das die Albaner von selbst gingen;)

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Der Triumph der serbischen Armee und die resultierende Befreiung von Südserbien verursachte einen entgegengesetzten Wanderungsprozess. In dem Raum von Prokuplje und Leskovac bis Vranje, hatten sich etnische Albaner im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts angesiedelt, und wie ihre Landsleute im Kosovo und der Metohija hatten auch sie völlige Vorherrschaft im politischen Leben inne, sie bekleideten Schlüsselpositionen im Regierungsapparat. Als serbische Einheiten dann den Nis-Sandzak befreiten, zogen mit den sich zurückziehenden, geschlagenen Baschibozouks auch diese albanischen Bewohner mit. Dies geschah in Einklang mit den althergebrachten türkischen Traditionen, wonach die Moslems im Falle einer Niederlage aufgerufen werden, mit der Armee das Land zu verlassen[/FONT]

Wer euch von 1993-1999 genau beobachtet hat wird wissen, dass du im Unrecht bist und die albaner im Recht.
Es gab östlich von Skadar serbische Dörfer und in der Gegend östlich von Elbasan.

There are about 20,000 Serbs and Montenegrins (Vracani and Podgoricani); about 1,500 of them Orthodox Christians, the others Muslims. The majority of Serbs and Montenegrins live around Shkoder where their "Roza a-Moraca" Association has 12,000 members.

Note verbale from the Permanent Mission

Die meisten sind Moslems aus Montenegro die nach dem zerfall des Osmanischen Reiches oder nach dem 2WK nach Shkodra zogen.

Ich meine sogar das mit Podgoricani nur die Moslems gemeint sind, da Podgorica ja komplett zum Osmanischem Reich gehörte und die Moslems nach dem Sieg der Montenegriner wahrscheinlich zum grössten Teil aus Podgorica nach Shkodra zogen und zum kleineren aus Bar und Sandzak, deshalb vielleicht die Bezeichnung Podgoricani.

Sozusagen gibt/gab es nicht gerade viel Serben 1500, die anderen sind nur aus Serbien und Montenegro sowas wie Srbijanci (das ja bedeutet das man aus Serbien ist aber kein Serbe sein muss)

Ausserdem gibt es noch 25 000 Goranen in Albanien.

Hast du sowas wie ne Quellle zu Elbasan ?
Übrigens, flohen viele Albaner damals auch in die Türkei, deshalb die Zahl der vielen Albaner dort..

Mein Ur-Opa hingegen musste sein Ganzes Hab und Gut zurücklassen und floh mit nur einem Esel in das Kosovo..