Ganz ehrlich warum konntet ihr euch nicht andere brüder aussuchen? Irgendwelche afrikanischen stämme die in hütten leben hätten mehr respekt vor unserer geschichte und unserem volk.
Is the largest Islamic event in whole Europe and every year Muslims from Bosnia go to this place to make prayers. Legend says that Ajvaz dedo (Grandfather), prayed for water to appear, and for 40 days he prayed sabah namaz (Fajr) after which it appeared (rocks seperated and water came out). Many claim that this comes from old prayers for rain and fertility (which were part of Bosnian Church). Interesting thing as well is that date for Ajvatovica isn’t looked by Islamic calendar, instead it uses Georgian calendar.
Bosnian Muslims also have the holiday “Jurijevo”, which is common among other Slavs as well (Serbs, Bulgarians, Croatians, Ukrainians and even non-Slavs Lithuanians have it). For most of times I read Jurijevo has pre-Christian roots though. When it comes to Ajvaz dedo, some claim that it is interesting that he has the name “dedo” (grandfather) and that it reminds of the name of head of Bosnian Church (did). Other legend says he was a dervish from Anatolia who came to Bosnia in mission to convert.
Ajvatovica isn’t the only case in Bosnia. There are other places, called in Bosnian “dovišta” (dua place), where people go and believe their prayers will be accepted better if they pray in nature, if they touch certain rock or such. Some claim that this is related to Bosnian Church in a way that Bosnian Church rejected building any religious objects but had prayers in nature. Lastavica, Girl’s cave are just some of these.
In many villages in Bosnia there is something called “dova”. Dova means dua, prayer in Bosnian. And this event is something very similar to teferič (dance, music, eating, sales), just before it, there is prayer and namaz prayed. After it, people go on this event with music, dance, food and people who come there to sell stuff (something like bazaar). It is used as way to bring people from village together and to see each other more than it is concetrated on religion.
There are bunch of others Slavic and even Gothic and Celtic beliefs in Bosnia which Muslims have adopted. Mythological beings, belief in dragons, fairies, witches and so on.