An agreement about the construction of the Observation Integration System of the Naval Space [OISNS] was signed with the American company “Lockheed Martin” in the Ministry of Defense in Tirana
Minister of Defense Mr. Fatmir Mediu, the American Ambassador in Tirana Ms.Marcie Ries, and high officials of Ministry of Defense and General Staff of Armed Forces took part in the signature ceremony of this agreement.
One American delegation led by vice-presidents of the “Lockheed Martin” company, Ms.Denise Saiki and Mr. Dan Allen took part, too.
For the Albanian part the agreement was signed by the Minister of Defense Mr. Fatmir Mediu, while for the American part it was signed by the vice-presidents of “Lockheed Martin” Ms. Denise Saiki and Mr. Dan Allen.
In his speech the minister Mediu expressed his pleasure for the signature of this agreement. He emphasized that “this investment of 17 million dollars is not only an investment in the defense area but also in other areas”.
After expressing his gratitude to the representatives of Ministry of Defense and “Lockheed Martin” company who worked for the above-mentioned agreement, the minister Mediu emphasized that the construction of OISNS helps Armed Forces in the process of modernization and the accomplishment of the required standards from NATO”.
“Now the modernization of Armed Forces of Albania is a reality and the priority of our government, a process which is impossible without the help and support of the allies and partners, where that of USA has always been a priority.
OISNS as part of Integration System of National Observation is an important work in security and defense area.
This system will accomplish the discovery of military naval objects, the discovery of naval objects for fishing and commercial purposes, the discovery of naval objects of different sizes such as rafts, planning of seek and rescue operations and the possibility of their management”.
Expressing his gratitude to the American ambassador in Tirana Ms.Marcie Ries “for the great contribution and the valuable help”, the Minister of Defense Fatmir Mediu emphasized once more the determination of our country for being a NATO partner. This is the only way toward the modernization of Albanian Armed Forces.
The American ambassador Ms Marcie Ries drew attention to the fact that the American company “Lockheed Martin” has been present in Albania since some years. It has worked for the “Control System of Air Traffic”. As a result the Albanian air space now is more secure.
Vice-presidents of “Lockheed Martin” Saiki and Alen considered the accomplishment of both projects in our country as a good opportunity to strengthen the cooperation in the future.
In the press conference held for the journalist, the minister Mediu answering their questions, emphasized that politics is not worthy without debate. ”As Minister of Defense and representative of the government, I want to emphasize that according to my judgment it is important to have the same understanding about the interests of Albania. The best way to find solution is the mutual discussion without prejudice”.
The project is financed by the government and it will be accomplished in some phases. Each side has its own reciprocal obligations. The benefit is not only in the financial aspect, but also in other aspects such as; the increase of work effectiveness in the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Environment.
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Habe noch Bilder von der Unterzeichnung des 17Mio.$ Vertrags mit Lockheed Martin.